The Order's Voice/July

From BattleMaster Wiki

July 6, 2007 - A New Paper is Born

Today on this historic day The Order's Voice has been published. The Voice shall bring you all the up to date facts of the events that occur in Valentia, about Valentia or the religion of Valentia. Dark times are ahead of us all but our faith shall keep us strong and we shall overcome the invaders and the people of Beluaterra shall be free again.

Written by: Vader Mandul of the Lost Realm

July 25, 2007 - Battle in Unger

Today the Army of Valentia was caught by surprise by a daimon assault on her capital. The soldiers of Valentia put up a valiant struggle but to no avail the daimons took the day. But the realm of Valentia will not go out with a wimper. We shall stay for another battle and take as many daimons with us. Let there be a many songs sung in the honour the noble fighters of Valentia.

Written by: Vader Mandul of the Lost Realm