
From BattleMaster Wiki

I believe it was called something like Irombar actually... something like that... Vellos 05:06, 18 April 2007 (CEST)

Yes, it was called Irombar. That's where the "bar" in "Riombara" came from, I think. --Anaris 15:51, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Actually I think it was called Irombara...if I recall exactly, we merged Rines and Irombara to Ri-ombara...I think that both realms wanted their names in the first part of the new realm name and Irombara was given 'more' letters to make up for being in 'second' place. On the other hand all that might be wrong...grin. TanSerrai 17:03, 18 February 2010 (UTC)
*Grmbl* Now ya tell me... --Anaris 13:19, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
Well...consider it a 'warping-of-name' due to 'history-through-the-ages' done by word of mouth...and anyway, I highly doubt that anyone is able to either remember clearly or can provide conflicting evidence....add to it that Irombar actually sounds better than Irombara and I think we can leave it as it is...grin TanSerrai 16:01, 19 February 2010 (UTC)