Sanguis Astroism/Visions
The Visions of the Arbiter of the Stars.
The Stars speak to us in many ways. One is through visions, and the Arbiter sometimes shares them with the faithful.
Here is the first, dealing with the phases of the Bloodstones and how they relate to us now.
The Bloodstars are a constellation that hangs in a static position over western Dwilight: three bright red stars known as the Austere, Auspicious and Maddening stars.
They have appeared to follow slightly irregular cycles, being sometimes bright and sometimes dark. However, as the Bloodstars have aged, their cycle has become more regulated.
I, Katrina Dragul, Arbiter of the Stars, servant to all of the Stars, dreamed a dream of the Stars and how their power was separated. I present to you the interpretation of the vision given to me by the Bloodstars. The vision in my dreams showed the Three waxing and waning and the activities of the world as they were led by the Council of Three.
In the Spring, when all things are new and the year beginning, all three of the Bloodstars, Maddening, Austere, and Auspicious shine with equal brightness signaling that balance is necessary to all life. Elections for Light and elections for Consul are held every 2 years (OOC: 6 real life months) beginning on the first day of Spring. The Arbiter of the Stars is tasked with overseeing these elections and enacting the results in the Council of Three. As Spring progresses. Austere and Auspicious begin to dim, but Maddening remains strong.
At the beginning of Summer, Maddening is the brightest bringing strong emotions to the forefront As Maddening guides all more strongly, influencing men with strong emotions and passionate actions and wars are prevalent. The Archon of the Council of Three is tasked with working with the rulers of Dwilight to cool hot tempers and bring realms safely through the wars. As Summer progresses, Maddening shines less brightly and Austere shines more brightly.
At the beginning of Fall, Austere shines brightly overshadowing Maddening and Auspicious. This is a time for the mind and logical actions. Logic and order replace the emotion and chaos of Maddening. Austere brings a time of planning and building of realms. The Consul of the Council of Three is tasked with working with the lay members of the Church to bring fresh visions for the Faithful to improve the Church and the faithful in all the realms. During the Fall, Austere wanes in its brightness and Auspicious gains more brilliance.
At the beginning of Winter, Auspicious shines brightly as a balance between logic and emotion that only a true follower of the Bloodstars can acquire. The Light of the Council of Three is tasked with leading the priesthood to preaching in all realms and seeing temples built and maintained throughout Dwilight. As Winter continues, Austere and Maddening gain in brilliance to match Auspicious bringing the year to the end. And the cycle begins again.