Serpentis Family/ Cori - Beluaterra

From BattleMaster Wiki

The old Gods blew of the ocean a strong and hot wind on Cori. The great stones and rocky formations are a work of the persistent nature in the region. The wonderful coast was drawn through the time by the waves and temperamental tides. The arid lands inappropriate for the agriculture don't leave of revealing a wonderful place to live. Small and beautiful beaches receive the waves until the natural border with the small bay of Stempleto to the north and the important mercantile coastal route with Lacint to the south. Blessed by the Sea Gods.

Villages and People

The people of Cori reflect the temper of the sea and of the storms. Of the arid heat. Sometimes calm, sometimes celebrant and agitated. Stormy, but always with a great good sense for the businesses and with a pleasant hospitable behavior. Separated naturally by the needs the population established two villages. The principal close to the border of Cteduul and Henhower reflects the principal aspects of the Capital in a simple and pleasant architecture. However, the greatest attraction is a small square known as Merchant's Square where a thousand voices negotiate the goods of Cori in change of herbs and Orombo's Liquor.

Nearer to the coast and in the heart of Cori the negotiations is more difficult in the small village that centralizes the fishermen estates and is home of a little more savage peasants known as "blue people". It is in the arid interior that the people really work in marine businesses and in the production that sustains the region and feeds the people with fishing activities.

Goods, Culinary and Trading

The sea blesses Cori in many ways. The diet is almost strictly based on what the fishermen take from the sea. Shellfishes and different species of fish are roasted in mud ovens, grilled in bonfires or savored in delicious soups. An unique delicacy is a turtle soup served in the shell with the eggs that those sea turtles deposit at the beaches. Imitating the nobility jewels, it's very common to see the women with necklaces and bracelets of small and beautiful shells. However, the main wealth of Cori it's in the only arboreal life of the region: woads. The only plant that got to survive in the arid badlands and has an immense importance. The "blue people" are known like this by to pick up and manipulate those plants to extract a blue pigment that mixed with a type of coral found in the coast results in an magnify royal blue paint used to dye the clothes of the Avalon high nobility.

Those two primary activities with the agility of the people for the trade and a good systems of roads between the villages and neighboring regions transformed Cori in a important center of negotiations. The marine trade also established a lot of success in the great coast of Avalon sometimes arriving to the distant Orombo. In the Cteduul markets those goods flow to the realm nobility and make the reputation of Cori.

Yeux Serpentis
