Reave Family/Darion/We March to Shanandoah

From BattleMaster Wiki

The dust from the roads outside Shanandoah was thick. Following closely in the wake of the Strong Arm of Tara had few benefits other than a load full of dust in one's lungs. Sir Darion Reave shifted in his saddle, the cool Northern air bringing a dry chill.

"These roads are in ill repair, and this country is in anarchy. You can't expect the common folk too look after their own roads, let alone obey any rule of law. What a tragic scene which unfolds before us, isn't that right Sergeant?"

"Yes m'lord, without question." replied Sergeant Altman.

Darion's Spears continued marching throughout the day, reaching the gates of Shanandoah shortly before nightfall. The residents of Shanandoah mostly kept themselves shuttered behind their windowns and doors. Children held close as curiously frightened eyes bore witness too yet more Taran troops entering their city.

"Sergeant round up a few of the locals here, I want rationing and housing for our troops during our stay here. Make sure these common folk are compensated for whatever they give, the orders from the Marshal strictly prohibit looting and we cannot set a poor example." Darion ordered while dismounting his horse and checking too his saddle straps and lead reins.

...and so the men obeyed, many having never ventured further than within sight of their home cities. If they had any energy left from the march they might have held high spirits of adventure, but that would be left for another day.