Tinsley Family/RP/Prison Conversations

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Prison Conversations (where Dana exchanges words with Big Fangs)

On Beluaterra, in the Realm of Valentia, Dana was doing what most every new adventurer did. He'd look for Monsters and Undead, search for items, hope to find a sage that would help him.

He was arrested a few times by the evil that invaded that Island.

While in the Dungeons, Dana taunted his guards by yelling into the darkness.

Big Fangs would occasionally stop by the cell for a short visit.

In prison, part I

Perhaps Big Fangs is wearing artificial teeth. I have heard of older people using the antler from a buck to fashion missing teeth and wear them so as not to frighten the children.

Or maybe he know that his doom is near and is off trying to make whatever amends that he can so as to pacify whatever gods it is that he serves.

Or perhaps he has grown more old and feeble during his time here.

I say again, tug-of-war or boat. Your choice.


It has been some time since I've heard from Big Fangs. Maybe he should use an ear trumpet. I'm yelling as loud as I can.

The Monster Swarm evidently has other things to do. Perhaps they just want to keep me here for their own amusement.

I'd much prefer sailing or a nice game of tug-of-war.

We'll see.


Clang, clang. Halloooo?

Better gruel, please. Maybe a trip to the shore? Or to the playground?



Dana then taunted and asked if they wanted to kill him, then to play tug-of-war with him.

Big Fangs suggested that the send me on a boat somewhere, to another world. Dana told them that he don't like the sea, so perhaps they should go back to playing tug-of-war. They've been quiet. So, about every hour and a half, Dana sent another taunt.

Something about Big Fangs not having time, because he's mending his dainty panties.

Or that he's too scared to make a decision for himself.

Or that he just doesn't want to and that his superiors might think that he's gone "soft"


Visit While you rot in your cell, Big Fangs, visits you and says:

It take time process you before I can do anything. You not being forgot, I just have to decide what do with you.


Dana suggested that perhaps Big Fangs was too busy eating another prisoner, and that maybe he should save room in his massive gullet for Dana.

Soon after that, Dana escaped...


In prison, part II

Visit While you rot in your cell, Big Fangs, visits you and says:

You here? Oh dear.


Dana writes a letter to Big Fangs:

I'm assuming that this letter will make it to Big Fangs.

Thank you for stopping by my cell earlier today. I see that you are still here, as well. I thought that you'd be bored of this game that you're playing. But, since we're both here...

I must apologize for escaping the last time. I was really hoping to form a deeper relationship with you, but as some paperwork was being prepared, one of your lackies, Drool, perhaps, left the holding cell door open. Perhaps he was distracted by one of the many cockroaches or rodents that make this their home.

I availed myself to the opportunity before me and made my exit. I hope that I didn't ruin any plans that you might have made. No sooner had I stepped into the sunlight, I began hearing reports that a mere man, Killberg?, Kilborn?, something like that, had ruffled your feathers and that you were seeking him.

I don't know of his fate. Perhaps you found him, perhaps not. If he did what was being said, to find you and complete what he didn't finish the last time, then I, too would be afraid.

But I also seem to remember that you sought to finish some business with me. So, here I am. Do what you will with me. I don't fear you. A bit of an inconvenience, to be locked up in here, but I figure that the half cup of moldy grain and water that you provide each day that you're giving me is just less for you to eat.

I've forgotten where I was in my list of taunts for you, but I'll just start up somewhere in the middle of it. Well, actually, I'll wait until I'm able to shout to the whole of the jail. I think that I might have some admirers in here.

To recap, thanks for being my host, again. Do what you must and my taunting will start soon.

The thorn in your side today, Dana, Freeman


Big Fangs,

I'm off to take a nap now. Just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about your idea of sending me off.

Hope that you haven't forgotten about me.

If you sleep, have pleasant dreams of, I don't know, overrunning innocent villagers, massive destruction of property, eating calves in a single swallow.

Good night, now.


Helloooo? I don't think that today is laundry day for you uglies. It isn't the new year, yet, is it?

Have you forgot me already?

Cutting to the chase:

1. Ship me off to a new land 2. Play Tug-of-War with me 3. Release me 4. Wait until I escape

All of them are viable options. Ransom isn't going to happen.

I know, I know. Paperwork is tied up, what with the Portals being closed and all. It is hard to find good help and all. Drool did tell you that he left the door open last time, didn't he?


Visit While you rot in your cell, Big Fangs, visits you and says:

Just because you have no better to do, I busy. I only come here when can be bothered. Scream and shout just make me choose leave you alone longer. Not long here go now. I put you on ship tomorrow I think.


Letter to Big Fangs

Big Fangs,

Thanks for the courtesy of your visit. Had I known that my shouting was keeping you from other duties, such as eating whole sheep or young children, I never would have interrupted you.

Please carry on, and we'll talk soon.



Visit While you rot in your cell, Big Fangs, visits you and says:

You talk as much as you want. You be gone very shortly.


Important information about your character Dana:

After being caught by monsters or undead, your character endured days of living hell, and was about to die at the hands of the evil creatures. Fortunately he had another opportunity. Fleeing the island, he was taken in by a ship of refugees bound for East Continent.

Tinsley Family Role Play index