Serpentis Family/Snorri
Name: Snorri Serpentis
Age: 23 years
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Melhed
Main Class: Adventurer
Title: Freeman
Religion: -- --
Honour: 15
Prestige: 9
Items Discovered: Ornate Nightblade
2011-05-24 * Kojiro Hinamoto, Praetor of Melhed and Senator of Agyr
Common Items
•100 year Oak Bark (3x)
•Adventure Gear (20x)
•Battered Armour (2x)
•Bear Hide (4x)
•Beastman Blood
•Boar Tusks
•Broken Sword
•Coloured Feather
•Combat Gear (17x)
•Empty Keg
•Flintstone (3x)
•Hair of a Maiden
•Heretic's Staff
•Junk (4x)
•Lump of Wax
•Monster Teeth
•Mysterious Item
•Ornate Amulet
•Quality Leather (2x)
•Wooden Statuette (3x)
Usable Items
•Bedroll (2x)
•Lamp (3x)
•Portal Stone
•Rope (2x)
•Small Tent
Recipe nº 01
•Beastman Blood
•Empty Scroll Case
Recipe nº 02
•2x Bear Hide
•3x Fool's Gold
•2x Griffon Egg
•2x Patch of Rough Silk
Recipe nº 03
•100 year Oak Bark
•Eagle Claws
Recipe nº 04
•Rare Woodland Flower
•Monster Skull
In development...
2011-04-23 * Snorri * Began a life of adventure in Thalmarkin.
2011-05-02 * Snorri * Banned from Thalmarkin.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2011-05-02 * Snorri * Joined the realm of Melhed
2011-06-07 * Snorri * Ban from Thalmarkin lifted by Pyrix.