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The Symbol of Vylaerism

Listen friend, for I have good news for you!

I have sought, but I have not found. I have been lost, and did not find my way. I inquired, and no answer was forthcoming. And I despaired, for the world screamed at me with chaos, and madness, and blood, and death, and I could make no sense of it.

But in the between place between light and darkness, as the sun removed its light from this world, I saw a red light in the sky, and felt the very eye of the nameless gazing at me. I did not find, I was found. I did not find my way; my feet were set upon the path. I learned not the answer, but the way of questions, and I no longer despair.

The red star guided my feet, and upon a nameless place did the questions that were the answer behold my gaze. For there was a second star, black as night, and they came together, and their united glory was beautiful and terrible, wonderious and painful, and I knew that I beheld but the pale foggy distant ghost of their glory, so that I might see and understand some small part of it.

And they led my feet, and my mind, and my very soul, and I dreamed, and in my dreams I did find beneath my feet words written more precious than blood, and I read, and I began to understand, and I knew joy.

And verily did THEY command me, but too I felt in my inner self a need, so that I was volunteer as well as servant. And so I venture so that others might be found as I have been found, so that the questions to be asked may be known. Pray, inquirer, listen, and you may here find what you seek as I did, and join me in the asking.

As I woke, and found these words to be real at my feet, I heard them say thus:

Hark! Any who seek to truth would be wise to read all that is herein revealed, but know this: Seek to ask before you answer. As you inquire, know that first, there is The Two, and the Two set the Three and Six Paths, and these lead to the Three Pillars. From the Three Pillars may be divined the Six Orders, and from these thou may learn of the twelve. As it was, so should it be, as it occurred, so should you read.

The Tome of Questions

The Book of Two

How did the world come to be? What is the meaning of my life? Why are mortal men and women as they are?

This is what is written:

Behold! I am One of the Two, and I am thy Father. I shall guide you from a distance, and I shall judge you with sternness and love, at the end of thy time, for thy proper fate in eternity. Know that you shall be judged, so that you may be filled with strength, courage, and honor.

Behold! I am One of the Two, and I am thy Mother. I shall guide you from close by, and I shall judge you with compassion and resolution, at the end of thy time, for thy proper fate in eternity. Know that you shall be judged, so that you may be filled with love, wisdom, and compassion.

You were born, of thy Father and thy Mother in heaven, and together We are that which conceived of thee and gave birth to thee, and all others, and thy world, and all creation, the sea and sky, sun and earth, as the product of a love greater than love, of an infinity of eternity, of all that was and is and will be.

In the past, you were too young to understand, and we let you grow, but now, still a child, we may speak with you, so that you may follow our design, and better know thy world, and thy self, and thy purpose. We have spoken to thy people before, but they have not listened, or have not heard, or that which they heard is what they wished to hear and not what We, thy Creators, have said. It is our hope that our children may now hear and understand more fully, so that they may be happier, which is what we would wish.

Listen, that which is, and was, and will be, is more infinite than you may know, and things so simple as the meaning of thy life, or this world, or the nature of love, are by nature unknowable to thee. But do not despair! For thy life and thy happiness lies not in the final answer to these questions, but in thy questions themselves.

Live thy days as a seeker along thy path, and if you seek in the right way, the very walking of the path will give thee a purpose, and a happiness, and will lead thee to thy eternal reward. For the path and the waking itself is thy answer.

So that thou may understand the words we speak to thee properly, thou should know that these words are not the words in the nature of a banker, telling thee of the state of thy accounts, but the words of a wise man, or a poet, speaking of the questions which trouble thee, and all men and women.

Thus, it is in this manner that we speak to thee with symbols so that we speak to thy unknowable questions in a manner that is sensible to thee. Expect not to find our words made flesh or stone or other mundane material on your plane, but know that their truth exists in thy soul and thy heart and thy head.

The Book of Three and Six

How should I act? How should I lead my life? How may I know happyness?

This is what is written:

Behold, the symbol of man is a triangle pointing north, made of the points of strength, honor, and courage, and the symbol of woman is a triangle identical but that it points south and intersects the male, and it is made of the points of love, wisdom, and compassion. And the Two are One and yet not the same, neither alone could achieve what their union births, the creation of life and the manner of living it, the six paths formed and defined by the intersection of the points. And verily, we call this Holy Union Vylaer in words that you can speak, know the word, and what it represents, as you seek answers.

Behold, the six paths formed by Vylaer are thus:

The Father

The Warrior

The Knight

The Mother

The Tender

The Judge

As you walk through your life, verily shall you tread among all these paths. And know you that just as you and all things were made from less than dust of the Vylaer of the Two, you cannot walk all six paths alone, but must, in honor of Us, join with each other as we have.

And these paths shall guide you, for no matter your station in life, you will face steps along these paths, and their ideals should guide your steps, so that your feet may be certain, and you may know happiness.

For verily, you are the children of our union, and we do Love you, but as a child leaves the home of the parent and must learn in the world right and wrong, good and bad, wise and unwise, so have we allowed you to leave our house and wander, free to learn, to know, to be in the wrong. For it is this power and gift and curse that we have placed upon you above our other children, the wild beasts and the things of the sea, the power of speech and of thought, and with it the power of good and of evil.

And verily, if you follow the paths, shall you know happiness and satisfaction within your soul, even should disaster upend you, and you will be content. But if you abandon the paths, and willfully set yourself against your parents, know that we will judge you.

Know this, those of our children whom we have gifted with the power of speech, all shall be judged, for it is you among all we have created to whom we shall give your inheritance, just as wise and fortuitous parents set aside for the good of their children. But out nature is Infinite, as is our Means, and we do not Die, but wait Eternal gazing upon you, and it shall be that when you die, you shall return to us, and you shall be judged, and if you have sought and treaded the paths, verily shall your inheritance be beyond your imagining, and you shall be among our most favored children.

But for those that shall disrespect the will of their Parents, and tread not the paths, we shall cast them out and they shall no longer be our most favored children, and they will lose the power of speech and of thought and their essence will live but as the blades of grass or the animals that have but the present, and no past to learn from or future for which to strive.

Know that should you be found wanting, our Judgement shall he Harsh, but ever Fair, for we know the follies and foibles of our children, and let them have these so that we may separate the wheat from the chaff, and know who among you may master thy baser natures and who is conquered by them.

So that you may be judged well, it would be wise to know the paths in detail, so your feet may know better the way. Know also that all men and women should pay heed to all the paths, to be a Mother and forget Strength, or a Father and forget Love, is against what we have intended of you. You walk not one, but all paths in your life, although one may speak more directly to you, you must not forget the lessons of the others.

The Father: A Father gives strength to his family, and to his people. His back plows the ground for the harvest, and his hand wields the hammer in the forge. His strength is not his alone, but like the sun, it goes to all around him, that his family and his people may also be filled with strength in his example. He does not abuse his strength against others, but uses it for their benefit. His most holy act is to give his strength to his wife, the Mother, that they may be the pillar for all that is around them, just as we are the pillar for all that is, was, or will be.

The Warrior: A warrior marches forward in defense of his people and his family, risking injury, death, and the terror of battle. He feels fear, but conquers it, acting instead with courage on the field and off it. To conquer fear, and be filled with courage, is his nature and his role. He does not throw away his life cheaply, but rather prizes his life and that of his fellow solder, that they may better protect hearth and home. Let not the man who charges into hopeless odds without good cause be called courageous, for to fear to be called a coward is still fear. His courage is filled with intellgence and a nobility of purpose, to protect himself, his fellow solders, and his home, it is not a false courage employed for no good purpose, but the very opposite.

The Knight: The Knight is loyal to his Liege, his Ruler, and his Realm, thus proving that he is a man of Honor whom others may count on in times of need. Pity the faithless man without ties or loyalty, for he blows in the wind like leaves in a breeze, fleeting, meaningless, forgotten when he is not despised. The Knight, to the opposite, is respected even by his enemies, for his word is bond, making his enmity one to be truly feared. Higher than all bonds is that to the good of his realm and its people, a Knight does not blindly allow evil to be committed by authority, but rather selflessly works to see that a just authority replaces it that is worthy of his allegiance.

The Mother: The Mother loves her children, and verily all in her life are filled with her care, and they are better and happier for it. It is her touch that silences the fear of a child, her love with fuels the deeds of all around her, be they toilers of the soil, solders on the field, or healers in the tent. More than simple inspiritation, her very presence is an act in and of itself which makes all good things more meaningful.

The Judge: The Judge resolves disputes and conflicts, and punishes those who have wandered or dived into error in this life. In her judgments, a Judge is filled with wisdom, a quality made of equal parts of ruthless justice or tender mercy, as is fitting. A Judge must follow the example lied down by the Two, to be both just and fair, to be complete and wise in her judgments, that those who may learn in this life may learn, and those that may not may reach the end they so clearly desire, so that they may not further harm others.

The Tender: To feel for the pain of others, to understand it, to take care of it, is the role of the Tender. Her compassion heals body, mind, and soul, so that each of the three seats of self may better live the life they have. Verily, the Tender shows compassion even unto her enemies or those who might wish her harm.

The Three Pillars

The Tome of Answers

The Six Orders

The Twelve Qualities

The Three Ages