Shifter Family
Family History
The Shifter Family begins with the twin brothers, Seth and Charnel Shifter. The brothers began as traders specializing in the trade of weapons. Their travels took them across the dunes of Talerium, until they came across a small oasis in the sands of Quetli. While they drink and rested from several weeks of travel, Seth discovered a rose that he had never seen before. The rose was black as the night sky, not nearly a dark violet but a jet black. Seth took his find to Charnel who was just as impressed by his brother's finding. The brothers set off the next day for the next town on their route, with rose in hand. They arrived later that day and they when to the local botanist in search of answers. They were informed that the rose was unique to that oasis. The brother decided to end their travels and a life of luxury which they long desired for. Using the money they had gathered selling weapons they were able to build a mansion for them and their family to come. Many years have past since that day, and both Seth and Charnel have married women from the local village, Oriel and Persephone. Though Seth and Charnel are to old to travel they have highly encouraged their childern to venture out into the world. Each child carries a weapon collected by Seth and Charnel during their travel. To this day they brothers have found a from of happiness that can't be matched. Seth spend much of his day tending the garden of black roses (which have become the center piece of the family crest) and painting with his beloved Oriel. Charnel has continued in deal in weapons (except he make then instead of trading them), and riding camels with Persephone.
Childern of Seth and Oriel
Brother of Hikari and Spawn, eldest of the Shifter children. He stands at 6 feet, has a moderate build, tan skin, green eyes and short brown hair. Doom was the first to leave family homestead in-search of a new life. As a gift he was given The Arm of Destruction. Doom stated his career in his home of Talerium. After 3 months in Talerium, left for Beluaterra in search of new adventure. Doom joined Melhed where became the warrior that he is today. During the first undead invasion Doom was change in a way he never thought possible, he saw friends and comrades fall at the hands of the undead. At this moment he new what his purpose in life was, to stop the undead form leaving this island and spreading. After leaving Melhed because of political turmoil he join Ashborn. Here he continues his quest to destroy the undead and the monsters that ravage the land.
Bother of Doom and twin of Hikari. The story of Spawn is a short one for little is know of him. He left for Ubent of East Continent but never arrived. Seth and Oriel still morn the lose of their son and hope that he returns to them some day.
Brother of Doom and twin of Spawn. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall, has a very lanky build, very tan skin, blue eyes, and curly brown hair. Originally Hikari hand no intention fallow in his elder brother's (Doom) and twin's (Spawn) foot steps. Once he heard of his twin brother's disappearance he became stricken with grief. A few days later Hikari choose to continue what Spawn had started. It also became apparent to him that his home was no longer safe, because of his cousin Khorne. Upon setting out of Ubent he took The Becon of Light to guide him on his travels. In Ubent, Hikari has remained. He has fought many enemies in serves of the Iron Throne. Until recently he has alway been a quiet person, but past events has made him much more vocal.
Children of Charnel and Persephone
Brother of Melfina, He stands at 6 feet 2 inches, very heavily build, is albino so his skin is white, has red eyes, has long dreadlocks of white hair. Since Khorne is an albino, he was never able to enjoy playing in the oasis with his cousins and sister. Instead Khorne fled to the basement of the family mansion. Here his hate and fury grew, he hated the outside world because it burned him. One day he snapped, if the world would burn him, then he would burn it! He vowed to destroy all that was living and opposed his home of Talerium, first of whom would be his cousin Hikari. Hikari had taunted Khorne for his condition, therefor he was the focus of his anger. Once Hikari left, Khorne took up Blood Rage and joined the nobles of Talerium. Khorne quickly became known as 'the Lord of Blood' of his savageness on the battle field and toward his enemies. Khorne would cover his armor with the bones of his dead foes and collected there skulls to decorate his room. He was also known to harvest the corpses of dead enemies to consume their flesh and blood alike. Khorne was killed in the battle of Xotaxa, defending his home against Darka.
Unknown to the rest of his family was the nightmare he had created in the throne room of Quetli. Khorne had turned the throne room in a hell that only he could find enjoyable. The room it's self was covered with flesh, pools of blood an stacks of bone could be found all over the floor, bodies hung from the walls and ceiling. Some the bodies still had flesh one them; immortalized faces of horror and agony could be seen on the bodies that still had faces. The throne in the middle of the room was made of bone and flesh to act as leather seating. The horror remained a secret from his family and the world until his sister discovered it.
Sister of Khorne. She is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall, has a slim build, tan skin, brown eyes, and long brown hair. Melfina grow up spending much time with her mother and aunt, enjoying many of the simple pleasures of the oasis. Once she heard the news of her brother's, Khorne, death; she took it upon herself to fill the void of guarding Talerium. She is uneasy in what she calls 'her brother's world' and wishes to return to the life she once lived. Though she knew her brother was crazy and mad but she didn't know the full extent of his madness till recently. After she was promoted to baroness of Quetli, she found her bother's old throne room which turned out to be nothing more then a hell hole. With her, she wields The Twin Daggers of Dusk. Since her discovery she has vowed restore her family honor that had been tarnished by Khorne, and hopefully find a way to easy the anger that consumes his soul.