Serpentis Family/ Gor Ault - Beluaterra

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Gor Ault

Gor Ault hails as the Horse Lords of Melhed. Originally founded under the rule of Old Grehk, the Horse Lords remained when the region was gained by Melhed. Sometimes turbulent in nature the people of Gor Ault have always been proud of their lands. Though known for their rearing and breeding of fierce stalions, the people also tirelessly work in the fields. Providing the city of Agyr with a substantial quantity but always sure to maintain the well-being of their real livelihood: the horses.

Lands and People

Gor Ault long survived in a system of rural properties without the need of even a single village. After so many Invasions and many villages burned to the ground, the people became used to live in their farms in a hereditary caste system among the families. The most important are the horse breeders. Important and recognized even out of Gor Ault, this caste is divided into two and are responsible for the best stallions used in battle or the breeding of stronger horses to work in the fields. Many legends say that they were the pioneers in the use of horses to plow the fields and do all sorts of hard work. Living in abundance in a sea of green, the people enjoy their farms and once a month they meet to celebrate with racings and games in a large field known as Stallion's Valley.

Farms, Manufacturing and The Knight's Road

Although the main horse economy, Gor Ault is also known for its farms. More than servants, entire families live and work in these properties. The less fortunate castes have developed an entire economy based on manufactured objects to ride or to help in the fields. This intermediate class of merchants complements the work of the rich breeders while the poorer classes below them was exclusively devoted to the cultivation of vegetables, breeding of cows and sheep or every aspect of rural production. They are also responsible for taking care of the only paved road that connected the Capital Agyr and the City of Mehed. In times of war and invasions when the troops marched through Gor Ault, the people named the path as The Knight's Road.


For many years the religion and worship of the old gods was neglected in Gor Ault. The folklore has survived along with pagan rites until the arrival of The Bloodspeakers and the construction of the first temple. The first official religion of Gor Ault conquered almost the entire population in a short time. Offerings and sacrifices were again a common thing between them. Ancient legends and whispers back to win appropriate rites. And at each summer solstice they marched in a procession to the temple to pray for the "Stallion who will ride the world".

Yeux Serpentis
