Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Prophets

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The Prophets


The Great Invasion had begun. Demons and Undedas proliferated in the north like a plague, but the greatest concern came from the south, where the Monsters were a real challenge. They seemingly and indestructible and insurmountable challenge. The Monsters had grown in number and power and devastated realms with a speed and brutality never seen before.

In the battle of Qual, Yex was wounded Cwellan and proved that was possible to kill what is already dead. It was possible to wound the Undead and now, the Bard was studying in the roots of his religion ways to exterminate these creatures. But the troops marched to Fwuvoghor. Villriil had been invaded and taken, but was now free from domination of the wild war beasts. The allies were gathering to fight and help Riombara, which proved an unsuccessful attempt. But it was not in vain. He found a nice beach to fish and rest.

At the end of say, Yeux returned to the city carrying some fish in his fishing pole. The people seemed bristling with the presence of a strange old man in a mystic state of torpor chanting psalms and words with obscure meanings. Yeux pushed some people with his shield and made his way to Motranas.

You visit the prophet Motranas, and listen to his words, many of which are difficult to make out. One part of his long sermon comes out clearly to you and that is:

There is something very much alive inside the undead, just as there is so much death inside the monsters. Are they really opposites, I ask, or are they two sides of the same coin?

The people looked frightened and curious, but Yeux saw nothing revealing in those words.

Yeux Serpentis: "Great prophet... I can do best for free."

Looking with suspiciou and certainly with indifference, he threw five gold coins at the foot of the insane prophet and made again his way with the shield to get away from that mob. People in need of some words to help them understand the misery that was digging sharp claws in Beluaterra.
