University of Dwilight/Military Studies/Army Settings and Field Strategy Against Rogue Creatures

From BattleMaster Wiki

Letter from Zajar Essenhorn

Message sent to everyone in "The Great Halls of Luria" (47 recipients) Fellow Lurians,

Allow this old warhorse to ramble a moment about some of the nuances of warfare. Especially in our case, when doing battle versus monsters and the undead, different rules of combat apply. I have read the battle reports that came in, and I feel there is room for improvement.

(Forgive me the scribe jargon, they have measured terms for everything it would appear. Although I have yet to witness one of them slay a troll with their quill.)

For our stout Infantry the Box formation is preferred above Line. It heightens defense at the cost of some offense, but casualties are reduced and the beasts are easier held at bay, away from our Archers. Deploying in the back will ensure you and yours engage the beasts in melee and shield the Archers, and give the latter plenty of time to fire freely. Also, they will still (carefully) fire into an ongoing melee.

Whereas Archers usually deploy in Skirmish formation in order to diminish damage taken during ranged combat, we do not face archers or mixed infantry. Tis more advisable to deploy in a Line formation, in case the beasts break through the infantry. Skirmish formation is terrible for melee combat! Deploying in the Middle will save a turn of movement to get into firing range. Unless your unit is equipped with heavy Longbows, or the more exotic composite bow, and allowing them a Range of 4 or more, in which case you can deploy in the back.

Mixed Infantry are a cross of the above, coincidentally my absolute favorite, and I have commanded all manner of men and women, and beasts, but that is a different tale. They are officialy described as foot soldiers with ranged capabilities, and not as Archers with proper melee skills, I also advice you to treat them as such. Of course, each unit differs in offense, defense and range, so adjust your tactics accordingly. Personally I deploy my unit in the middle and box formation. Two well thrown javelins to soften up and slow the charge of the beasts before drawing sword or axe. Truly, there is almost no compare, the best of both worlds of warfare.

One cannot forget the Cavalry.. Even though I feel their place is more appropriate on a battlefield versus other men and women, they can tip the tide when faced with a horde of enraged ogres. The only type of unit where the Wedge formation can be properly applied, even advisable to do so! Drive right into an enemy formation or group of undead, shattering any resemblance of order they might have had! Obviously, only you or your captain should be the tip of this spear. Deploy in the rear guard, as your unit will travel two battlefield lines per 'turn' they will arrive in the melee just after the infantry has engaged, shocking the enemy forces and often turning the tide!

A last note on formations, whatever is being used, ensure that all that partake in a battle align! (A task for Marshals and Vice Marshals here, send out line formations and update standing orders!) There is little more horrifying than watching your army arrive to the battlefield in shambles, each unit deploying in a different formation. Strength in unity!

Although by no means a set of rules, this is based on over forty years of near non stop war, do with it as you will. I remain available for any inquiries, and you have my blessing and best wishes for the upcoming engagements.

Zajar Essenhorn
Royal of Luria Nova
Landed Noble of The Great Halls of Luria