Studies of Abington by Brakus Stien
As a student of Brakus he has sent you this book it is a small but well made and sturdy looking book. As you open it you find that there are five chapters with in the book they include that following.
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Chapter One
Recruitment - a short chapter on the ins and outs of recruiting a unit and how to make sure you recruit the best unit for your needs.
Chapter Two
Maintenance of Units - This chapter explains how you should handle matters of upkeep concerning your unit and their needs and wants.
Chapter Three
Allegiance is literally where you belong. This is incredibly important in a medieval world, and everyone always knew where he belonged to. You were never "Richard", you were "Richard of Ubent" (or from Ubent, if you were a commoner).
Chapter Four
Basic Combat Strength and Tactics - This is a lot of information about your unit and how they act and react to all types of events.
Chapter Five
Unit settings are part of the paperwork page. Most of what is involved with combat tactics comes down to unit settings, and so generals will usually issue orders that include the unit settings they feel are ideal for whatever it is they are ordering you to do. There are four "settings" each with 4 or 5 options (though you are rarely ordered a "designation" since it is assumed you are set to "regular army")
Chapter Six
A short discussion on region allegiance should you become a region lord.