Serpentis Family/Henrich/Haunted

From BattleMaster Wiki

A swollen sun melting at the horizon. Henrich walked under the scorching heat of Chato. That was a strange visit. Some years ago his father had commanded a mission to rescue his ancestors and move the family house to Abilotiel in Far East. At the time his relatives were isolated since Yeux, the last hero of Atamara left the the continent after the fall of Falasan. Now his family would be alone in Abilotiel with the death of Gregor Eyolf, his father and oldest hero of The House of Serpentis. The fate was inexorable like his old father used to say.

The young warrior stood in front of the stone walls. The twisted old gates were open. He imagined how it should be that great house in the good old times. Now the red walls were crumbling. The roof was just a pile of old wood that now served as shelter for the birds. He entered and barely noticed the white stones of the walkway beneath the dust and sand. The earth was dry and just some grasses continues to fight against the aridity there. Everything was desolate like a desert. On the facade he still could see what remains of his family crest. The House of Serpentis was one of the most rich and famous and was extremely successful. It's true that Lord Erik Eyolf had bled the family coffers to fund his career, but see that house abandoned was a sad sight. He knew that another mansion was built in Abilotiel. But that was the first one.

With his three last soldiers after the battle of Elroth, Henrich walked aroun the house to the backyard where there had been large dug wells where women mixed inks to dye fabrics or paint ceramics. That place certainly used to be full of life. The large clay ovens were also there partially destroyed and forgotten. The statues were destroyed in the old fountain and it was without a single trace of water. There was also a lush garden with exotic trees used to dry weather. Without care, even these survivors suffered the same fading. Now they were just a tangle of dry branches.

Henrich Eyolf: "Open that door..."

The soldier drew his sword and forced the door. They entered the house lit by warm portions of light coming through cracks in the windows. Henrich walked through the halls but with the exception of a few furniture that had been left, the house was empty. Dakhir, Frida and Yeux had grown there, running through those corridors. The two heroes died fighting against Eston and only Yeux survived and was living in Beluaterra. The old mansion was full of memories.

Henrich Eyolf: "Someday I will rebuild this place. Dakhir, the Lion of Chato born here. Frida, the Valkyrie died here. I will honor them..."

Henrich was young. He faced many battles against monsters in Abilotiel, but always with his father. This time he was far from home to build his own life. Alone. They were hungry and tired. They had to arrive in Aja the fastest they can to recruit new soldiers. But before leaving, Henrich got a handkerchief with his coat of arms and tied it to the gate. He looked back one last time, then departed.
