Republican/Applicant's Form
Cost: Your attention | ||
Editors: Mordred Le-Fay, Peleus Aeolus |
Those who read shall discover | Applicant's Form |
Founder: Beowulf Kronos |
Applicant's Form |
Please provide the following information:
Full Name:
Realm of Residence:
Past Experience (if none leave blank):
Reason you wish to be a journalist:
Reason you would like to join the Republican team:
Any comments you have about the paper:
(To fill out press edit)
Fill Out Here
Full Name: Alaned Vires quod fides
Realm of Residence: Republic of Fwuvoghor
Past Experience (if none leave blank):
Reason you wish to be a journalist: Contribute to the republic
Reason you would like to join the Republican team: help the paper toe the governments line ;)
Any comments you have about the paper: The paper could use some more articles perhaps with some opinionated themes
Full Name: Peleus Aeolus
Realm of Residence: Republic of Fwuvoghor
Past Experience (if none leave blank):
Reason you wish to be a journalist: Tis my life long passion as well to benefit the Republic and her readers
Reason you would like to join the Republican team: Get this paper back on its feet reporting fair news for the prudent mind
Any comments you have about the paper: A great paper but theres always room for improvment
Full Name: Jefferson Vita
Realm of Residence: Republic of Fwuvoghor
Past Experience (if none leave blank): No personal experience, but the newspaper business has long been in the family(Aurum Bishamon, Sephirah Bishamon, Zeluioj Bishamon, Hamilton Vita)
Reason you wish to be a journalist: I love the study of education and the newspaper business is one way of spreading information openly.
Reason you would like to join the Republican team: For the same reasons I listed above.
Any comments you have about the paper: I think it could use a lot of work and much more frequent updates.