The Giblot Tribune/Issue 4

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Free The Newspaper You Can Trust! Issue 4

An Audience with Renal: Laughing Stock of Ammersfield
By Attila Ahso

Earlier this week I had the distinct misfortune of being summoned to the Court of Renal Enstance, Count of Ammersfield. What with being released by Sera Osha from Prison only a couple of days previously it was enough to drive a man to drink! However, I stuck with my Vegetable Smoothies, as recommended by Giblots greatest role model - Goergyboy de Militant! See life isn't all bad! But anyway, back to my story! Even now I have little idea of Renal's true reason for inviting me to Ammersfield. Perhaps it was to meet his antithesis in person? Perhaps its because inside that dull, empty head of his he has some inkling of Morality that remains within him? I daresay that any reason you gave would give me the creeps but even Renal seemed at a loss when I visited him. Even with his now considerable Wealth and Power as Count of Ammersfield he still couldn't afford to warm his unjust Courtrooms - I arrived to find the 'Tryrant' shivering, his face blue with cold! It was a pathetic site to say the least, I'm sure if I'd been anywhere but that oppressive courtroom I would have found his appearance laughable - but you didn't hear that from me folks!

In any case, I was confused as to what Renal was truly getting at when he spoke to me. He spoke as though I had rumbled some great conspiracy of his. Like I'd found out that he'd begun brainwashing his peasants or that he'd found the cure for Morality - something silly like that. Of course I knew nothing but I humoured the man. He seemed to be very defensive over my presence and wanted me out of Ammersfield. Renal even sickeningly mentioned his Undead Minions, apparently using them as some sort of bargaining tool! But it takes more than that to throw the scare into me! Clearly, Renal had no idea who he was dealing, for I once journeyed with Sera Osha himself through the Wildlands of the North! Not that the fool would know that...

On the one hand, I wish to dismiss Renals peculiar actions as those of a madman obsessed with himself and the (little) power he wields. Yet on the other hand, I feel Renal maybe hiding something sinister! Only time and careful investigation will tell! I'll keep you posted...