Uceek Family/Evangeline/Kerwyn

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First Meeting:

Roleplay from Kerwyn

The dark-cloathed figure was walking through the streets of Perdan again, desperate to finally enjoy the vacation he had taken, for the past few days he couldn't speak much about vacation... He would like to forget all that had happened the past few days, and he went to the local pub. He sat at the bar and asked for the ward's best ale. He looked around.

A few meters from him sat a beautiful woman, corteouqly nipping from her tea. Kerwyn recognized the woman as Evangeline Uceek. He approached and sat closer to her. Suddenly she turned to him and saw him dreamingly looking at her glistening skin. "May I ask what you are doing?" Kerwyn awoke. "My sincerest apologies, Lady Evangeline, I was stunned by your immense beauty." Evangeline blushed. "My, thank you. Eh... what did you say your name was again?"

"My name is Kerwyn, Lady Evangeline."

"You mean the Kerwyn that writes his tales so lovely? I love reading them!"

"I am flattered, Lady, though I haven't had much time to write some lately."

A painful silence fell. Kerwyn felt that he was losing her attention. "Eh, Lady Evangeline." She turned back to him to listen intensely to what he was going to say. "Would... would you like to... go out with me some time?" A pitiful sigh appeared on Evangeline's face. Slowly she rose her right hand a bit, and touched with her left hand the golden ring that circled around her finger. "It's Maelg...," she said. "Oh... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." Evangeline interrupted him. "No, don't apologize, I am flattered by your request, only... I am stuck with him while our relationship isn't going well anymore..."

A voice called from the darkness beyond them. "Maybe you can ask Kerwyn's stealth skills to solve it, Milady?" Evangeline looked around and saw Ganimede the Ghost standing there with a grin on his face. "Or I could do it..."

Evangeline looked strangely at Ganimede the Ghost, then looked rather accusingly towards Kerwyn. Another man would've started to protect his case, but Kerwyn's weakness for women brought him to forward Evangeline's angry look to Ganimede. Evangeline noticed it and softened her looks. Ganimede felt that his help never suffied and left the two alone again. The uneasy conversation continued. "Can I maybe buy you a drink then, Milady?" Evangeline nodded, and Kerwyn ordered another tea. For a few minutes they looked around silently, crossing their looks sometimes, always turning down their eyes afterwards.

The conversation was bleeding to death, and Kerwyn felt that it would be no good to stay even longer. He came up with an excuse to leave. He was so good at finding excuses, yet now he couldn't find a single one. He would rather stay with her much longer, but at this stage of the conversation it would make no difference. "I have to... go now. My laundry is hung up and it can't stay too long." Kerwyn stood up and walked away. But before he was gone, she streched out her hand and touched his softly. Kerwyn pretended to not have noticed it, but he had felt it, and not even a bit.

When he walked outside, he saw Maelg coming in. For a second their sights crossed each other, but Kerwyn quickly looked down. When he was outside, he took a deep breath. He couldn't say he was dissapointed. There was certainly something, yet she has turned me down. Suddenly Kerwyn wanted to vanquish the last thought from his mind. She's married, for God's sake!

With ambivalent feelings, Kerwyn returned home to bring in his laundry.

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline looked wistfully after the tall, dark man as he left the pub. He had looked so battle-weary and sad, but there would be no songs of praise for the bravery he had shown in this war. For his was an art that was kept to the shadows.

Her hands were still slightly trembling as she heard her husband arrive. He swayed slightly as he came to sit with her, but her thoughts were still with Kerwyn.

He had said he had to bring his laundry in - not the best excuse she'd heard. But then again, it would probably be hard to find his clothes if left until dark.

Roleplay from Maelg

...Maelg swaggers in to the inn where Evangeline was having her tea, almost running into Kerwyn "Sorry mate, didn't see you there, dressed in black and all"

Maelg sits down next to Evangeline, strangely alone, as Magnus is in the marketplace autographing his "BLOOD EAGLE KITS"

"Hey Evangeline, you finished? We're to move out at sunrise." Oblivious to the fact that she is distracted with thoughts of someone else.

"Was that Kerwyn I just saw leave?" Maelg continues

"You know, they say you can never trust those infiltrators, always hiding in the shadows and such."

"But that Kerwyn, I'd trust him with my life, he wouldn't stab me in the back, I'm sure."

Maelg turns to a darkened corner "Isn't that right Ganimede?"

Second Meeting:

Roleplay from Kerwyn

Kerwyn was enjoying the fresh air. He enjoyed the hot summer wind going through his brown hair. Sitting in an old oak on the outlook for any enemy caravan to pass by, he saw few trade carts passing by. Nevertheless he couldn't feel lonely. Every quarter of an hour a cart passed, filled not with food but with wounded Perdanites. He saw Falcion passing by with a whole bunch of woundeds. He was talking courage to his men, when suddenly he rose his voice practicly towards Kerwyn, but Kerwyn knew that Falcion rose to the gods. "We will spill their blood till it rain down from the skies!" Many of his men pulled up their fists to yell as well.

Kerwyn decided no longer to hide from Falcion, and he spoke up. "Have faith, dear friends! You are almost in Perdan, just a few more miles!" Falcion looked up surprised, then grumbled and spoke to himself. He thought Kerwyn couldn't hear him, but Kerwyn was trained enough to hear from long distance, and he heard him clearly saying "I know how far I am, you black rat, who do you think I am? I know this place better than you!" Kerwyn decided to leave the conversation, as he would only make it worse. He leaned backwards to look at enemy carts coming again.

Suddenly he heard some strange voices coming from the woods. He recognized the accent. They were elves. He heard them speaking. "Captain, it was just a Perdanite soldier retreating with his wounded men, and we were clearly ordered not to go after them!" The captain looked at his sargeant angrily. "How would you then explain that there were two people clearly speaking at each other, the one saying at the other that he was close to Perdan? I'm telling you, there's an infiltrator around here, the scum of the earth, and I will find him and lay his head on Sir Alexander's table." His men looked at each other and pulled up their shoulders, acting like Whatever.

Kerwyn's eyes opened widely as he saw the Sirion elves approaching the oak he was hidden in. What the hell were they doing there? Are they out on an infiltrator hunt? He felt unsafe in this tree. It was an excellent tree for spying the road, as he was practicly unvisible from there, but from the woodside they could easily see him. As the Sirionites approached, Kerwyn tried to go through the branches to the other side of the tree, and to held himself hidden there. He could clearly hear they were very close to him now, only a few meters away. They were talking out loudly. "His voice came from around here, spread out and find this bastard! I hate infiltrators!"

One of them approached his tree and kicked against it. Kerwyn sat a few branch levels high and thus some branches and the falling darkness made him not very clear to see. Earlier Kerwyn had drawn his dagger to defend himself, but put it back to hide himself. It still hung out halfly and because of the kick it fell out. Kerwyn held his breath even more, as he saw how the dagger landed right in the middle of the Sirionite's right eye. He fell down with a dull thud. That's at least one less to hunt me, he thought, but all the Sirionites had turned around to look at their companion in agony.

Kerwyn was no longer able to hide himself in the tree. He quickly jumped out and started running towards Perdan City. All the Sirionites came after him, some of them tending their bows and firing at them. One of the arrows hit a tree right next to him, and Kerwyn kept running. Soon he had made some distance. His stealth skills had definately improved his physical condition. Yet he didn't feel safe yet, and he kept running towards Perdan, and when he approached the gates he yelled at the guards who quickly opened the gates for him. He knew those guys, and they recognized him quickly.

He ran all the way to the market place, only then he stood still and took a deep breath. Evangeline, who was doing her shopping for tomorrow, saw Kerwyn coming, sweating, breathing very fast. "What are you doing, Kerwyn!?"" He looked up at her. "Oh, nothing, working on my physical condition, that's all. Sorry, I gotta go now."The adrenaline had made him forget his love for the fair lady for a few moments, and he ran off. Evangeline looked at him for a few more seconds, glorifying the characteristics of the man she had only met so short ago, yet she became to like more and more. She was so confused that she even bought three lemons for the strawberry pie she was going to make tomorrow.

Roleplay from Evangeline

"...stay for our party, for some other TL's want to fight you too"

The taunt called out as Evangeline gathered her last 7 injured men and prepared to head to Partora to refit. The adrenalin pumped through her body and she felt her heart quicken with rage,


Evangeline guilty smiled to herself - all of a sudden she felt much better. It mightn't be the most noble of responses or something she would say. The powers-that-be certainly wouldn't appreciate it, but it certainly lightened the mood somewhat.

She decided would keep close to Perdan on her way to Partora.

Suddenly she heard a commotion, in the distance she could make out a figure running towards Perdan. His black cloak trailing out behind him she recognised Kerywn. Quickly she straightened herself up, tried to wipe a bit of the blood from her face, smoothed her hair and pretended to browse a roadside store.

As he approached she feigned a suprised look,

"What are you doing, Kerwyn!?"

He continued running, shouting on his way past,

"Oh, nothing, working on my physical condition, that's all. Sorry, I gotta go now."

Evangeline stared after him.

"You going to buy something?" the stall owner asked her.

She looked at him dryly - did she look like she wanted fruit? More like a bath and a healer for her men.

"Oh, give me some of those lemons. I can use them for target practice on Magnus' head when he annoys me next."