Sanguis Astroism/Writings/A Further Exposition on the Evils of Torenism

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Letter from Brance Indirik
Message sent to all members of Sanguis Asroism
The truth of the Evils of Torenism is unrelated to whether or not Fisc Arylon is an honourable, courageous, or honest man. The turth of the Evil is in the violent, exclusive nature of Torenism. It is about the philosophical intolerance of Torenism. It is about the bloodthirsty nature of their faith, that demands constant warfare and conquest.

Any true believer of Torenism must eventually war his neighbors, unless that neighbor exalts Tor. Take these words from the Seeklander Creed, which is a statement of the beliefs of Torenism:

"We believe in the honor of conflict, the piety and of vengeance and justice, and the inherent cowardice of diplomacy and peace."

The "inherent cowardice of diplomacy and peace". Do you think that anyone who believes at the core of their faith that diplomacy and peace is cowardice, will be content to be at peace with their neighbors? We are not talking about idle words spoken while sipping ale. These are oaths from the holiest of Torenist doctrines. Even as we of Sanguis Astroism revere the Stars, and the guidance of their Light upon us, so too does a Torenist revere the slaughter of the faithless and the conquestof the unbeliever. You cannot be at peace with a Torenist unless you are a Torenist, because their barbarian god reviles peace, and demands that his followers slaughter you!

Another central tenet of Torenism is in what they call "The Return". This refers to the return of their soul to the side of Tor in the afterlife. As the Torenist doctrine states: "Tor will not accept anyone's "return" who he feels has not prosecuted the truth of his will on earth."

And what is the will of Tor upon earth? Nothing less than the dominance of Torenism over all other faiths, using as much violence and destruction as possible in the process. Recall what the Torenists believe is the word of Tor himself, as recorded in the Directives of Toren Mountain: "Pursue the expanse of my word by way of the sword."

If that is not clear enough, then allow me to restate that in a single, simple phrase: "Kill the unbelievers or you will not ascend unto heaven."

Do you still believe that there can be peaceful coexistence with Torenism? Perhaps then the following description of the first words of Tor to mankind will help:

"...Tor revealed the central tenets of what would eventually become the Torenist faith. ... He outlined the evil effect that peace and complacency have on the human heart"

Do you see it yet? The Torenists believe that peace itself is Evil. If a Torenist puts forward a proposal of peace, then he is committing an Evil act in the eyes of his god. And what man, who truly has faith and honor, would propose that which they know is Evil?

So what then, do you ask, has this all to do with Averoth? Simply this: Averoth is the stronghold of Torenism upon this land. Their nobles are the founders of the organized faith of Torenism. When they believe they have the power to enforce their will over others, they do not think twice to draw swords to threaten death and destruction. When the nobles of Caerwyn settled in Eidulb, did the Torenists, with the might of Everguard rising behind them, offer peace? When followers of the Stars settled as their neighbors in Libidizedd, did the Torenists, at the height of their power, welcome the followers of the Stars with open arms? Of course not, for their god is intolerant and violent. The Torenists instead drew swords and threatened to destroy their weaker neighbors.

The nobles of Averoth shelter the Evil of Torenism. They foster it, and grow in power. They spread their faith to the extents they can. Like a weed they grow in soil that could otherwise produce useful crops. They indoctrinate their peasantry in the ways of the sword and their philosophy of intolerance and brutal violence. Peasantry that could otherwise see the Light and Truth of the Stars.

Once Torenism has been purged from these lands, perhaps we can ask the question: What should become of Averoth. But the nobles of Averoth hold Torenism in their hearts. If we remove Torenism as a formalized religion, what then? Will the violent Torenists suddenly change their minds? Will they decide that their faith was false, and turn elsewhere for divine guidance? To the Stars perhaps?

I can hardly believe this is true. When a man truly believes in something to the core of his soul, he does not turn aside from it. Rather he will conceal his belief in Tor until such a time as he is once again powerful. Then he will unfurl the banner of Tor, and draw sword to work his brutal and barbaric will.

As any farmer knows, it is better to pull the small weed than to let it grow and overrun the field. As such, it is better for all if the Evil of Torenism, and the earthly embodiment of it in Averoth, is removed from the face of this world.
Brance Indirik (Duke of Libidizedd)