Sethar Family

From BattleMaster Wiki
Sethar Family
Fame 33
Wealth 19605
Home Region Poitiers
Home World East Continent

The Sethar family is infamous for its brutality, guts and looting of lands for their own benefit. They do not hold back when it comes to battles or a good wenching.



Koloyok Sethar was an unpredictable man with a penchant for bloodshed. He was born in a small village off the edge of Poitiers and grew up in an average family and lived free of trouble until he was about 16 years old, but at that point everything changed.

He accidently maimed somebody during a terrible disaster and was headed for a life of crime. While obstructed by many he had to survive in a mad world. But with his persistance and wits, he managed to battle the elements and find a new home. This has turned him into the man he is today.

Koloyok started in the realm of Eponlynn as a lowly knight.


