The Church of Qyrvagg/Deities

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The deities of the Church of Qyrvagg are divided into two distinctly different pantheons. They are Pre-Hakan-del-Zir (the Battle of the Ascension of Qyrvagg), and Post-Hakan-del-Zir. Before that battle, Qyrvagg was a Demi-God, and his followers were merely a sect. After Hakan-del-Zir, Qyrvagg was a full God. Other changes occurred as well. All of our gods and angels are genderless, neither male nor female. They are not both or neither. They simply are. For the sake of grammatical ease, masculine pronouns are most commonly used. Also, it is important to recognize that Qyrvaggism recognizes NO other Gods. Not even the other gods of the Pantheon of Ibladesh. There is no God other than Qyrvagg, no true Church other than His Church, and no true Path other than the Path of Amekanun. In a sense, Qyrvaggism is monotheistic, in that only one God, Qyrvagg, is worshipped, and the Church does not recognize any other religion as true or having authentic deities. Yet, all the same, Qyrvaggism has Demi-Gods, Eshen-Hosral and Sartan. There is a complex hierarchy of forces.

  • Pre-Hakan-del-Zir
    • Sartan, God of War, Supreme God of the Church of Battle
      • Qyrvagg, Demi-God of Battle, Brother of Sartan
      • Eshen, Demi-God of Duels, Warrior Twin
      • Hosral, Demi-God of Pillaging, Warrior Twin
  • Post-Hakan-del-Zir
    • Qyrvagg, God of War and Battle, Supreme God of the Church of Qyrvagg
      • Eshen-Hosral, Demi-God of Armies
      • Sartan, Demi-God of Virtuous Courage
      • Avatars:
        • Solecos, Annointer of the Prophets
        • Tialok, the Phoenix-Defender of the Church
      • The Amekanun, Child-Spirit of Qyrvagg, which links Qyrvagg to the Church
  • Post-Hakan-del-Zir Hierarchy of Authority
1. Qyrvagg- The Will of Qyrvagg is of the utmost importance, and nothing supercedes it
2. The Amekanun- The Child-Spirit of Qyrvagg, the expression of Qyrvagg's will, is second only to Qyrvagg, and is the force which guides believers along the Warrior Path.
3. The Demi-Gods- Rarely heard from, demi-Gods are primarily there to aid Qyrvagg when he desires it, and to serve as icons.
4. The Avatars and Prophets- Avatars are the spiritual beings who serve Qyrvagg, aiding in the nurture and protection of His Church, while the Prophets, on an equal level of authority, serve Qyrvagg and the Church by leading the Church. Prophets are the conduit through which flows the Amekanun, to the believers.
5. The High Council- The Masters of the Holy Hosts, the Treasurer, Grand Priest, and Missionary Primus. They are all present to aid the Prophet, and contribute to the cohesive flow of the Church.
6. The Elders- The Elders are in place to lead and guide the Church, to tend to the flocks and stand as voices for the Church.
7. The Priesthood- Long-standing members, trusted friends, these members of the Church stand above the acolytes, yet are not truly elders. They may be mentors to younger members, but are not clergy.
8. The Acolytes- Full members who have professed belief in Qyrvagg, and have professed agreement with the Tome of Wars and the Creeds in full view of the Church as a whole.
    • This hierarchy has led many to believe that Qyrvaggism views, for example, Elders as BETTER than Acolytes, which is false. Elders are no better, merely higher ranking. Qyrvagg does not show preference, and judges with an even hand. The Elders are those who have shown the most devotion to Qyrvaggism, not an arbitrary distinction. Yet, even so, the Church is One. Within the Church, there is not truly rank, outside of Prophet/Believer. For any believer, be they Grand Priest or Acolyte, can stray equally far, and all merit as much time, concern, guidance, and value as any other.
  • These deities are told of by Qyrvagg, spoken by Hridrion, Second prophet, and Amekal, Third Prophet.

The Church of Qyrvagg