Reynard Family/Kael

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Kael Reynard

Kael Reynard is the eldest surviving son of the Reynard family.

Clan Crest



Kael, resides in C'thonia under the rule of King Thain. In a ceremony as old as time itself the Duchess Cammy Deveraux took Kael's sworn oath of fealty making him a Knight of Realm.



Point of Interest

Kael lost his younger brother at 18 years of age. His Brother was stricken with a mysterious pestilence and he prayed to Odin to save his brother. He went to the temple and stayed there long days and nights and was finally visited by a vision of Odin. He was instructed to sacrifice his one great happiness. He was to send the love of his life, his fianceé away, to banish her from his home. After going through the motions set before him and sacrificing all his happiness by telling the true love of his life they could no longer be together and sending her from his sight, he goes to the temple to wait for a sign. Wild Maniacal laughter fills the temple, and a chill seeps through his bones. A chilling voice creeps to him as across the vastness from the underworld itself "his soul is mine now." Kael forces his feet to move and races to the house through the night, knowing he is already too late. He knows that voice, all the people know that voice... The voice of Loki used to scare children when they are young, and all too real to frighten you when you are old. When he arrives at the manor he is met by a house filled with grief and he knows before he sees his brother's lifeless body that Loki spoke true in the temple. Kael spends the next week entreating Odin to return his brother to him to no avail. Not even an answer does the god speak.

Seeking something, any glimmer of hope, he sets forth to the lands held by his fianceé's family, hoping to at least patch things up. Maybe in their love could grief be averted. As he approaches the gate he sees no sign of the usual field hands. No manservant awaits Kael at the door. He walks into the house and finds dust abounding, no one in sight. Becoming alarmed, he races to the back door to the fields and outside. The back field is a carrion yard. Ravens and Vultures he didn't see from the road gorging themselves on their feast. Signs of a struggle and a glint of armor spoke of the guards the manor had always employed, and there near the hillock used for addresses, 3 spots of bright silk... His eyes seek out the clothing amidst the foulness seeing the stripes of the Lord's colours, the silks and parasol of the Lady of the house and the smaller frame of the young child... His love was nowhere. His eyes amidst the gore sought and sought but found nothing. Back into the house and upstairs he ran into the rooms. Every room was bare, but his Loves at the end of the hall was locked. He kicked open the door in his panic, needing to see what had befallen her. His eyes found a grisly sight. A body hung suspended from the bed frame, cord around the neck. Black bloated face saying she had been dead at least a day before those outside. He wanted to deny it. It couldn't be here, surely it couldn't... Then his eyes fell to the pendant at her neck, the one he had given her. A loversknot emblazoned upon it and he broke down and cried. In that moment that same vile echoing laugh filled his ears again echoing up from the underworld. Something in his mind snapped. He stood up and looked around the room, delicately undoing and taking the pendant from around his love's neck he placed it about his own and saw a note on her writing stand. He strode to it and looked upon it.

If I cannot have love in this life then life is not worth living. The gods take my will to live away and so they can have the life they gave me back

Kael looked at that paper for a long time then strode from the room muttering, "My pact with the gods is through. No more shall they hear my prayers or do they deserve my obeisance. I am my own man now and no more shall I bend knee to their empty opportunings"