Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/New Scars

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New Scars

Your wounds have been bandaged and you have regained a little strength. Even though you are now returning to active duty, the doctor says you should take it easy for a few days.

Days of glory, fear and blood. I marched without my blessed armor of Elune, but the swords were in my hands. And the glory came in the battlefield where I fought even to be stopped for an enemy's sword. I love my enemies. I love to kill them and I respect when they attack me. One day all of us will dance together in the world of the deads and I will drink with them and them they will be happy because I ordered them for the death with honor! Because I left that they died holding the sword.

I saw the blood until everything to be too red. I fall in the world of the shades and when I woke up the doctors they had tied me in the bed so that I didn't escape from the cares. I was wounded, my only soldier was wounded and Captain Karl, the best captain of Sirion almost died.

Day of glory in that I went to find the enemy for a grandiose battle! And I hope to live a long time to spread the terror in the enemy lines. Happily the wound that I received soon will be again just one more scar. One more proof of how many battles I struggled for Sirion. For the Army of Sirion! Against a great enemy and allies of the past.

I thank the good words of our Marshal Meristenzio and the gold that my good friend Duhr sent. I hope Sirion waits for me with wine, women and herbs. I am returning...

For Sirion!!!

In Arms!!!
