Uceek Family/Evangeline/FirebrandShop

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Roleplay from Firebrand

(personal message to Evangeline)

Oh, if only the queen could see me now...she'd be quite unhappy...but I do enjoy a quick working vacation.

Firebrand strolled down the packed main street of Fontan City, listening to the calls of merchants, keeping his hand on his blade as he cautiously watched lines of soldiers march by. Fortunately he had become very adept at blending into a crowd.

Walking up to a merchant's stall, Firebrand looked for something he could bring back for the queen.

Hmm...little statues of all the rulers of the Continent. Oh, this is perfect, wait until the queen sees how the Lights think she looks...the size of the nose alone could start a war.

With speed quicker than the vendor's eye, Firebrand slipped the statue into his cloak (you think an infiltrator ever pays for anything?) and moved back into the flow of the crowd heading toward the city walls.

Ah well, its been fun, but I suppose I'd better head back east and resume my duties...and I can't take being around these fanatics any longer...the next one that tries to convert me gets a dagger in the neck.