Talk:Beluaterran Observer

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You know, I think it's worth a mention that Bara'Khur lost one Queen defending Enweil's capital from monsters, and lost another Queen on retreat from defending Avalon's capital early into the invasion and in the early stages of the war fought viciously against the Monsters in Enweil and Avalon and lead raids into Meridian while supporting sieges and take overs, we aren't entirely a realm of politicians. RestonVanim 16:57, 3 November 2010 (CET)

The label of politicians is an interesting one. Rest assured, though, that in Enweil Bara'Khur's sacrifices are honoured and we do consider you to be a realm of warriors and heroes. I'd figure the same would apply to Avalon. The death of a royal is not something we take lightly. After all, that was the main reason behind the war of retribution on Riombara, the execution of Katia Zotral and the circumstances around it (cheering by Riombaran nobles, failure to punish the judge appropriately, etc.). -Chénier 17:16, 3 November 2010 (CET)
sigh. Katia's execution was _not_ cheered. This action was one of the worst - and immediately loudly dammned - Riombara has ever undertaken. The judge was punished and exiled...and not because of Enweils demands but because we try to keep our oaths... On the other side, Enweil had little qualms executing and torturing several Riombaran nobles, none of which did result in even minor punishment. Chénier, this is about the fifth or sixth time you have floated this accusation, all the time conveniently ignoring both facts and your own actions. Still, I expect this - and quite a few similar accusations - to reappear again and again and again, no matter the facts as you seem to be intent on it. Thus - sigh. TanSerrai 17:45, 3 November 2010 (CET)
As a point, torturing and executing a "mere noble" doesn't even come close to the historical reaction they would have to the execution of a ruler, so it doesn't really stand as a comparison. RestonVanim 17:47, 3 November 2010 (CET)
Dude, we tortured some Lefanis, Mordred I think, and we got a whole bunch of letters of nobles saying "about time", "she deserved it", "you did well" and the like. If any condemned it, we didn't see it in the torture report, but we saw plenty of cheering. I don't just pull this out of my ass, saying it's true because I think it is. I read it, I saw it. And if my hard drive hadn't failed on my laptop, I could even send you a copy. But you can ask anyone that was in the council at the time, the nobles did cheer it. Also, the judge was not punished. He stepped down by himself and then went to get a comfortable residence in an allied realm. He wasn't banned, fined, or anything. He just changed realms at his own pace, and somehow this is supposed to be justice. After the execution of Katia, Riombarans were free game, it was only from that point on did Enweil torture and execute Riombarans that got caught, because since you didn't respect the treaty there was no reason for us to do so. And as RestonVanim says, and we continuously repeated during the war, executing a few banned infiltrators and torturing some disliked nobles does not equal the unlawful murder of a royal (not only were they against lesser people but they did not violate any agreement as it had been voided by yourselves). Tooth for tooth was demanded, be it the judge's or the ruler's head. -Chénier 18:21, 3 November 2010 (CET)