Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Rain & Storm

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Rain & Storm

Erik was enjoying his breakfast on a balcony of the Ivory Tower. His guests were still asleep and another great festival began in the city and neighboring regions under jurisdiction of the Duke of Avamar. There, like a dragon in his nest watching his servants, Erik didn't seem concerned. He was dranking his hot wine and savoring some toast with strawberry and blackberries jelly. After read the first reports and personal letters, he saw the scribe arriving with more letters:

Scribe: "Good morning, M'Lord. I have a good and a bad thing to inform..."

Erik Eyolf: "The good one first."

Scibe: "Lady Rugina won Al Amarah. Sir Ragnar did very well..."

Erik Eyolf: "A good thing, indeed. I will take care of found a gift for Lady Rugina. Now, tell me the bad new..."

Scribe: "We received some reports and speculations. All from anonymous sources. It seems every time Lady Rainerudhiel hear your name, she kills something. Little pets, I think."

Erik stopped a little surprised. He thought for a moment. That was a situation that need to be solved. Maybe he should accept the duel, but he wasn't interested in that dispute. He would need to lose, and wouldn't be happy if he won. And he wouldn't be happy to let her win. Then, they would have to solve the situation with another ways.

Erik Eyolf: "She's cursed? Crazy? With some kind of fever? I just hope it has not reached the ears of the Duke of Karbala. I don't want problems with Romul now. Especially because of his daughter. Leave me alone for a moment. I need to think about it..."

Scribe: "As you wish, M'Lord."

Alone, Erik looked at the city below him. He didn't like the news he had received. Although he was very stupid on his last campaign, he never had nothing personal against Lady Rain. He even felt he owed ​​her an apology. He avoided it because that was his fault. It was his honor who suffered with his own stupidity. He was his worst enemy. But he never deny that in the end everything had happened as he wanted. The means justify the end.

The Duke of Avamar was not happy and was not proud. If he had done everything right, he would have been Duke anyway. His last campaign had been a shame. Just to win the votes of undecided people who always hated him and feared he would go this far. Lady Rain didn't deserve it, although he had conscience that had been another rat that had planned the situation. It was interesting to see how that rat who always manipulated and concealed information could easily leak what was happening within the Council. Fragmented informations in a useful context for any type of stupid conspiracy. Erik understood his guilt. It's time to make Lady Rain understand too. They needed to move on. She was now the main defense of Sirion and he... well, he was always Duke even before the title.

Erik has never had qualms about attacking his opponents. Whenever there were opponents, Erik attacked them up to prove he was the best option. Lady Rain certainly didn't deserve it. Erik had been unscrupulous and childish. A cretin, like he saw himself in the mirror. Taking the proportions created by cowards around him and within the Council, the situation didn't seem so terrible. In the end, he was really the best administrator to take care of Avamar. Who would deny? The city had his rebel and luxurious soul. The time had made ​​him forget the respectful consideration he had for Lady Hei. In the end, even old friends like Romulu were distant. Ryu had simply disappeared. And was as expected, he also had his differences with Meristenzio. But he knew they are patient men. They are friends, even when they were like water and oil. Erik stood up and leaned on the balcony. He called his scribe.

Erik Eyolf: "I have a mission for you. Find Lady Rain and tell her I want to talk in private with her. You will take the Crown of Avamar to her and say it is my gift. And make it clear that this is not a mockery. Maybe I should marry her. Hate and love are powerful forces. I'm sure she will like to ruin my life as husband every single day. Bring me the rain..."

The scribe was incredulous. Maybe Erik was mad too. Offer marriage to the woman who hated him more than any other woman of Sirion? Nobles were usually eccentric, but Erik was a unique exemplar.
