The Blackest Bible/Chapter 3

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Chapter Three: The Blackest Prophecies.

The Blackest Bible

One: The Birth of the Blackest One.

The Blackest One shall rise to be the bringer of truth and hater of lies. It shall swing three swords at once but have only two hands. The most dangerous blade will hang from its mouth while the beast becomes formless as clay at will. The Blackest One will be a murderer before it is even born and hail death for its grandure. The Blackest One will be truly vile in the face of man's false empires of good, yet sway the ears of both sides of the moral coin with truth alone. This creature will employ all weapons of Evil along its way and be the one to bring evil home to Decadence. The Blackest One will be the true voice of "inteligent evil" and the gatherer of all evils. This fiend's words will be those of a leader, but his views will refuse any crown offered. The Blackest One will be hailed as a father, but scold no brother. The Blackest One will be all hate, but speak the greatest love. The Blackest One will die so he may live forever. The Blackest One will begin new history of a world born of chaos and darkness. The Blackest One shall bring the "Book of Four Moons" from the land of Two. The Blackest One shall cross worlds to bridge every universe. The Blackest one will gather man, beast and God, linking all inteligent evils to the destruction of all things.

"This has been studied and meditated on greatly. The Blackest One is rumored to rise in this age. There are too many who may fit this discription, and The Blackest Cult can not say with any clearity if The Blackest One is among us as of yet. Some have mused that The Blackest One need not be a living creature, and can stand alone as an idea or symbol. But this idea is radical and has little support among most of those who study this these prophecies looking for truth."

The Blackest Pen

Two: The Touching of the Four Moons.

They spoke his name, he was born on the night of the two moons, Jamoon, and with his birth came great joy and light. All the lords of the waring lands put down their steel to dance and sing with every lord. Love grew between old hate, and the devils were sent away. The day became Jamoon, and two were to be seen high. Hal (the moonbringer) became the bard of this age and with this he wrote.

"La, la, la, Daylah'nee, you see we won. We won, we won we are one with everyone. Be gone, be gone, let us sing a new song, let us mingle and tingle with each beast and fawn. The day is new, the new is day, now that the evil Daylah'nee and company went away"

The Bard was recorded as a Scion and lorrock who danced on the graves of the slain gods of darkness. The world become united by the forces of good, and all hailed Jamoon, the new King, the lord of all happyness and peace. The evil Sother gods became angered and watched from hells. Without a hearing ear in all of Sother, the devils had no church to command. The time for a great long peace had come. The gods of evil waited.

In the 26th turn of the wheel, Harkanius the Dhargool wrote.

"The land of Sother has fallen ill to health. The world has lost its grip on the dark velvit rope of evil, allowing it to slip forever away into the lost darkness. To regain this we must find the other lands. When a world defeats evil, it must find new worlds where evil is still alive and cultivate it.

I have seen three otherworlds in my dreams. It is no doubt Toth has sent me these visions to guid me. I see three skys not of Sother. Each sky in my dreams is black...The Blackest black...and I call on these skys to bring evil on the four worlds. Four black skys of unknown physics and content. I see now moons, but I place them there by will. I imagin four moons. One in a land filled with monsters great and made of horror. One in a sky of a land where masters battle. One in a land of magics and light. And the last moon I place in my own sky. The sky of Sother, removing the second moon, the Jamoon, and returning this world to evil.

The four black moons, when touched will unite all evil and bring the end. The return of all chaos and darkness. freedom to be man or pig. lawless law, and lawful lawlessness the same.

When these lands touch and mix their black skys the four moons will touch, bring the blackest word to the lands. Four lands to become one hell under no law. This will be the end of bliss and all evil shall rule over good once again"

When the lands know of four lands with four skys, the four moons will touch and bring unified evil across all lands.


"Much recent clearity has been reached on meditating the meaning here. The four lands have been considered over the ages to mean many things. The touching of the Moons have recently gained much interest in the eyes of those who study the Blackest Prophecies searching for signs of the coming of the end. I have reached the conclusion that three of the worlds needed to bring this prophecy to its full conclusion have been located and named. The Blackest Cult has aquired information detailing three worlds all alien to each. The lands are; The lands where Harkainus hails from, The land of horror and monsters, and of course the land of battling masters. This leaves me searching out the final world of Magics and light. If such a world can be located, this prophecy will be completed and prove this age to be The Blackest Age of man"

The Blackest Pen

Three: The twelve Scions of fate

Harkainus wrote in the 27th turn from his undead sleep.

"I whisper to you my living scribe, to hear me and record. The 12 will walk, and all will be evil. Each will hold a god of evil, and a desire to promote the end of the worlds. The 12 will be of mixed worlds, some native to mine, some from alien worlds unseen, and some from places not real. The 12 flesh, and devouted to The Blackest Cause of man; The birth of The Blackest Truths and the gathering of The Unified beast Of evil. No good thing, large or small, will escape the talons of evil. The Scions will march across the lands collecting the inteligent evils of the four worlds. By will alone they will bring about [[The Blackest Cult], who will lord over the realms of man and god alike until the destruction time. The Scions will be gathered by the forces of darkest evils, and they will learn they are prophets and preists of the new way.

Those who listen will have choice; To be family or be fool. To be gods or be men. the end times will bring suffering for all those who do not show love to evil. The family that grows will be vile and black but unified until god is destroyed. After good is removed from the universes, evil will be left alone. One turn of a the wheel will pass before evil brings the end of all things.

The twelve are to be the perfect lawless law of Blackness, and be true to the Book of Four Black Moons. Only when they gather will the end begin. The prophets of the Blackest Cause will die many times in venom and violence long before they see the fruit of the end. The Scions will only be needed for dimplomecy. once they have bridged all evils they will be no longer needed. Some will be killed by good. Some will be killed by evil. All will die in violence or pain."

Only when the twelve are gathered will the prophets of darkness be complete. Those who see them as symbols of worship are foolish, and should never worship past your own self. Those who see them as the needed diplomats of all devils, will be hailed as family. Those who agree to unite under a common evil will always be seen as family to the twelve no matter the respect returned.

"Of the twelve Scions, six have come to be known to us thus far. This leaves six more to be found before this prophecy to proves itself complete. There is no doubt in the minds of the most fantical of the Cult that this prophecy is half complete, and well on its way to becoming the first prophecy to prove itself fully true. Still many within the cult see this to be false dogma and dangerous to adopt into reality of mind"

The Blackest Pen

Four: The Master's Mercy

Harkainus wrote in in the 27th turn-

"My living scribe, record me rightly from this grave. I send you my vision from hell, and it is one of two heads. The Master will be a man in one world and a god in another. A god of no worshipers or churches as we know it, but the creater of a world none the less. The Master will be the final word. No judge or idea will stand without the mercy of the Master. I see an age of darkness, but before this age will come a time where both good and evil stanbds to stop the Blackes Cause from growing. The world will both adore and hate the Blackest prophets of this age. Many will walk as family with support and desire for a new day of darkness, while many MANY more will rise to destroy the Cult of darkness. Many will fight with words. Many will fight with steel. Still many will fight with attempts to summon "The Master".

Those who seek to summon this God-Man, will preach the Blackest Cause to be a worthless movement that removes meaning of the world's laws and ideas. They will send for mighty Titans and beg for the Master's wrath. This age is a cloudy one. Visions of clouded sight can only mean uncertainy in the future. This could only mean that the Master MAY judge the cause without mercy and destroy all walks of The Blackest Movement to save the world its misery at its hands.

For the darkest cult to exist past this age it must have limitless respect for The Master. No member of this movement must disgrace the laws of The Master or use black magics that allow them to pass the underlined laws of the universe. The Balckest Cult will be alive in this age, and if they can obey the laws of the Master, they will not be judged baddly by the Master.

The Master has no evil or good views, nor does he take interest in laws of man on his planet. He is the govener of the Universal laws and will NOT allow a movement that cheats his world of its laws set in motion at its creation.

Those laws are simple, and if followed by The Blackest Cult, they will be given the mercy of the Master and be allowed to infect and sway his world with no limit of evil. Do NOT anger the master, and his mercy will be the first step to the end of all mankind, and the victory of evil over all things good."

This can only be seen as the master being the creator of this world, and his laws that can not be broken as his "physics". honor those laws. Do not cheat his laws of his universe. His mercy will allow us to exist forever, but if he judged agaisnt us, we would all suffer a horrible and instant end. There is no coming back from that sort of death.

This prophecy is one that is very important. One day we will have to face The Master's judgment. And IF we are judged worthy to exist within his universe, we will never die as a whole. The day we are judged as "worthy to exist" by this all powerful force, the age will become "The Darkest Age" of man, and we will CELEBRATE our freedoms openly and welcome a new era. This day will be called

"Judegment day"

And when that day comes, marks the begining or end of The Blackest Cult as a whole.

"Of all the seven prophecies "The Master's Mercy" is the only one to show the destruction of the Blackest Movement. Many have studied the text of The Master's Mercy looking for ways to prevent the future bad judgment of our casue. I have spent many years pondering The Master's meaning and only recently have I found meaning behind this. In this world, the world of battling masters, there must be a force greater then all evils, all goods, all churches, guilds, gods or ideas. This force must control the titans and sway the laws of physics within this realm. This force must have created this world, leaving the "true" story of creation still left to be written. It is assumed that breaking his laws will result in the total destruction of the Blackest Movement, but it is also assumed that if his judgment does not rule the destruction of The Blackest Movement, then it shall never be removed or destroyed within any age of man. No sign of the Master's judgment has been seen as of yet. No other text claimes the destruction of The Blackest Cult, and it is assumed that this is the only way we can ever be stopped."

The Blackest Pen

Five: The Blackest Slayers

Harkainus wrote in the 31st age.

In the time of the Blackest rising, six warriors will be known as The Blackest Slayers. They will hail from all directions and prove themselves the greatest evil swordsmen to walk the earth. They will come to promote the Blackest Cause and walk as brothers and sisters of the Blackest Cause. They will be famous for their skills in using steel and lance. The Slayers will be hailed as the greatest warriors of darkness and the sharpest battle fangs of the The Blackest Kingdom. These creatures will be vigilant and worthy of praise by all those who behold them in battle. They will be seen as demons or gods of carnage when on the fields of war. The six shall be blessed and unmatched in skill. These warriors will be given riches and power by “The Blackest One”. The Blackest One will adore them, offering them anything it can provide them. Kingdoms will be born and crushed at the swing of their swords. The Slayers will be impossible to control, and incredible in all aspects of war. They will become symbols for the greatest war of man, and the nightmares of grown men.

Eventually death will befall each Slayer. One by one, over a time unseen, they will die in battle. For every Slayer that Dies, evil will feel a great blow to its strength. Only after the six are slain shall they be reborn in the form of six swords. The blades will then find the hands of six warriors of unmatched skill and understanding of war. These six will be the ‘Blackest Reborn’ and shall be immortal in history and the minds of man, becoming the greatest leaders of the world in the darkest Age.

Warning More then one Slayer will turn on the Blackest Cult and attempt to do it great harm in its service to darkness. These Slayers will seem to be friendly but soon be swayed by greed and anger, jealousy and pride. These Slayers will be hailed as “The Whitest Slayers” and considered dangerous. Swords made from these Slayers will be used against The Blackest Armies and become the most powerful weapons against evil.

The Blackest Blades

The Blackest Blades will contain the souls of the Six Slayers of man. Each blade will carry the essence and name of the Slayer that died to create it. The sword will be born in the presence of The 12 Scions of Fate, and then saved till all Slayers meet similar ends. Once the Slayer’s pass to make way for “The Blackest Reborn”, the swords will be given to the Reborn Slayers as they are found in the realm.

Swords created from a betraying Slayer will become swords of white light, and will not be born in the presence of the 12 Scions. Instead they will find the greatest warriors of good and seek to arm them in the last war of man.

The Slayers will come in this order.

The first: The sky. The Blackest Wind. The suffocation and transformation. The formless one. (As seen by Harkanius in the 26th turn)

The second: The stealthy. The Blackest Reptile. The swift. (As seen by The Loughoolien in the 11th turn)

The Third: The sickness. The Poison. The Blackest Web. The trap. (As seen by Grahsenia The First priestess of Eyhat, in the 22nd turn)

The fourth: The wild. The Blackest Savage. The Claws and the fangs. The ripper of flesh. (As seen by Haggith the Goblin queen and servant of Dhall, in the 13th turn)

The fifth: The laughing face. The Blackest Charmer. The seduction and Vanity. The bringer of lust and jealousy. (As seen By Harkainus in the 31st turn)

The Sixth: The wisdom. The Leader. The king. The Blackest Lion. (As seen by Talisbane Black Grand Magi of the Robe, in the 19th age)

"No Slayer has come forward yet. But hope still bubbles that this will be the Age of the Slayer. One great warrior had stood for The Blackest Cult's honor and won in dueling for our protection. Could this be the first slayer? More needs to be meditated on to know for sure."

The Blackest Pen

Six: The Blackest Numbers

As writen by the Lost Sage of Darkness "Pyder the first", in the 1st age of man.

The begining and the end: The coming of one. Four lands of four hands. Twleve bodies of twelve divinities. Two kingdoms of darkness masked as light. The six shall become the six who rule over the last. The ten Martyrs shall die to give birth. One United beast. Four armies of chaos bent on destroying each other in the absence of light. Three armies of light bent on bringing darkness to its end. Eight petals shall seek to destroy One garden of darkness. The One shall die to live forever.

One: One judge. One King. One back stabber without cause. One titan. One broken sword that becomes two daggers. One Dragon. One goat. One lotus of light. One lotus of darkness. One age of darkness. One last war. One Witch. One snake. One fire that consumes and kills scions with ease. One Scion who stabs the back of darkness.

The Unwanted Numbers: Seven punished. Five broken blades. Five granted wishes. Four devastateing lies. Three hangman's ropes. Two grand Lions. One King of light.

Double digits: Forty-five Gods at war. Twenty-six heros of darkness. Thirty-one armored spiders. Eleven arrows of darkness. Sixty-two Immortal Black Knights. Thirty-three maggots. Seventeen Dogs Of Death. Thirteen Chapters of darkness.

Black Math

1 Crown + 1 Crown = 3 Erased Nations.

1 Queen + 1 Prophet = The rise of the Blackest Child

1 Blade - 1 Broken = 2 daggers x 2 = 3 Black murders.

5 + 1 = 6 Nations allied with darkness.

1 Arch Preist + 1 Alien God = 1.

12 Scions - 1 Betrayer x 2 = The war between evils.

6 + 3 + 3 = 12 Fathers of Darkness.

1 Lotus + 1 Loutus = 16 petals (8 good, 8 evil).

3 Natives x 3 directions of the compass = 4 islands consumed.

1 Island consumed + 1 prophet of Good = The Islands return to light.

1 Goat + 1 Snake = 1 poisoned.

Of the seven Black prophecies, The Blackest Numbers proves to be the most abstract to obtain truth from. The math of darkness obeys no logical laws of science or order, causeing them to confuse prophets of both sides for over 30 ages of man. The main notice is the lacking mumber 9 in all of its text. For this, many have hailed the number 9 as the Holy number of good, and the hated number of The Blackest Cause. Only time will bring answers to the twisted math of evil

The Blackest Pen