Swift Sabre of Unlife

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Walking past the graveyard in the woods outside Cresaur V'kesta Grimoire noticed several skeletons milling around in the area of a crypt that looked recently disturbed.

Resolving to fix this threat to the lives of the people of the city of Cresaur V'kesta confronted them and shattered the to dust which they should have been in the first place.

She then checked the small crypt and eliminated 3 or 4 more of the skeletons before she came upon the main one which was brandishing a rather nasty looking weapon which it was intent on hurting her with.

Deftly dodging several blows that came her way V'kesta cut the skeletons legs out from under it and the made quick work of it finally returning it to the state of rest it deserved.

Respectfully re-interring the bones back within the crypt as best she could and saying a prayer for their souls (or lack of) she picked up her reward of the Swift Sabre of Unlife and climbed back out into the cool night air and towards the nearest tavern.