Tomarsen Family/Frejbjerg Tomarsen/A New Friend

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"Are you an adventurer?" the small boy asked in awe.

"Unh," Frejbjerg grunted, not looking up from where he was tightening the straps of his pack.

"Wow!" the boy said. "Are you gonna kill all the monsters here?"

"Unh," Frejbjerg grunted again.

"Wow!" the boy gasped. "Can I watch?"

"No," Frejbjerg said, and climbed to his feet.

"My pa were an adventurer," the boy continued, running to keep up with Frejbjerg's long strides. "He got kilt, though."

Frejbjerg said nothing.

"Hunting monsters. Two of them got a-hold of him - one by the legs, the other by the head - and they pulled him right in half."

"Where ya gonna sleep?" the boy asked.

Frejbjerg nodded at a spot on the ground.

"Why, ain't ya even gonna sleep in a tent or nothing?"

"Ain't got vone, haff I?" Frejbjerg answered testily, and curled up in his jacket.

"You're going to the Mountains of Woe, ain't ya?" the boy asked.

"Ja, mebbe I am, an' mebbe I ain't," Frejbjerg answered testily.

"Well," the boy answered, "if ya ain't, you're going the wrong way. That road don't go nowhere but."