The Aenilian/21st August 2006/Interviews of Rulers on 25th/Prime Minister of Sol

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Interview with Conan, Prime Minister of Soliferum

What do you think is the cause of this current conflict?

This is how it was first explained to me, King Corey was been urged by his Nobles for some time now to reunite all of the Commonwealths lands, it seems that many in the Commonwealth have grown weary of the League of Anacan,

I was asked to aid the Commonwealth in reclaiming their lands, It was not a hard choice to make since most all of the leaders within the League hold strong dislikes for the McGahee family and for the Republic of Soliferum.

I was aware that Maltheo had been shopping for support to move against my Republic, and then some time later it was found out that Alpha,General and council member in the League, had been using his family, that lives in Osaliel, to funnel gold to insurgents and rebels throughout Soliferum, We have long since been having troubles with rebels and now we know where they was coming from.

What are your own personal beliefs about what can be accomplished from this conflict

I believe that Soliferum will help several of it's allies to grow in strength and become more self-sufficant, It will also remove another that lives to conspire against Sol

Do you think this conflict could escalate into a North vs South war now that Greater Aenilia has become involved? No, No way, Greater Aenilia does not have the support of the North and their reasons for joining the frey are weak and loosly thrown together, no offense to you ofcourse. This is NOT about the South nor the North, Soliferum has many many allies on both ends of this continent, and I do not see the Far East as being divided into North and South

Greater Anmilia has an unpredictable King that lacks true conviction, or so it seems to me,When he was first elected he approached me in trying to gain my support to help him defend Aracea and attack Lasanar, Can you belive that, and now he hates Aracea. This man is unstable.

Do you think that Malteo was right and honourable in his attempts to end this conflict through the duel?

No, and first of all let me set the record straight, Maltheo did NOT move to Duel in order to end this conflict,

Maltheo knew that he had been caught in his plot against me and Soliferum, and he also knew that he had lead the League of Anacan to the brink of it's destruction, he knew that he had failed his people.

Malthoe could have listened to my words and worked to find an end to this fire storm that was brought to his realms boarders, but did he, No, He just continued to add more fuel to it and the flames grew, Maltheo knew that he had failed in his attempts,

He also knew that he could not win the duels he proposed, so in the end Maltheo did step down in an honourable way, he knew that he was going to be killed.

What do you think can be done to resolve this conflict?

It's not up to what I think, all that matters here is what the Prime Minister of the League of Anacan thinks and does, he should be working on ways to end this War, but does he? No, he continues in the same steps that Maltheo walked in.

Now we have a seemingly all together different War breaking out, Why did the League declare War against Svunnetland? Svunnetland has no troops in the Leagues regions, Ahy, but see heres what I believe,

The League was conspiring along with Svunnetlands General along with Greater Aenilia againts SoC, But when Queen Hoshi found out about this and she then put an end to it, well thats when the League and Greater Aenilia turned their hatred towards Svunnetland like a jilted bride that was left at the alter.

Any other comments you wish to make?

Soliferum is here to defend and to Aid it's allies, Just as we always have every since I was first elected as Prime Minister. Those that call Soliferum an Ally, they know that Soliferum will never leave them.