Serpentis Family/Henrich/Volcano's Offerings

From BattleMaster Wiki
Volcano’s Offerings

Henrich had inherited his father’s warrior spirit and blind determination to overcome challenges, revealing the unknown to discover what lay beyond. That was the blood of his family running in his veins; even young he was not an exception. He left the winter behind him after cross the gates in Koshtlom, entering the mist of the unknown world.

Without a Captain, he led his Stormbringers with their heavy black cloaks and painted shields with the crest of a lightning striking the earth. Thick military scarves covering their faces and many of them raised their shields above the head when another rain of ashes fell on them. The banners always kept the torches lit with a good seal oil because it’s impossible to distinguish between day and night with the sulphurous clouds hovering over them, hiding the sun. Their fingers always trembling at the sword’s pommel or very tight around the grip.

The first hours were paranoid and frightening. Even used to the battle cries and desperate screams of the lootings, the anguish and terror in all its horror was a cursed symphony. The weakest ones wept like children and needed the slaps of a close friend in arms or thrusts that forced them to continue. They marched toward the volcano obliged to keep a last trace of courage while Henrich was leading them; the High Magistrate of Asylon imposed the pace, facing his own fears with heroism. He was looking for signs of any cyclopic construction of distorted architecture. Actually, he just hoped that the demons came to meet him; for surely they had already felt his presence.

They belonged to the shores, the cliffs and the sea. Each soldier was instructed to bring offerings and spoils to offer as a gift to the volcano and its dark gods. Henrich brought a good bag of seal leather with good ale, smoked fish and many ornaments from Kid’s Rock; small pieces of jewelry carved in whale bone. However, the most valuable gift was resting at his belt in a scabbard decorated with swirling spirals as the southern winds and a beautiful mermaid from the locket to the chape. The sword had a beautiful pommel like a feral creature’s head from the deeps with the grip on whale bone and the blade was forged with the finest metals from Barrow Peaks.

Even with the diplomatic neutrality, the travel was a risk one. The volcano had a meaning, but the location was the priority. Even forcing his soldiers and himself to those bizarre conditions, he would not go into one of the fortifications and cursed cities without a formal presentation. In the open he can be perceived by the demons. Henrich had faced many monsters and he knew Yeux passed some time between the monsters in Beluterra, among the Power’s court. But this was the first time seeing an infernal. Despite the image he had to keep in front of his soldiers, each steep brought a shiver down his spine and the vile feeling of black claws clutching his heart.
