Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Holy Days - Part II

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Holy Days
Part II - A Dance

Roleplay from Sir Erik Eyolf

Erik tried to forget the problems on his throne watching the dance performances and the exibition of the wild beasts. He especially paid attention to a feline brought from afar. Claimed to be the largest feline ever seen in distant lands. A tiger. The Judge of Sirion had never seen such animal. But he like the felines. They were like women. Wild and fierce, but once mastered they become sly like a kitten. He would claim the animal after the show. One of the employees approached to whisper something in his ear. Erik smiled.

Erik Eyolf: "Old ones. Always grumbling. First they forget the battlefields. Then they forget the fun. I wonder how they can live without dying of boredom. Maybe they're already dead... and just forgot to lie down. Or maybe they're just jealous. Who knows? And who cares?"

Certainly, the best part of being Duke was no longer having to be loyal to one. Erik now had a greater commitment with Sirion and the people. He had won it as Judge and now as Duke. Enough to know now that he didn't need to give explanations about his actions to some old ones... but to the people. And looking at the people partying, he smiled and definitely forgot that little distraction. Especially when he noticed the approach of Lady Rugina. He had learned to enjoy her company, although he preferred to try a different woman one after another. He accepted the goblet of wine and experienced a sip. When he stood up to visit the temple, he dedicated to her a soft kiss on the warm lips.

Erik allowed Lady Rugina to walk at his right side while the other women followed around them. The guards had to isolate the streets where the group would walk to avoid problems with the population after so much wine along the day. The temple was magnificent, illuminated by large pyres prepared to burn incense and scented oils. There the atmosphere was calmer. Priestesses were blessing many women with their fertility charms. The followes brought offerings. Songs and prayers mixed in a beautiful choir. And the new statue of Elune was magnificent. The best sculptor of Sirion did a splendid work with the white marble. Erik knelt there for a silent prayer.

The Duke of Avamar was a man of extremes. And after his religious visit, the next destinations was the Red District. A district near the ports destined for the taverns and brothels. Erik doubted that the last Lord had visited that place, but he was very well received by the women in their windows and balconies. Like many districts, that was also divided into poorest area near the ports and another one most luxurious to receive the nobles. This time Erik had a small cortege with him. The city's wealthiest merchants and leaders of local guilds. They admired the women there, especially Lady Rugina in her dance. Instead the armor, the Judge was dressed with black pants, white shirt and a crimson vest. He smiled when Lady Rugina invited him to dance.

Erik Eyolf: "You know I like to dance horizontally. But, let's see..."

Erik came from a noble family and his refined tastes obviously made ​​him a good dancer. And he danced with her, feeling the perfume on her neck. Bold hands sliding down his hips. The night was just beginning.


A Night of Pyres

Roleplay from Lady Rugina Blakeshadow

The Judge Danced with Rugina. He was bold and confident with his dance, But Rugina noticed he wasn't as Natural in dance, He was clearly focused on Competing with Rugina's previous dance. She accepted his challenge and engaged with him strikingly, Daring him to keep pace with her bends and twists. She wanted the dragon at his best and most vicious. Rugina could be the only woman on his mind, to keep her as a challenge, so he kept coming back. The Blond Would look at Rugina and fail to meet her eyes. The Gorgeous Green Eyed Vixen just stood staring at Erik, who was too absorbed in dance to steal a glance into her eyes.

Although she let him lead most of the way, she occasionally took a faster pace, thus giving her complete control over the pace they took back to the chambers. Rugina and Erik left the other women behind. And when Rugina stopped Erik in front of a scented Pyre, she took hold of his vest and demanded a kiss, like a Lion taking over the pride. Her magical Blue Ribbon dress seemed to cover less and less of her skin after each kiss. She wasn't shy, and would have Erik take her right there, in front of the flames. Erik just rushed her to a more private room. Where the Silver Dragon was seduced onto his back.
