Sanguis Astroism/The Magistratum/Garret/Sermon

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Letter from Medugnatos Stormcrow
Message sent to All members of Sanguis Astroism
Honored Magistratum,

In response to the declaration of High Inquisitor Branthorpe I bring in my evidence and witness report.

First I want to give a detailed report what happened during the official investigation concerning the "Scarlet Trinity of Exellence"(known as "Scarlet Trinity", "Exellence Treaties" and "SToE" as well).

I made the official declaration of investigation and one hour later Garret Artemesia inquiered in a message about the issues of the accusation and I told him that the "SToE" was under investigation.
Medugnatos Stormcrow (Asterion and Arbiter of Aquilegia, Marshal of the Covenant of Phantoms of Aquilegia")

Report from Garret Artemesia
Message sent to Branthorpe Silverbear, Medugnatos Stormcrow, Mervin Vetinari

You have summoned me to defend charges of heresy against me. And I am informed that it has to do with the Scarlet Trinity's interpretation.

Very well, let us all have a nice long read of the Illumination treatise.

Afterwards, I would be happy to further discuss the finer points of the Treatise.
Garret Artemesia (Asterion and Arbiter of Aquilegia, Marshal of the Covenant of Phantoms of Aquilegia")

A commentary by High Inquisitor Medugnatos Stormcrow

Letter from Medugnatos Stormcrow
Message sent to All members of Sanguis Astroism
The "Illumination" consists of a short comment that more or less says that the "SToE" is uncomprehensable without said "Illumination".

The comments where only handed to Brother Mervin, Brother Branthorpe and myself( Lord Stormcrow) at that time and we choose to show courtesy by accepting it as evidence and part of the "SToE" in form of a prologue. I am willing to make copies of my exemplar if you wish to read further into it.

After the Verdict was officially declared many started to burn the "SToE" instead of adding the "Illumination" like said in the Verdict. Whatever reasons they had all of a sudden Garret Artemesia started to proclaim that the "SToE" in the libraries are indeed a fake. When he started talking about the "SToE" he provided us with copies of his book (Wikilink), that is the only reason why they where in the libraries anyway and stated that this where the "SToE" what was a lie when it is fake. When the official investigation began he knew very well that we would base our decision on the official "SToE", the ones he published months ago. He even wrote the comments and managed them to be accepted as evidence in his case, further trying to erase his tracks and nurturing our believe that we actually talk about the official release. When he first published the "SToE" he lied to all of us in Sanguis Astroism by telling us it is the Scarlet Trinity, including all High Inquisitors who would later do the investigation on his book ... Later, during the investigation, he did not straightened things out, no, he further pushed us to believe that we actually speak about the "fake SToE". He could have told us that the real book is only for the eyes of his Holiness and I am sure we would have involved our Prophet into the investigation as witness but he decided to write a comment instead, bolstering his lies with another one. When the official investigation started the lie he told us all was brought into the Office and by staying silent his first lie to the Magistratum was born. When he wrote the "Illumination" the headline was:

"An Illumination on the Proper Reading and Interpretation of the Scarlet Trinity"

The second lie, since the "Scarlet Trinity" is a fake.

Garret Artemesia did everything to prevent us from finding out the truth by deceiving, lying and even staging situations to get to his goal. He more than once stated that Brother Mervin and I where the only ones who saw the real manuscript. He stated that I saw it when I was in Flowrstown around 18 days ago. That is nonsense. I was in Flowrstown but I didn't see any manuscript showed to me by him or anyone else. I didn't know about a secret book called "The Scarlet Trinity of Exellence" before Garret Artemesia started talking about it right after the Verdict and I can prove it. I am willing to share my messages from the time with the Magistratum but hope my word will be good enough. If not you will see that nothing of the nature Garret Artemesia suggests happened. If Brother Mervin really has seen any secret manuscript is beyond my knowledge but I am sure he will give adequate answer if asked.

When we instated the rule about "Lying to the Magistratum during an official investigation is Heresy" we wanted to give this office an instrument to deal with situation when individuals try to trick the Magistratum. Even if you wouldn't agree that Garret Artemesia was lying, what I cant imagine, you will have to agree that he broke every spirit of said rule. He tried to trick the Magistratum to prevent us from finding the truth.

Despite his momentary disrespect for the Holy Office, 18 days ago he said the following to the Magistratum during the official investigation:

"... You see, my thoughts are that when one has brought a complaint to the Magistratum, it is the Magistratum that decides the fate of those charged, not an individual who has a rather personal stake in this matter. ..."

"... I ask that Priestess Allison be shown the exit to our Church, at the very least, for a temporary probationary period until she learns what it means to invoke the powers of the Magistratum, and why it is not good to plot personal measures of secular violence behind its back. ..."

... plot personal measures of secular violence behind its back. Isn't that exactly what he did? plotting behind our back in measures of secular interests?

I think I have provided enough evidence and witness report to ask humbly for the following judgment:

Garret Artemesia is declared a heretic and shall be dispelled from Sanguis Atroism. His belongings are confiscated by the church, no faithful shall grant him neither roof nor meal and he shall be banned from all theocracies of the Faith. I stand ready for any further questions.

Sic itur ad astra,
Medugnatos Stormcrow (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum)