Talk:The Free South Times/Issue:4

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Pesky Riombarians. I told you they were trouble. Not that I fancy your new realm that much more, but Riombara was an honorless Plague then--and continues to be now. Lady Doc's Biatch

Ah, an old friend...excellent! Riombara being an honourless Plague? Last time I checked it was Luz not keeping their treaties...but we could discuss this for hours and not get anywhere. The difference being that Luz /thinks/ they keep their treaties, the problem is that said treaties keep changing their meanings...or are only valid if they favor Luz, while the same treaty is invalid as long as it favors Riombara...grin. Its a bit difficult to know in advance what Luz considers 'keeping treaties'. I think that stems part from your assumption that Luz (or Eno Chia beforehand) was perfectly in their rights telling all surrounding realms to hand them their regions or face destruction, defining unwillingness to comply as 'illegal' and resistance as 'resisting the perfect peace that would come into existence once Luz had control of (insert whatever regions are necessary) and thus warmongery (- which of course needed to be exterminated - all in the name of peace naturally. Personally I very much prefer to be attacked by someone who states 'I want your land!', then fight it out. Someone saying 'I want your land, but I am the good one because reason 1-3'...ah well. All that propaganda spouted does nothing but try to keep the selfimage of the one spouting it usually has little effect on anyone else. The current war between Luz and Riombara was sparked as usual by Luz wanting Riombaran lands, all else is little more than byplay - and leading nowhere. It should be possible to come to a peaceagreement with Luz soon and that should (hopefully) end this age's conflict between them...until the next age...grin TanSerrai

Your article shows a blatantly incorrect fact. Total combat strengths: 12365 vs. 16700. --The1exile 17:59, 26 January 2007 (CET)

Oh woah and suffering! I got CS estimates wrong by 1k CS! The world must be ending! Thanks for pointing it out, and no thanks for your complete rudeness. Can't you learn some manners someday, Gorch? Vellos 22:46, 26 January 2007 (CET)
Not really. I am not inclined to be polite to foes when a great man and a good friend fell in battle today. --The1exile 23:02, 26 January 2007 (CET)

How the hell is attacking KoA a response to Fronen's move on RoF!?! -Chénier 19:07, 11 February 2007 (CET)

I hate to agree with a rebel, but in this case Chenier is correct. Fronen threatens to attack Fwuvoghor and your precious lover. Because of this you take revenge on Alluran? Alluran has absolutely nothing to do with this. Fronen is not even allied to Alluran. Fronen's approval of Alluran stems from the old adages "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "the friend of my friend is my friend." Indeed, attacking them does nothing to encourage us to stop our planned assault. In fact, it only strengthens our resolve, encourages us to make greater haste, and gets you wounded in the process. Truly you decision is incomprehensible to anyone of sound mind.

Regardless though of how irrational your choice of targets was, the world sees what good it did. Your capital is now occupied. Congratulations on your pyrrhic victory in Eno. If this is what you call victory then I hope you meet with similar "success." --Alex 19:25, 11 February 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

  • The victory in Eno not pyrrhic. The forces of Alluran have been reduced to a handful of soldiers, Brovyl has been reclaimed by Luz de Bia, and Xween and Eno will follow soon. That will put Alluran out of the picture, and allow Luz de Bia and Irombrozia to focus on Riombara. -Pizarro 20:19, 11 February 2007 (CET)
    • Yes, our capitol is occupied. That's irrelevant. It's happenned before. The Riombarans aren't even looting! It's grand! They're just burning walls. bah, no problem. The Luz de Bians smashed our walls to a mere moat and bailey! The attack on KoA... well, I can't presume to explain my royal half-brother's mind, it seems an odd strategic choice to me, but I am little concerned with strategy. But, do note, even if Irombrozia's army had been in Irombro... the battle still probably would not have been a victory. Vellos 20:26, 11 February 2007 (CET)

While you may view occupation of your capital as a good thing, I assure you that Fronen's victory to come will change your tune. --Alex 22:03, 11 February 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

Pizarro, mate, have you ever seen a capital tried to be taken over? Eno will not "shortly follow", especially with the majority of the Luz + Enweil armies retreating north. And Hireshmont, what the heck do you build your walls out of if we can burn them? I hope it's gingerbread... --The1exile 22:07, 11 February 2007 (CET)

Why, the corpses of our enemies, naturally. Vellos 01:27, 12 February 2007 (CET)

Government, Artisan's, and Peasant Quarters... what is the fourth quarter? --Alex 01:30, 14 February 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

Ahem, yes, forgot to mention that, didn't I? That would be the Monument Quarter, where the opera house, gymnasium, statues of our heroes, museum of art, and a satellite campus of the Grand Temple are, and where this press happens to be located. And don't forget the Fifth Quarter, which is the underground area that's a constant party and monk-chanting jam session. Naturally, the 4th and 5th quarters are under Irombrozian control still. Riombarans don't have enough of a sense of humor or enjoyment of the finer things in life to be able to survive stepping foot in those parts of the city: the sheer amount of culture and heritage in the air would probably suffocate them. Vellos 03:40, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Well, I might not have a sense of humor, but you got the suffocating part right: I nearly was when an overlarge tapestry depicting a certain Lord Hireshmont 6 or 7 times larger than lifesize did fall off a wall and covered me. And that only because I tried to rearrange that thing a bit...aparently the artisans made it too large, so the top part of that wall hanging showing the head of Hireshmont hat to be fixed to the ceiling...and they did not align it correctly. While trying to repair that, the thing fell off. A dastardly assasination attempt, I am sure. I'll never be able to live down the jokes of my soldiers because they had to pull me out from under it feetfirst. But one thing still interests me...pray tell, why exactly does Hireshmont wear 9 crowns on that wall hanging? All different and some a bit too large? TanSerrai 10:32, 14 February 2007 (CET)
It's a new art style that's becoming popular with some of the younger artists in Irombro. It's called "surrealism". Vellos 13:55, 14 February 2007 (CET)
How does that explain the whole 9 crowns thing? --The1exile 14:23, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Clearly you aren't very well versed in art, Gorch... Vellos 16:50, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Surreal enough for ya?? (OOC
I dropped art a few years back...) --The1exile 22:20, 14 February 2007 (CET)

I know that painting it's Dembrandt's "Tribute to Vanity". If I remember right he also did a portrait of a very proud-looking Hiereshmont on a white horse in gold armor adorned with the phoinix, his lance spearing a small dog. I believe that piece was called "The Essence of Hubris" --Alex 14:40, 14 February 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

Actuallly, I believe the distance to Fronen has caused there to be some things lost in translation. Deimbrandt's (Deimbrant, not Dembrandt) first painting is entitled "Tribute to Sanity" and the second is indeed entitled "The Essence of Hubris". He painted it after I gave him some critique on his painting "The Deposition of Marc", concerning the chair in the picture. Deimbrandt and I are good friends, he's one of my three court painters. The other two are Laenadro and Rafialo. Vellos 16:50, 14 February 2007 (CET)

((OOC: That was clever)) No, it was Dembrandt, and it WAS "Tribute to Vanity." He lives in Riiport, Rii. The man is now making a gand masterpiece, a marble sculpture called "The Great Hiereshmonator." The man likes his parodies. Turns out we have another painter portraying you the same way. Donatel O'Ninga Tourtelle, a Fontanese immigrant in Fronen is painting "Hiereshmont and the Harem", and "The Love of Self." I think I will have both artists available for consultation when I finally write my scathing exposé.--Alex 18:40, 14 February 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

No, Alex, you are in error. There is no place called "Riiport", primarily because Rii does not have any ports. Rii is a land of rocky farmlands. It hasn't got the society to support artists. Deimbrandt dwells in the Monument Quarter of Irombro, or in one of my palaces. Deimbrandt, also, is not a sculptor. Alexius, do you truly think that you, in the distant north, hundreds of miles away, are more familiar with Irombrozian artists than the king of Irombrozia, who also happens to be their primary patron (besides the Church of Qyrvagg, which spends vast amounts of money each year on art)? You won't have them available unless you come down here and capture them yourself! Besides, Deimbrandt and the others are all ardent loyalists of the Crown of Irombrozia. They may mock me, but it is in good humor. Vellos 22:28, 14 February 2007 (CET)


The difference you fail to note is that KoA's 5K CSmeans that they have a force actually five times larger than your total CS! not even Riombara managed that - then again, if they had, we'd have been the largest military force on the island with a 42.5K CS mobile army. --The1exile 23:08, 16 February 2007 (CET)

Don't Complain

Hireshmont, don't complain about a war that YOU started. There was absolutely no reason for Irombrozia to attack the Kingdom of Alluran, and yet you insisted on bashing your head against our wall. You want our blood now because your "short victorious war" backfired right on you. Alluran will not falter and Irombrozia can never break us. Blame yourself, Hireshmont, and I hope any thinking nobles left in your realm can see that as well. Niallan Tasartir (Elenar 23:53, 27 February 2007 (CET))

"==Reconquest?== March 10, 1007- For the first time in a while there is true, definite good news. In a shirt and easily"

Just changed "shirt" to "short" for you. -Distorted

I'm getting sick of the word "liberated"... --Alex 16:05, 17 March 2007 (CET)

And I'm sick of the word "Fronen". Bolkenia never went below 70% sympathy for us, and never went above 20% loyalty (if even that high! It was at about 10% when we entered the region) to KoA. The people hated KoA, and we had a claim. We ran a friendly TO that succeeded in... what... 2-3 turns? I'd call that a liberation, especially seeing as KoA was funnelling all of Bolkenia's food into Eno to relieve the starvation there, thus putting a heavy strain on Bolkenia's people. And seeing as I'd be willing to bet KoA was hanging people and cuntinuing their reign of terror and pillage. They came to power by pillaging, terror, and usurpation, and there's no reason to think they kept power any other way. The moment their army was out of the way the people began revolting, and mere turns later had willingly rejoined Irombrozia. Yep, that's a liberation. In fact, I can't think of many better examples of a liberation. Vellos 04:35, 18 March 2007 (CET)

Oh, it seems I've provoked Hiereshmont's ire. I find that moderately amusing. --Alex 06:29, 18 March 2007 (CET) (Character: Alexius)

Well oh great esteemed judge, what would you have called it? ---Hyral 19:29, 18 March (CET)

Actually, the lowest that I recall seeing Bolkenia's loyalty to Irombrozia was 68%, which was below 70%. I should know, I stirred the peasants up to that level. -Distorted

Truly? Well, it didn't stay that way for long, and it's only a grand total of 2%, so it makes little difference. It's ironic how Amekal was insulted and reviled for using his priestly influence to calm the people and laud Irombrozia, yet you find nothing at all shady about scaring them and badmouthing other realms and causing unrest. Amekal did that... I believe a grand total of one time... Vellos 00:18, 19 March 2007 (CET)

I never scared them, just returned the favor to Irombrozia two or three times over. Besides, Amekal did this before it became a holy war. Funny how your family started both the war between the two realms and then the two faiths as well. -Distorted

I have seen no evidence Amekal did as you say, and I doubt you have either. SO far as I am aware, he never badmouthed KoA except once early in the TO, after which I commanded him to stop. And, also, you started the holy war by, you know, TORCHING OUR TEMPLE, and declaring us evil. When your nobles came in screaming heretics and damnation, razing our shrines, looting the temples, burning our buildings down, thieving, preaching hate, you began the holy war: we gave it its name. A rose by any other name is still a rose. There was a holy war the first moment you entered Bolkenia with the Alluranian army and began preaching in order to gain a strategic advantage, and it's one you started. Vellos 04:52, 19 March 2007 (CET)

Still Printing?

I'm incredibly curious, how do so many nobles manage to write articles and have them printed while captured? I had Enzeru trapped in Mhed and yet he managed to have things printed in my paper. You now are in a Riombaran prison... and the Riombarans actually let you publish? Has Marche lost his mind, or have you some sort of secret relay system? Of course even if you had a secret relay system, you Hireshmont are so notorious, I would think you'd be heavily guarded at all times. Unless you've bribed the guards or something. Still though there should be more than one guard, atleast one should refuse to give you parchment, and/or deliver the thing.

If you ever write a memoir, be sure to include just how you achieve this feat, writing while imprisoned. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for how it was done.

--Alex 20:53, 6 April 2007 (CEST) (Character: Alexius)

(OOC: Maybe Rio is very lenient about these things ;) failing that, he could have bribed his guards.)
Hireshmont, this stuff about being unable to react on time is utter rubbish. I saw the scout reports, you guys misdirected back to Irombro with maybe 90% of your army. You could have easily reacted to us arriving by not just pretending to move, but by actualy doing so, hm? Maybe then you guys wouldn't have been defeated in Irombro.... and maybe then you wouldn't be facing possible death or deportation. Exiled Family/Gorch 21:29, 6 April 2007 (CEST)
Firstly, yes, I bribed the guards. Riombarans are notoriously easy to bribe. Secondly, Gorch, we didn't misdirect to Irombro or, at least, we CERTAINLY didn't order a misdirection, and anyone who did so did so of their own free will. (OOC- Our entire chain of command, i.e. everyone with a position, missed the first several (6 or 8, I can't remember) hours of the turn, and some TLs took initiative and did the wrong thing, then one of our people in the chain of command gave the wrong orders and by the time I and the player of our general logged it was too late to change it. Irombrozia is blessed with lots of what are called light-weight players. Perhaps you've heard of this concept? ;) )
If you really didn't order a misdirection, then it's no wonder that you keep losing - 90% of your army keeps doing their own thing! No wonder you guys have yet to put up a decent fight. Although that could also be because you're rebel scum. (OOC: Your players may be lightweight, but I call bull when an entire army misdirects to the same destination of their own accord. In my experience, it simply doesn't happen.)--The1exile 09:55, 7 April 2007 (CEST)
OOC- Also, do remember, a misdirection takes ONE hour. Moving takes quite a few more. The orders given ended up in many people using their hours. Also, there's no way it could have been 90%. Hireshmont's unit alone was about 1/5 of the army and he didn't misdirect. Vellos 16:03, 7 April 2007 (CEST)
OOC: But the travel time is only like 6 hours max. Oh, you might not make it in one turn, but you can still get far enough away so as not to lose 7K CS. And when I say 90%, I mean in terms of nobles, not CS, but the scout report has timed out by now s I can't check. Oh... and Hireshmonts unit can't be 20% of the army, as that would make it 1400 CS, when it was probably nearer the 700 mark. --The1exile 16:33, 7 April 2007 (CEST)
OOC He was about 20% of the number of men involved on his side. ANd his unit was 1200 CS at it's height, thank you very much. It was about 600 when he got deported because it'd been mauled. But whatever the case I'm not going to argue with you. I know that we screwed ourselves with bad OOC login cycles, and you can choose to believe that or not. Vellos 17:11, 7 April 2007 (CEST)
OOC Are you seriously arguing that our commanders didn't log in? What do you want, proof that people have lives and don't always log in? Why would we lie ooc about something so stupid as not logging in because our in game army got decimated? ---player/baiko
Fair point then, let's agree to disagree. --The1exile 12:51, 8 April 2007 (CEST)

But, on the upside, the Irombrozian sacrifice may have bought time for the Luz de Bian army which, soon after the battle, finished a TO on Bym, returning it to rightful Luz de Bian sovereignty.

...who promptly ran away from the region and lost 2,000 CS to our assault, leaving the region under very poor control, barely occupied, and allowing Riombara to start another TO that I expect should be done within a day or so. Luz probably won't even get taxes out of the region. OPf course, there'sd also the issue of KoA in the south, and that they hve forces pinne in Eylmon as well. So your "sacrifice" still fails to achieve aything... though I know you call Herkan wrong, so I don't know why I even bother. Probably out of pity for our men, or more specifically, their orphans and widows. --The1exile 09:52, 21 April 2007 (CEST)

You know Vellos, for a propaganda newpaper the Free South Times is surprisingly pessimistic. Elenar 22:50, 2 May 2007 (CEST)

Thats for two reasons (this is OOC mostly). 1. Amekal is writing for a while instead of Hireshmont and he is not nearly the propagandist Hireshmont is. 2. The FST was never quite as propagandistic (is that a word?) as I have jokingly, and others have seriously portrayed it as. Vellos 05:18, 3 May 2007 (CEST)

Fair enough. Good job with keeping it updated. Elenar 08:12, 3 May 2007 (CEST)