Thrice-Blessed Jacket of Strength

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This herein is the account of how I, V'kesta Grimoire obtained the Thrice-Blessed Jacket of Strength.

It was my third group of monsters that I had tracked for the day and it took me about 2 hours to get a good trail of them from the last group. I heard distinctive sounds of monsters conversing over a wooded ridge and crept up to it very slowly so as to not be discovered and ruin my element of surprise.

There were several of them laid out before me in a small camp with a couple of bedrolls and tents but I noticed there was a larger tent which told me there was one of greater importance present. I started by picking off a guard or two on patrol with a well placed arrow the head and then sneaked into camp under cover of dense bushes.

The first three monsters to confront me were not match and fell pretty quickly but they were able to raise an alarm of noise to alert the rest of the camp to my presence there. Just as i finished dispatching the first three monster, four more came at me and gave struggle to which I valiantly slew them. Slightly fatigued and weapon drawn for anything I heard a deep beastly laughter from behind me and the head of the camp emerged with weapon drawn and took a step towards me.

Our weapons clashed and rang against each other as the battle raged with the upper hand shifting to me slowly. I wounded him which produced a howl of rage from him (I think it was a him) and the wound in the right thigh slowed him down quite a bit because he was limping from the bleeding gash on his leg. He took one final swing at me, I dodged the last mighty swing of his greatsword barely, slipped under his arms while he was completely open and thrust my sword in his stomach upward into his heart. There was a low rumbling gurgle that let out him as I avoided being under him when he fell. Approaching the head monster laying on the ground I kicked the sword away from his hand and I could see that he was dying. The look in his eye pleaded with me to finish the job so I cleanly and quickly lopped off his head. As his head separated from his shoulders and came to rest about a from his body the light of life faded from his visage forever.

I found the Thrice-Blessed Jacket of Strength on an unfortunate traveler which the band of monsters had overwhelmed and had thrown his body over a small embankment to dispose of it.