Talk:The Blackest Bible
The snake and the rat
Surely thsat should be the other way around, that the rat called the snakle a slithering fool, and so on? --The1exile 17:43, 11 August 2006 (CEST)
The snake called the rat slithering, and the rat called the snake vermin...this was intentional and has a deeper thought behind it then just labling things the way the world sees fit. in fact, that is the thought right THERE!
The world would call the rat vermin, and the snake slithering...we would even consider debating if this was true or not...were as the two evils agree instantly knowing they are right...and get right to eating the turtle (who has a shell to protect himself...that also has reason behind it...a fortress on its back that slows it down and applies to the rule of never making fortresses)
Heh heh, it's like sadistic Logical Positivism. Incidentally, It is only the racist nature of man that projects the word “evil” on those who embrace the universal truths of life sounds dubious to me - the Blackest Bible is surely not claiming that evil is a matter of racial discrimination, but instead is claiming that it is ideological discrimination. Racism clouds the issue.
Similarly, during the last British General Election, the Conservative party had some posters up saying It's not racist to impose limits on immigration. Which is quite correct: it's xenophobic, not racist (which to my mind is equally reprehensible). philoxenia ftw.
But anyway, I think that particular sentence could be reworked; perhaps the Blackest Bible could argue that the assignation of the tag 'evil' is analogous to racism? --Egregious 19:40, 11 August 2006 (CEST)
race is ment in the form of "human race"...meaning, the word "racist" mean humanist.
Those who do not understand the law that "man is animal" can not fully understand why the word "racist" was carfully choosen above others that were possible.
Understand? no? prolly not evil enough.
I think I see - you mean that the use of the word racist is predicated on the idea earlier in the section that 'evil' people are embracing their animal rights, their bestiality. I still think that in that case 'speciesist' might be a better choice (Peter Singer, anyone?) but I think I see. --Egregious 20:45, 11 August 2006 (CEST)
Parent page link
You don't need to put a link to the The Blackest Bible page at the top of every chapter, the wiki automatically does it for you... --Kurosaki Family 00:23, 7 September 2006 (CEST)