The Brokerage/Fliers/Flier 005

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Date: 2024-Sep-08 Issue No.5 Cost: 1 Gold - Free for Members
Sanguis Astroism Special Edition
Upcoming Events! The Light of the Stars Dims as

a Luminary Vanishes!

Is D'Hara in Danger of a Religious Coup?
Martyr's Day
  • Due to the vicious killing of Astroist followers in the war between Luria Nova and Swordfell, the church has decided to declare the first day of Autumn to be Martyr's Day.
  • A feast of remembrance will be held following a hunt.
  • As night falls and the Bloodstars rise, the people will congregate beneath the stars, and a priest will pour water from a cup into open hands symbolizing faith, fellowship, and unity in the face of dark times.

Fake Charms are being Spread Around Swordfell

  • With the war increasing in intensity, we are seeing an increase in religious charms being sold in marketplaces in Swordfell.
  • Please do not fall for such scams. All charms are sold through the temples, or at some shrines, with costs being taken as donations to maintain our infrastructure and pay the costs of guards.

A Quote from the Holy Writings of the First Prophet on Interpreting Dreams and Visions

Let us consider a vision calling for a pilgrimage to a particular place, to the Founding Temple at Caiyun, for example. Now should that vision manifest for a member of the Faith living in Morek, it might be expected to hint at a journey over the grasslands and wide plains towards the birthplace of the Faith. However, were the same vision to manifest for a member of the Faith living in Libiddo, one would expect the vision to suggest a sea voyage. The underlying heart of the message is the same, but the clothes in which it walks is what changes.

It is my contention that it is some working of our own minds - or our souls, or perhaps even of the spark of divinity which lies within each of us perhaps, but certainly a component of our own selves - who furnish the vision with that detail which makes the vision comprehensible to us.

If this proposition is correct, then a true and complete interpretation of the dream must require the dreamer to help in translating the imagery of the dream. That is not to say a priest or a prophet cannot help, for often visions couch themselves in similar fashions, whether the symbols of the dream come from within or without. However, the dreamer has the key to unlock the dream. The dreamer has the key.

Luminary Dawn Ketchum has gone missing. Last seen several weeks ago, preaching in Paisly, the Luminary was said to have not returned to the temple, nor has he been seen since then. Investigators have combed the city, but at this point are fearing the worst for the Sanguis Astroism Elder. The closest thing to a clue that was found was the word "dawn" written in blood in an alleyway. Interfering with the investigation is a small parade of especially devout followers making their way to the site to pray as though it were part of a religious pilgrimage.

Looking into this, the Brokered Deals team was able to get their hands on a quote from a letter sent by one Lady Serena Ketchum.

"Dawn is my uncle. I have not received news from him for sometime. My father sent me here to this island to learn everything."

Taking the opportunity before us, we reached out to Lady Serena and while she was worried, she seemed hopeful that the stars would shine light on the situation in due time. She left us with this request for our readers and beyond.

"Should anyone have information about my uncle Dawn Ketchum, kindly contact Serena Ketchum. She can be reached at her Under Darfix estate in the realm Avenor. Thank you."
~Serena Ketchum, Dame of Under Darfix, Aspirant of Sanguis Astroism
The Light of Lux Nova Lands in Port Raviel
False Prophet Kenneth Gotz has been seen trespassing in Port Raviel. A significant amount of confusion has accompanied his arrival for many of the SA faithful in the realm.

Allegedly he was invited by the Dragon King himself, and since his arrival has sought to ingratiate himself to the nobility with gifts. The Lurian religious leader sought to give each noble 200 gold coins, ensuring each was polished and shining like the sun in the sky.

The clergy would like to send a reminder to the faithful. "We act with an open hand, not for bribery, but for fellowship and unity. Take heart in knowing that the gifts you received can no longer be used to support a religious order that actively wants to act against all we believe in."

Port Nebel is Losing Believers at

an Alarming Rate

There has been a significant increase in pagans, heretics, and believers of other faiths in Port Nebel. What was once a flourishing center of the faith, now sees barely more than one in ten believers, a very concerning, low number of faithful. Combating this shift requires an understanding of what factors may be contributing to this shift in beliefs.

The rise of Lux Nova in Luria Nova suggest there may be an influx from the neighboring regions of Nebel and Quebel, or from the sea routes connected to the city.

Nebel itself is home to the Azure Vale, an area considered haunted by locals due to the atrocities committed by a warlord many many years ago. As religious conflicts arise between the two faiths, reports are saying that there has been a rise in the supposed whispers of the dead and increases in nightmares for the locals in the area of the Azure Vale causing the people to flee for safety in the walls of Port Nebel.

It is believed that the people will eventually be swayed back to their true faith. Port Nebel houses a vast and splendid temple of the faith, and while it may help bring more people into the flock, it is difficult without an appropriate level of preaching to assist from the clergy.

From the Editor's Room: Please note that the below article is pure conjecture, and comes from our analysis of the present situation.

Seen here are several stories about the difficulties Sanguis Astroism is currently facing. The common thread is that all seem to be taking place in D'Hara at the same time. A drastic loss of followers in the East, is met with the disappearance of a Luminary in the West. Around the same time the leader of the Lux Nova faith, Kenneth Gotz, showed up in the capital and has been sending gifts to the nobility. Individually, each event is concerning, but looked at together, we would speculate that we are seeing the makings of a religious coup d'État in D'Hara. The Sanguis Astroism faith is being pressed from three directions and their influence is waning with every push.

With that in mind, we encourage everyone to do their best to remain safe in turbulent times.

~The Brokered Deal's Editorial Team
On the Role of the Luminary
In light of Luminary Dawn's disappearance, we at the Brokerage decided to do a dive into the role of the Luminary and understand what it was that he did in his daily work with the faith.
  • The Luminary is a role elected by at least 2 of the 3 Lights (Elders of the Temple).
  • The role is a non-voting advisory role, and is given exclusively to priests.
  • Luminaries are sometimes elected to keep balance among the elders and allow for others to join in a voting capacity.
  • As they are advisors, and must have the trust of at least 2 Lights, they are still highly influential in the faith.
  • Luminaries are often representative of one of the Stars and help oversee the aspect of the faith their Light governs.
A Note to Our Readers
Brokered Deals has always, and will always, be an independent newsletter focusing on the goods, services, and events of Dwilight. This special edition was sponsored by the religious order of Sanguis Astroism and does not necessarily reflect the religious views of our editorial team. In addition to the information we received to publish this, we have taken the time to do additional investigations where we can in order to add some substance and color to the information provided.
~The Brokerage Editorial Team