Sandalak (Seventh SI)/Battle Reports/Battle of Kail 7/10/24

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Battle of Kail
Part of Unknown

Date 7/10/2024
Location Kail
Weather No wind
Result After 7 rounds, Attacker Victory
Attackers Defenders
Sandalak Ikalak
Rhinehart O’Relaious Buliwyf Fylkir
660 Inf, 247 MI, 720 Arch, 180 Cav, 83 SF 972 Inf, 595 Arch, 213 Cav
no particular formation no particular formation
722 1342

Battle in Kail

No.RoleArmyUnitCommanderRealmUnitFormationCSHits ScoredSoldiers killedSoldiers lost
1AAcquisitions and MergersSolSandalak83 SFline  156446809931
2AAngry German PeasantsBronko IIISandalak178 Infline  1600237245109
3ADawnguardIlluthenSandalak72 Archskirmish  8903395730
4AExpensive HorsesJohnSandalak35 Cavwedge  64517513135
5AFalling SnowIanSandalak157 Archskirmish  1802723613620
6AFortunate FletchersTahliaSandalak64 Archline  8764268885
7AGolden ArrowsGalvanSandalak211 Archskirmish  21581049722337
8ALbear Black RainZim’IbearSandalak101 Archline  113952821080
9ALegal FirmGregoireSandalak115 Archline  120366491430
10AMungo StormtroopersRhinehartSandalak185 Infline  168227204781
11AOkay FlingersWulfric HalfhandSandalak247 MIline  2659981115178
12ARetributionWalzSandalak66 Infline  85720412627
13ASyndicate HOOFSBaldrickSandalak89 Cavwedge  137431557389
14ASyndicate SiegeEl TrumpleSandalak100 Infline  93814601977
15AThe GreysEcksreiSandalak56 Cavwedge  113648457056
16AZingari GuardsRousouSandalak131 Infline  133230773977
17D2nd Infantry DivisionClaytonIkalak112 Infbox  11446261366
18DAsparagus SpearsBartrumIkalak158 Archline  1423292864123
19DBurning HammerVexIkalak50 Cavwedge  78529116350
20DCourt of the White RiderSceinIkalak94 Cavwedge  135929955994
21DCrucible of AdversityBuliwyfIkalak198 Infbox  1497163734100
22DErgo's UgliesErgoIkalak158 Infbox  12094088111
23DGeert's GoonsGeertIkalak53 Archbox  84124575042
24DHammerdinsGrigglackIkalak89 Infline  9588941864
25DJust Enough Too…DjustIkalak145 Archbox  1663537110574
26DLake GuardLindaIkalak90 Infbox  8558391769
27DLight it up like IkalakAhmadkin ImadIkalak70 Archbox  76015813470
28DPocket DustDalerickIkalak86 Infbox  8679471954
29DRoyal Toad GuardToadicusIkalak24 Infbox  348233424
30DSol's Naughty FriendsDirkIkalak81 Infbox  8018511753
31DStar BrigadeJavertIkalak169 Archbox  19125503125169
32Dtry to out run this!Armitage IVIkalak69 Cavwedge  105127836069
33DVig's BerzerkersVigharthurIkalak134 Infbox  1270157233110

16 attackers (660 Inf, 247 MI, 720 Arch, 180 Cav, 83 SF)
17 defenders (972 Inf, 595 Arch, 213 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 21855 vs. 18743

The forces from Ikalak brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Sandalak and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Sandalak troops attack because they are at war with Ikalak.

There is almost no wind today, archers will be deadly.
Rhinehart O’Relaious, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Bieth, Marshal of the Gilded Legiontakes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Buliwyf Fylkir, Foehammer of Ikalak, Knight of Ikalak, Marshal of the Scarlet Widowstakes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 4 (35-C)
13 (89-C)
15 (56-C)
2 (178-I)
11 (247-M)
12 (66-I)
14 (100-I)
16 (131-I)
1 (83-S)
3 (72-A)
5 (157-A)
6 (64-A)
7 (211-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
10 (185-I)
  22 (158-I)
23 (53-A)
24 (89-I)
25 (145-A)
27 (70-A)
31 (169-A)
17 (112-I)
18 (158-A)
21 (198-I)
26 (90-I)
28 (86-I)
29 (24-I)
30 (81-I)
32 (69-C)
33 (134-I)
 19 (50-C)
20 (94-C)

Geert's Goons (23) fire on Golden Arrows (7), scoring 318 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Falling Snow (5), scoring 211 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 884 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Just Enough Too… (25), scoring 360 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Ergo's Uglies (22), scoring 482 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Hammerdins (24), scoring 1121 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Mungo Stormtroopers (10), scoring 605 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) move closer to get better shots.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 996 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Geert's Goons (23), scoring 360 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Light it up like Ikalak (27), scoring 1373 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on Crucible of Adversity (21), scoring 822 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Acquisitions and Mergers (1), scoring 875 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3005, Defenders: 5402
Syndicate HOOFS (13), The Greys (15) and Expensive Horses (4) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Court of the White Rider (20), Burning Hammer (19) and try to out run this! (32) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Mungo Stormtroopers (10), Retribution (12), Zingari Guards (16), Angry German Peasants (2) and Syndicate Siege (14) advance towards the enemy.
Lake Guard (26), Hammerdins (24), Royal Toad Guard (29), Vig's Berzerkers (33), Crucible of Adversity (21), Sol's Naughty Friends (30), Ergo's Uglies (22), 2nd Infantry Division (17) and Pocket Dust (28) advance towards the enemy.

Geert's Goons (23) take 360 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) take 1373 hits from archer fire, which cause 38 casualties.
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) take 605 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
Hammerdins (24) take 1121 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (21) take 822 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (22) take 482 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) take 875 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Okay Flingers (11) take 996 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (25) take 360 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Golden Arrows (7) take 318 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Falling Snow (5) take 211 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Star Brigade (31) take 804 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
Javert Fate, Hearthmaker of Ikalak, Duke of The White Tower, Margrave of Ikalakhas been wounded by Legal Firm (9).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3005 (0 from close combat and 3005 from ranged), Defenders: 5322 (0 from close combat and 5322 from ranged)
Total casualties: 61 attackers, 116 defenders

Turn No. 2

   1 (67-S)
2 (178-I)
3 (72-A)
4 (35-C)
5 (151-A)
6 (64-A)
7 (203-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (228-M)
12 (66-I)
13 (89-C)
14 (100-I)
15 (56-C)
16 (131-I)
10 (173-I)
22 (149-I)
24 (68-I)
32 (69-C)
17 (112-I)
21 (183-I)
23 (45-A)
25 (137-A)
26 (90-I)
27 (32-A)
28 (86-I)
29 (24-I)
30 (81-I)
31 (152-A)
33 (134-I)
18 (158-A)
19 (50-C)
20 (94-C)

Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Mungo Stormtroopers (10), scoring 423 hits.
Geert's Goons (23) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 485 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Golden Arrows (7), scoring 268 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Ergo's Uglies (22), scoring 1283 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on try to out run this! (32), scoring 1097 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Hammerdins (24), scoring 546 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Just Enough Too… (25), scoring 624 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Angry German Peasants (2), scoring 643 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Crucible of Adversity (21), scoring 1092 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Vig's Berzerkers (33), scoring 902 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (17), scoring 1189 hits.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Syndicate HOOFS (13), scoring 714 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Pocket Dust (28), scoring 725 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2533, Defenders: 7458
Court of the White Rider (20) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
try to out run this! (32), The Greys (15) and Expensive Horses (4) charge forward.
Syndicate HOOFS (13) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Burning Hammer (19) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.
Retribution (12), Zingari Guards (16), Syndicate Siege (14) and Angry German Peasants (2) advance towards the enemy.
Lake Guard (26), 2nd Infantry Division (17), Sol's Naughty Friends (30), Royal Toad Guard (29), Crucible of Adversity (21), Vig's Berzerkers (33) and Pocket Dust (28) advance towards the enemy.
Mungo Stormtroopers (10), Angry German Peasants (2) and Expensive Horses (4) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Ergo's Uglies (22), 2nd Infantry Division (17), Sol's Naughty Friends (30), Royal Toad Guard (29), Crucible of Adversity (21), Vig's Berzerkers (33) and Pocket Dust (28) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
2 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
30 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Retribution (12) score 702 hits on try to out run this! (32).
Zingari Guards (16) score 1061 hits on try to out run this! (32).
try to out run this! (32) score 629 hits on Syndicate Siege (14).
try to out run this! (32) score 1103 hits on Zingari Guards (16).
try to out run this! (32) score 495 hits on The Greys (15).
try to out run this! (32) score 556 hits on Retribution (12).
The Greys (15) score 2704 hits on try to out run this! (32).
Syndicate Siege (14) score 773 hits on try to out run this! (32).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2783, Defenders: 5240

Close Combat (Center Line):
Court of the White Rider (20) score 1020 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (13).
Hammerdins (24) score 490 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (13).
Syndicate HOOFS (13) score 933 hits on Court of the White Rider (20).
Syndicate HOOFS (13) score 917 hits on Lake Guard (26).
Syndicate HOOFS (13) score 564 hits on Burning Hammer (19).
Syndicate HOOFS (13) score 741 hits on Hammerdins (24).
Lake Guard (26) score 526 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (13).
Burning Hammer (19) score 1717 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (13).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3753, Defenders: 3155

Court of the White Rider (20) take 933 hits in close combat, which cause 26 casualties.
Retribution (12) take 556 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Walz Wentworth, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Senator of Kailhas been wounded by try to out run this! (32).
Hammerdins (24) take 1287 hits (741 in close combat, 546 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties.
Syndicate HOOFS (13) take 4467 hits (3753 in close combat, 714 from archer fire), which cause 89 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Baldrick Lynch, Senator of Figobarhas been wounded by Court of the White Rider (20).
Zingari Guards (16) take 1103 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties.
Rousou Zingari, High Arbiter of Sandalak, Senator of Eledrirhas been wounded by try to out run this! (32).
try to out run this! (32) take 6337 hits (5240 in close combat, 1097 from archer fire), which cause 69 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Armitage IV D'Anglos, Dame of Ikalakhas been wounded by Syndicate Siege (14).
The Greys (15) take 495 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Lake Guard (26) take 917 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties.
Burning Hammer (19) take 564 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (22) take 1283 hits from archer fire, which cause 24 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (17) take 1189 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties.
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) take 423 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Golden Arrows (7) take 268 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Syndicate Siege (14) take 629 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (21) take 1092 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties.
Angry German Peasants (2) take 643 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Vig's Berzerkers (33) take 902 hits from archer fire, which cause 17 casualties.
Okay Flingers (11) take 485 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (25) take 624 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Pocket Dust (28) take 725 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
Dalerick Aboolio, Knight of Ikalakhas been wounded by Fortunate Fletchers (6).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 9069 (6536 from close combat and 2533 from ranged), Defenders: 15853 (8395 from close combat and 7458 from ranged)
Total casualties: 187 attackers, 261 defenders

Turn No. 3

   1 (67-S)
3 (72-A)
5 (151-A)
6 (64-A)
7 (196-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (219-M)
2 (164-I)
4 (35-C)
10 (165-I)
12 (56-I)
14 (80-I)
15 (46-C)
16 (111-I)
17 (90-I)
19 (34-C)
20 (68-C)
21 (163-I)
22 (125-I)
24 (44-I)
26 (73-I)
28 (74-I)
29 (24-I)
30 (81-I)
33 (117-I)
23 (45-A)
25 (123-A)
27 (32-A)
31 (152-A)
18 (158-A)

Dawnguard (3) fire on Crucible of Adversity (21), scoring 554 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Mungo Stormtroopers (10), scoring 670 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Vig's Berzerkers (33), scoring 815 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Court of the White Rider (20), scoring 457 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Ergo's Uglies (22), scoring 2252 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (17), scoring 1850 hits.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Angry German Peasants (2), scoring 1213 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Pocket Dust (28), scoring 1035 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Sol's Naughty Friends (30), scoring 1236 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Zingari Guards (16), scoring 386 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on Lake Guard (26), scoring 1576 hits.
Geert's Goons (23) fire on The Greys (15), scoring 345 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Syndicate Siege (14), scoring 1341 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3955, Defenders: 9775
The Greys (15), Burning Hammer (19), Court of the White Rider (20) and Expensive Horses (4) charge forward.
Lake Guard (26), Hammerdins (24), Ergo's Uglies (22) and Royal Toad Guard (29) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
40 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Burning Hammer (19) score 463 hits on Syndicate Siege (14).
Burning Hammer (19) score 731 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Angry German Peasants (2) score 1168 hits on Court of the White Rider (20).
Court of the White Rider (20) score 633 hits on Zingari Guards (16).
Court of the White Rider (20) score 976 hits on Angry German Peasants (2).
Court of the White Rider (20) score 366 hits on Retribution (12).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) score 1402 hits on Burning Hammer (19).
Retribution (12) score 686 hits on Court of the White Rider (20).
Zingari Guards (16) score 1139 hits on Court of the White Rider (20).
Syndicate Siege (14) score 687 hits on Burning Hammer (19).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3169, Defenders: 5082

Close Combat (Center Line):
26 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Vig's Berzerkers (33) score 967 hits on The Greys (15).
2nd Infantry Division (17) score 626 hits on Expensive Horses (4).
The Greys (15) score 1151 hits on Crucible of Adversity (21).
The Greys (15) score 990 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (33).
Crucible of Adversity (21) score 953 hits on The Greys (15).
Sol's Naughty Friends (30) score 526 hits on Expensive Horses (4).
Expensive Horses (4) score 564 hits on Pocket Dust (28).
Expensive Horses (4) score 550 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (17).
Expensive Horses (4) score 637 hits on Sol's Naughty Friends (30).
Pocket Dust (28) score 521 hits on Expensive Horses (4).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3593, Defenders: 3892

Vig's Berzerkers (33) take 1805 hits (990 in close combat, 815 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (17) take 2400 hits (550 in close combat, 1850 from archer fire), which cause 44 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Clayton Windbreaker, Viscount of Triewahas been wounded by Okay Flingers (11).
The Greys (15) take 2265 hits (1920 in close combat, 345 from archer fire), which cause 46 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Ecksrei Bayemvee, Governor of Toren Strongholdhas been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (21).
Crucible of Adversity (21) take 1705 hits (1151 in close combat, 554 from archer fire), which cause 32 casualties.
Buliwyf Fylkir, Foehammer of Ikalak, Knight of Ikalak, Marshal of the Scarlet Widowshas been wounded by The Greys (15).
Burning Hammer (19) take 2089 hits in close combat, which cause 34 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Vex Konran, Baroness of Berakorhas been wounded by Syndicate Siege (14).
Sol's Naughty Friends (30) take 1873 hits (637 in close combat, 1236 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties.
Angry German Peasants (2) take 2189 hits (976 in close combat, 1213 from archer fire), which cause 47 casualties.
Court of the White Rider (20) take 3450 hits (2993 in close combat, 457 from archer fire), which cause 68 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Scein Dubhaine, Lady of the White Tower of Ikalak, Royal of Ikalak, Duchess of Golden Fieldshas been wounded by Lbear Black Rain (8).
Expensive Horses (4) take 1673 hits in close combat, which cause 35 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) take 1401 hits (731 in close combat, 670 from archer fire), which cause 27 casualties.
Retribution (12) take 366 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Zingari Guards (16) take 1019 hits (633 in close combat, 386 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.
Pocket Dust (28) take 1599 hits (564 in close combat, 1035 from archer fire), which cause 27 casualties.
Lake Guard (26) take 1576 hits from archer fire, which cause 28 casualties.
Linda Estrall, Dame of Abykalhas been wounded by Falling Snow (5).
Ergo's Uglies (22) take 2252 hits from archer fire, which cause 43 casualties.
Ergo Guile, Duke of The Emerald Orchards, Earl of Penforthas been wounded by Golden Arrows (7).
Syndicate Siege (14) take 1804 hits (463 in close combat, 1341 from archer fire), which cause 57 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 18 Sandalak banners fall.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 10717 (6762 from close combat and 3955 from ranged), Defenders: 18749 (8974 from close combat and 9775 from ranged)
Total casualties: 237 attackers, 343 defenders

Turn No. 4

   1 (67-S)
3 (72-A)
5 (151-A)
6 (64-A)
7 (196-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (219-M)
2 (117-I)
10 (138-I)
12 (50-I)
16 (92-I)
21 (131-I)
22 (82-I)
24 (44-I)
26 (45-I)
28 (47-I)
29 (24-I)
30 (48-I)
33 (83-I)
23 (45-A)
25 (123-A)
27 (32-A)
31 (152-A)
18 (158-A)

Legal Firm (9) fire on Crucible of Adversity (21), scoring 1173 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Vig's Berzerkers (33), scoring 2703 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Ergo's Uglies (22), scoring 1351 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Mungo Stormtroopers (10), scoring 245 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Pocket Dust (28), scoring 619 hits.
Geert's Goons (23) fire on Angry German Peasants (2), scoring 651 hits.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Zingari Guards (16), scoring 1236 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Hammerdins (24), scoring 773 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on Lake Guard (26), scoring 1170 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Retribution (12), scoring 569 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Sol's Naughty Friends (30), scoring 876 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on Royal Toad Guard (29), scoring 2379 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 751 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3452, Defenders: 11044
Royal Toad Guard (29) break through the frontlines!
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) break through the frontlines!
Angry German Peasants (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
5 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
12 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Royal Toad Guard (29) score 154 hits on Zingari Guards (16).
Royal Toad Guard (29) score 79 hits on Retribution (12).
Retribution (12) score 653 hits on Royal Toad Guard (29).
Zingari Guards (16) score 877 hits on Royal Toad Guard (29).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 233, Defenders: 1530

Close Combat (Center Line):
26 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
10 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Angry German Peasants (2) score 627 hits on Crucible of Adversity (21).
Angry German Peasants (2) score 179 hits on Lake Guard (26).
Angry German Peasants (2) score 398 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (33).
Pocket Dust (28) score 426 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) score 279 hits on Pocket Dust (28).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) score 474 hits on Ergo's Uglies (22).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) score 276 hits on Hammerdins (24).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) score 289 hits on Sol's Naughty Friends (30).
Vig's Berzerkers (33) score 605 hits on Angry German Peasants (2).
Lake Guard (26) score 313 hits on Angry German Peasants (2).
Ergo's Uglies (22) score 408 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Crucible of Adversity (21) score 684 hits on Angry German Peasants (2).
Hammerdins (24) score 404 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Sol's Naughty Friends (30) score 325 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3165, Defenders: 2522

Angry German Peasants (2) take 2253 hits (1602 in close combat, 651 from archer fire), which cause 48 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Bronko III von Lucker, Knight of Sandalakhas been wounded by Vig's Berzerkers (33).
Royal Toad Guard (29) take 3909 hits (1530 in close combat, 2379 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Toadicus Graham, Knight of Ikalakhas been wounded by Zingari Guards (16).
Retribution (12) take 648 hits (79 in close combat, 569 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Walz Wentworth, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Senator of Kailhas been wounded by Asparagus Spears (18).
Pocket Dust (28) take 898 hits (279 in close combat, 619 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Dalerick Aboolio, Knight of Ikalakhas been wounded by Mungo Stormtroopers (10).
Mungo Stormtroopers (10) take 1808 hits (1563 in close combat, 245 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Rhinehart O’Relaious, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Bieth, Marshal of the Gilded Legionhas been captured by Pocket Dust (28).
Vig's Berzerkers (33) take 3101 hits (398 in close combat, 2703 from archer fire), which cause 59 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Zingari Guards (16) take 1390 hits (154 in close combat, 1236 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Lake Guard (26) take 1349 hits (179 in close combat, 1170 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 6 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Linda Estrall, Dame of Abykalhas been seriously wounded by Falling Snow (5).
Ergo's Uglies (22) take 1825 hits (474 in close combat, 1351 from archer fire), which cause 35 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Crucible of Adversity (21) take 1800 hits (627 in close combat, 1173 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Okay Flingers (11) take 751 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Hammerdins (24) take 1049 hits (276 in close combat, 773 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Grigglack Hall, Knight of Triewahas been wounded by Acquisitions and Mergers (1).
Sol's Naughty Friends (30) take 1165 hits (289 in close combat, 876 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Dirk Brennaborg, Viscount of Abykalhas been wounded by Fortunate Fletchers (6).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6850 (3398 from close combat and 3452 from ranged), Defenders: 15096 (4052 from close combat and 11044 from ranged)
Total casualties: 133 attackers, 238 defenders

Turn No. 5

   1 (67-S)
3 (72-A)
5 (151-A)
6 (64-A)
7 (196-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (205-M)
16 (66-I)
 23 (45-A)
25 (123-A)
27 (32-A)
31 (152-A)
18 (158-A)

Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 819 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Just Enough Too… (25), scoring 959 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on Geert's Goons (23), scoring 1536 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Light it up like Ikalak (27), scoring 486 hits.
Geert's Goons (23) fire on Zingari Guards (16), scoring 658 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Golden Arrows (7), scoring 558 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 480 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 582 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Falling Snow (5), scoring 410 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 466 hits.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 701 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Fortunate Fletchers (6), scoring 220 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 455 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2547, Defenders: 5783
Zingari Guards (16) advance towards the enemy.

Zingari Guards (16) take 658 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Okay Flingers (11) take 701 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Geert's Goons (23) take 1536 hits from archer fire, which cause 34 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 3 Ikalak banners fall.
Asparagus Spears (18) take 1803 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 63 casualties.
Golden Arrows (7) take 558 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Galvan Arylon, Governor of Taselakhas been wounded by Asparagus Spears (18).
Star Brigade (31) take 745 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 16 casualties.
Falling Snow (5) take 410 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (25) take 959 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) take 486 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) take 220 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2547 (0 from close combat and 2547 from ranged), Defenders: 5529 (0 from close combat and 5529 from ranged)
Total casualties: 56 attackers, 148 defenders

Turn No. 6

   1 (67-S)
3 (72-A)
5 (140-A)
6 (59-A)
7 (181-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (192-M)
  25 (102-A)
27 (18-A)
31 (136-A)
18 (95-A)

Golden Arrows (7) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 1498 hits.
Just Enough Too… (25) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 511 hits.
Falling Snow (5) fire on Just Enough Too… (25), scoring 1391 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on Light it up like Ikalak (27), scoring 1352 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 271 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 322 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 318 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 569 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Acquisitions and Mergers (1), scoring 791 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) fire on Asparagus Spears (18), scoring 388 hits.
Asparagus Spears (18) fire on Golden Arrows (7), scoring 258 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) fire on Falling Snow (5), scoring 96 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1656, Defenders: 6109

Golden Arrows (7) take 258 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (25) take 1391 hits from archer fire, which cause 31 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Falling Snow (5) take 96 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Okay Flingers (11) take 511 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Star Brigade (31) take 1362 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 29 casualties.
Acquisitions and Mergers (1) take 791 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Asparagus Spears (18) take 1698 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 60 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Light it up like Ikalak (27) take 1352 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Ahmadkin Imad Khader, Knight of Ikalakhas been wounded by Okay Flingers (11).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1656 (0 from close combat and 1656 from ranged), Defenders: 5803 (0 from close combat and 5803 from ranged)
Total casualties: 35 attackers, 138 defenders

Turn No. 7

   3 (72-A)
5 (137-A)
6 (59-A)
7 (174-A)
8 (101-A)
9 (115-A)
11 (182-M)
  31 (107-A)

Falling Snow (5) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 714 hits.
Star Brigade (31) fire on Okay Flingers (11), scoring 692 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (6) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 546 hits.
Dawnguard (3) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 512 hits.
Legal Firm (9) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 1024 hits.
Golden Arrows (7) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 997 hits.
Okay Flingers (11) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 1505 hits.
Lbear Black Rain (8) fire on Star Brigade (31), scoring 949 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 692, Defenders: 6247

Star Brigade (31) take 5679 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 107 casualties, wiping the unit out. One more soldier dies on the field.
Javert Fate, Hearthmaker of Ikalak, Duke of The White Tower, Margrave of Ikalakhas been wounded by Lbear Black Rain (8).
Okay Flingers (11) take 692 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 692 (0 from close combat and 692 from ranged), Defenders: 5679 (0 from close combat and 5679 from ranged)
Total casualties: 13 attackers, 107 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 31 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.