Queen Search

From BattleMaster Wiki


King Andrew McKay's lead assistant, Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Sutherland, stood in front of what seemed to be a brigade of scribes and messengers. They were all standing at attention in a rank-and-file formation, broken down into battalions, companies, and the like.

Lieutenant Colonel Sutherland, standing on a stage in front of a large banner of Eston and dressed in his finest dress uniform, cleared his throat and readied the scroll at his side.

"Loyal scribes and messengers of Eston, Atamara:" He began, loudly and in a tone that the entire assembled group could hear. "By decree of His Highness, the King of Eston, Andrew McKay, all ladies of noble birth are welcome to seek an audience with His Majesty for the purpose of courtship."

The already-silent crowd could noticeably be heard to hush even more, until a lone messenger from a far end of the assembled formation yelled back in some local dialect. "What's that mean?"

Hugh held back a smirk, attempting to maintain his military bearing. "The King wishes to find, court, and wed a wife." He sighed deeply, letting it out in a long breath as if to indicate the stress that he'd been under since preparing this royal edict when the King first spoke of it to him about this matter. "Please, relay this message to every lady of noble birth that you come across: The King wishes all ladies across the continent and beyond, should this message reach that far, to contact him regarding their interest and intent to court with His Royal Highness."

A relief could be collectively heard amongst the crowd; many of them either junior enlistees in Eston's Armies of directly hired solely for this task.

"You will find, included in the message that each of you are receiving, a biographical account of Sir Andrew McKay. Now: Safe travels; go out into the world and let us see if we can find a suitable mate for the King of Eston."

Some days later, a letter was sent to Andrew's brother in Enweil: Alexander.

Alexander looked over the letter given to him by a messenger from Atamara:

"By decree of His Highness, the King of Eston, Andrew McKay, all ladies of noble birth are welcome to seek an audience with His Majesty for the purpose of courtship."

Alexander felt a cold shiver go down his back. Good? Bad? Ugly? He wasn't sure. "My brother is seeking a wife to court?

Alexander whistled, a sign for his scribe to come to him. "I'd like to send this decree to the Chancellor with the humble request that he seeks to send it elsewhere. Also, send it to our friends with relatives in Eston. Let's see if I can help him a bit."

The scribe quickly nodded his head and ran to fulfill his duties.


Curious? Want to take part in the search? Alexander has been tasked by Andrew to send all correspondence sent to Alexander back to Andrew. Perhaps you could become Queen of Eston.


Roleplay from Andrew
Message sent to everyone in your realm (78 recipients)
Andrew stood in the performance theater that evening as the Duchy Orchestra played the march written and conducted by Dafayo. That night, Andrew wore his military uniform of blue with gold trim and a purple stripe down the outside of either leg.

As the piece played to all the assembled nobles, an royal assistant approached Andrew. "Your highness," he whispered, "I have a message for you, sir."

Andrew took the message from the assistant, curious as to it's contents. Going outside, he read the words on it under the firelight outside the grand theater. It seemed that someone, a noble of Eston, had replied to his decree. They were not yet in Massilion, but she would soon be arriving.

He promptly found the assistant once again and ordered him to have the lady noble find him in Tintar when she reported to the area, as he would be there himself by sunrise overseeing efforts there. Andrew was pleased; finally something had gone well with the search for a wife.

Sir Andrew
King of Eston


Roleplay from Andrew
Message sent to everyone in your realm (79 recipients)
OOC: Yes, she's a mystery: And this isn't terribly in-depth. Yet. It will get better, and heck...I'll even take requests for what you, the reader, would like to see happen...or if you otherwise have suggestions for...the roleplay.


Andrew stood on the balcony in a mansion on the outskirts of the village Tintar, overlooking the lands to the west of the city. He could see a large lake in the background and, faintly, the mountains around Azzal on it's far side. His dress today was formal, but he chose not to wear his tailored uniform today.

Clip-clops could be heard approaching the large room. Through the archway on the far end, a spit-and-polished assistant snapped to attention and announced that the lady that Andrew had arrived.

Andrew gracefully turned, hands still clasped behind him as in a moving version of parade rest. He moved towards the lady, noticing the young ginger-haired lady wearing a simple but flattering green dress; it was long and flowing without trailing on the ground.

Andrew smiled, greeting the young lady. Where the assistant once stood, there was now a man of about Andrew's age wearing a crisp white uniform. "Dinner is ready sire, m'lady."
Andrew arched his arm out, so the lady could take it. Accompanying her to the table, Andrew pulled out her seat, helping her arrange it in relation to the table.

A member of the mansion's staff lit the candles, while others brought the first course out: For the lady, a salad, as his operative had determined that the lady preferred from talking to her family. Andrew ate the same.

After some discussion regarding their pasts and their families, the main course was brought: Roasted Chicken with fresh herbs and assorted vegetables. More conversation followed.

Finally, for desert: Andrew had the famous pie-maker from Hawthorne brought from Hawthorne so that he could make one of his famous pies.

After the dinner, the two took a carriage ride to the nearby lake. Once there, they walked along the shoreline of the lake along the southwest edge of the realm, discussing life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Sir Andrew
King of Eston


Andrew's Biography

Born: Belegrond, Eston, Atamara as Andrew Arthur McKay to parents Donald McKay and Elizabeth (Strathnaver)

Education: Strathnaver Academy; degrees in economics, military studies, and statesmanship.

Realms served: Eston

Positions held:

o Count of Slantrax (Rural: Eston, Atamara)
o Duke of Hawthorne (City: Eston, Atamara)
o High Marshal of Eston
o King of Eston


Force of Nature: Member
Order of the Citadel: Founder

6 foot 4 inches (193.04 centimeters)

180 pounds (81.64 kilograms)
Medium frame, good build


Light Brown, mid-length, thick and wavy. Ocassionally parted on one side.

The dates

Andrew stood on the balcony in a mansion on the outskirts of the village Tintar, overlooking the lands to the west of the city. He could see a large lake in the background and, faintly, the mountains around Azzal on it's far side. His dress today was formal, but he chose not to wear his tailored uniform today.

Clip-clops could be heard approaching the large room. Through the archway on the far end, a spit-and-polished assistant snapped to attention and announced that the lady that Andrew had arrived.

Andrew gracefully turned, hands still clasped behind him as in a moving version of parade rest. He moved towards the lady, noticing the young ginger-haired lady wearing a simple but flattering green dress; it was long and flowing without trailing on the ground.

Andrew smiled, greeting the young lady. Where the assistant once stood, there was now a man of about Andrew's age wearing a crisp white uniform. "Dinner is ready sire, m'lady."

Andrew arched his arm out, so the lady could take it. Accompanying her to the table, Andrew pulled out her seat, helping her arrange it in relation to the table.

A member of the mansion's staff lit the candles, while others brought the first course out: For the lady, a salad, as his operative had determined that the lady preferred from talking to her family. Andrew ate the same.

After some discussion regarding their pasts and their families, the main course was brought: Roasted Chicken with fresh herbs and assorted vegetables. More conversation followed.

Finally, for desert: Andrew had the famous pie-maker from Hawthorne brought from Hawthorne so that he could make one of his famous pies.

After the dinner, the two took a carriage ride to the nearby lake. Once there, they walked along the shoreline of the lake along the southwest edge of the realm, discussing life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.


Andrew stood, in his full dress uniform with cape, speaking to the various arisocrats as part of a ball in the Royal Palace at Hawthorne. With the culture in the realm exploding, and the nobles that chose not to go to the tournament in nearby Brackhead having much to do, various aides in the Royal Administration decided to throw a ball.

"The situation in the south, though, is a matter to stablize the peace of the continent." A young noble that struck Andrew as being familiar to him stated in the small group of aristocrats.

"How can you call punishing a larger realm simply for their success a stabilization of peace?" Andrew inquired.

A half-frustrated sigh escaped the young lady's lips. "By, my King, Abington has corruption in their government. This is known amongst our allies, and this is why they have committed military resources to aggress them."

Andrew nodded. "Perhaps, but I think it has it's roots in one realm simply being opportunistic."

The young lady nodded. "Perhaps so, sire, but if we allow the nations in the south to become too large, certainly the sovereignty of Eston would be in danger."

Before Andrew could reply, an aide approached him, whispering something in his ear. "I'm sorry, but I must see to another matter shortly." Andrew tipped his head as he turned to follow the aid to the other pressing matter.

The lady turned and summoned her aid, the light from the candles in the chandeliers sparkling against the contrast of her dark hair. "Could you arrange for me to gain a moment alone with His Highness?" she whispered to her aide, who replied with a quick nod prior to darting to another place in the large ballroom.

As Andrew stood in front of the messenger, wet from just having stepped in from a rainy early September night in Hawthorne. "You are certain this information is accurate, corporal?" Andrew asked, the corporal following the question with a nod.

"Yessir," the shivering corporal stated.

Andrew nodded. "Excellent, thank you corporal." He turned to his aide. "Get his boy into some dry clothes and see that he gets a fully belly."

The aide nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing." Andrew approached so he could whisper. "The young lady that I was just speaking with," Andrew whispered. "Do you know anything of her?"

The aide nodded, whispering something about a city on the East Continent to Andrew.

"Splendid." Andrew glanced across the expanse of the grand ballroom towards her. "See to it that I can have a meeting with her. That mind of hers rather intrigues me."

"Yes, sire."


Andrew walked through one of his favorite places in the entire realm: The Royal Library. With him was the young noble lady that he had met previously in Tintar. It was quiet and only the Chief Librarian was there, cataloguing some texts in a room deep within the bowels of the library.

A slight uneasiness filled the air. Even though the young lady, it seemed to Andrew, didn't entirely care about him being King, she had a certain nervousness about her; as if she was somewhat timid to put herself out onto an emotional limb. Andrew had long distanced himself from his feelings. Feelings, he had found at a young age, only brought him pain. Thinking, rational thought, and his strong judgement had helped propel the realm he served into greatness. A cold, pragmatic man at his age, Andrew's addition to the uneasiness was wanting, deep inside, to break outside his shell; but not knowing if it would ever happen.

The tour continued down the Grand Main Street of the capital; once Andrew's home as Duke, it was now his home as King of Eston. Showing her the sights of Eston's High Marshal's command center, the Duke's Mansion, the Royal Palace, and even the pie shop on the corner. The palpable feeling in the air was that both wanted to do something...more. Both deeply yearned to break out of some monotonous shell. Andrew, of course, was the perfect gentleman.

However, the ocassion was over far too early. Andrew was left alone as the young lady was escorted by carriage to where she was staying. Watching the carriage go away, Andrew sighed deeply, longing for a loving relationship like his parents had. However, he found himself drifting off to a flashback of his youth again...


A young Andrew, no older than 13 years old, stood at the port in the northern Atamara city of Makar. He was dressed in the uniform of a cadet, the look on his face portraying a look of fear of the unknown and a lack of understanding why he couldn't be back home with the other boy-aristocrats his age with the girls his age.

"When you get older, you can find the time for ladies," Andrew's father would say when he noticed that thought on his son's mind.

Young Andrew turned around and started walking up to the ship with his father's aide, who had been charged with the boy's safety.

"Andrew," Donald McKay would say, "you are no longer a boy. You are a young man." The man portrayed a resoluteness and firmness that Andrew could only hope to one day have. "Now, your mother and I expect you to act like it. By gods, you are a McKay!"

Andrew just smiled, as boys that age do, and found his way to the boat: The boat that would take him off to study at university in a far away land.


Andrew walked alongside a small creek outside of Hawthorne City, reviewing the flora and the fauna. Tonight he had a outing with the 17-year old Balaat dMagdala of the Hatdhes dMagdalas.

Andrew watched the sun begin it's descent towards the horizon. His carriage, which carried the young Baalat, approached from over a hill to the north. As it approached, Andrew positioned himself to receive the lady.

She waits for him to take her hand, helping her from her seat. She is wearing a simple blue dress, as she remebers it is Andrew's favorite color. She has flimsy sandals on. Her hair is pulled loosely off of her neck. She wears no makeup but has the beauty of youth. She smells of liliacs.

Andrew takes her hand and helps her step down onto the ground, with it's prairie grasses falling just below the knee. "I need to get those carriage drivers to go about their job faster." Andrew smiles. "It is a pleasure to meet you this evening, m'lady."

"It is a beautiful evening at that, My lord. The sun is about to disappear and the stars will cascade the heavens, a breathtaking night indeed. The smell of the fauna is delicious; it sticks to the air and refreshes the palate"

She held his arm interlocked with hers.

As the two began their creekside stroll, Andrew began pointing out the various botany of the area. "This grass is native to the upper plains of Atamara; the small blue and yellow wildflowers you see dotting it inspired the founders of the realm to make the flag we have today. In fact, they used dyes from these plants in this very field for the first banners that flew over the castle."

"The vegetation here is plentiful and the history is intriguing," Baalat remarked.

"Indeed; this is true," Andrew replied.

She does not seem to be nervous at all and watches the King as he speaks and points out different species. "What is your favorite form of life, King Andrew, other than humans?"

Having never been asked this question before, Andrew stopped to ponder. "My military experience evokes me elicits the response of...the horse. However, past this, I am not entierly certain that I have a favorite."

"But.. If you could only chose one lifeform which one shall it be? If you were caged or something and could only take humans and one other species to repopulate which one would you take? I know there are many magnificent choices but you have no liking to one just a smidgen more than the other?"

Andrew smiles, knowing the answer to this question; "there is a clever animal that I have read scrolls from far away lands regarding a long-tailed simian creature. According to some histories that I have read, they descended from the offspring of awakened humans of a far-distant root-race. I believe that they are called...monkeys."

Baalat gazes ad Andrew and says: “Clever answer, dear King. But why not take a food source? Are these monkeys edible?" She looks at him with an innocent smile and pulls him closer as they walk

"I have a propensity to believe that should we require food, the fallen heros of yesterday will ensure that our needs are provided for." Andrew answered, quite matter-of-factly.

She giggles. "Dear King, you may laugh once in a while. I will not tell"

Andrew smiles somberly. "I will keep that in mind."

"A bit of philosophy I have learned and have taken to feel a pertinent life lesson, feel free to laugh at others and twice as hard at yourself. Smiling calms the facial muscles I am told" Baalat informed Andrew.

"For years, I commanded one of the largest and most successful militaries on the face of this continent. Always at the ready were we. It is a difficult behavior to change." Andrew replied.

"Well, any behavior is worth taking a look at; and any can be approved upon. It took me a long time to learn how to do but if you just..." she reached over with her fingers stretched the corners of his lips causing him to grin. "See it's not so hard it, just takes some practice. With time you can do it naturally. You mustn't always be on alert and stiff, life is all but too short"

Andrew smiles a smile of wisdom at the young lady. "You grew up aristocracy, yes?"

"If you could call it that...but I did witness traces of it, yes, but looked at it from an outsiders view where my smiles were frowned upon, so I understand discouraging actions"

"When the young aristocrat boys and the young aristocrat girls were playing their games as children, my father was the one teaching me The Art of War. When the little girls started looking at the little boys and vice versa, I was sent to University to learn how to be a leader amongst nobility. When most young courtiers were seeking marriage, I was managing a rural region which was responsible for feeding the capitol. As most people were busy starting families, I was busy fighting a war. I grew up with the belief that there is a certain class of aristocracy, a group of nobles, that are here to make the world the kind that the remainder of high society looks forward to when they wake up in the morning. My father was a Knight of the Citadel, as was his father before him, and his before him. I find it difficult to sway outside this belief etched into me from my youngest days."

"Well, My dear King, how is it then that you plan to find love? I hear it makes you smile at the thought, It makes you heart mucky and gooey." Baalat quipped. "Forgive me, and perhaps I am too much to the point, but in order to feel some emotions you must let them flow. Perhaps you have just not met someone who makes you feel this way."

Andrew reflected on the events of the past few days, wondering if he had met someone that made him feel this way. Rational thought quickly ended this interlude, though, as he noticed the sun starting to dip behind the forested hills in the background.

"I am sorry for needing to cut this short, but I invite you back to the Royal Palace for tonight's ball and the announcement that awaits there."

"No thank you, My lord, I shall retire for the evening. Besides, the ladies await your time at the ball: I need not be selfish."


After having appointed Christofer as Duke of Hawthorne, Andrew slipped away from the festivities to recapture some of his spent energy while reviewing the Royal Observatory which would open to the nobles and peasants of Eston tomorrow.

Climbing to an observation deck adjacent to the telescope deck, Andrew smiled towards the stars, twinkling above. Offering a heavy sigh, he finds himself sitting down and watching the night sky.

"This is a good place to relax and recharge, don't you think, Your Highness?" The voice of a young lady softly said from somewhere behind Andrew.

Looking behind him, he saw the young redhead that he last showed the Royal Library not so long ago. "Please call me Andrew."

The young lady stood up from where she was sitting and approached Andrew's position, taking up a spot next to him. "You come here, too?" She asked.

Andrew nodded. "It's serene and helps me put things into perspective."

The lady nodded knowingly.

After several minutes of just gazing at the stars, Andrew glanced at the young lady of 23, then back to the stars. "Over the years my wildest dreams have been murdered by reality. I've been where you are before; no one understands it more: You fear every step you take, so sure that your heart will break." Andrew looked directly at the young lady, his mouth half open as he was beginning to say more.

Immediately, the young lady moved her lips into contact with Andrews. For what seemed like a timeless eternity, the world wrapped itself around a single moment.

As soon as it had begun, so it ended. The two left their lock of lips and looked up at the heavens, together, for a spell.


Walking down the main road, just finishing from being paved with fine stones from across the region, Andrew comes upon a group of peasants huddled in a semi-circle around a young lady telling a tale of her exploits in battle. Andrew, his identity mostly shielded from the cloak that he has on, takes a position in the crowd and watches the grand tale being told by the young lady.

"So the mighty Talerium army, undaunted, broke through the formidable walls. Never before had Icegate seen enemy troops and now her citadel was fallen. The sun rose as my sister and her troops along with the twenty-two other fearless troop leaders stormed the citadel, destroying it utterly."

The peasantry noticeably gave their "ooh's" and "aww's," not being privy to much of the heroics of battle. As the crowd began to go about their other daily business, the lady started to walk away, towards the palace, as Andrew walked up to her. "That was a good tale, m'lady." Andrew stated, trying to mask his identity.

The lady is too smart. "Andrew?"

Removing the cloak from over his head, Andrew tips his head to the lady. "M'lady. You're not easily fooled, are you?" His voice was soft, he wasn't using the regal tone that people had become familiar with from Andrew. He hands her some flowers. "I picked these from the south of the City last evening. I hope they are to your delight."

Joyed by the gesture, she accepts them. She leads him along a backroad leading to the palace.

"I hear that you haven't been coming to the Royal Balls." Andrew commented. "Do you loathe the company of aristocracy so much that you wander alone at night?"

She blushes and looks down at her feet. "It's not that...I have my reasons."

Andrew put his arm around her. "What reasons would those be?"

She stops, takes Andrew's hands, and looks up, deeply into his eyes. "I'd rather times like these, having your full attention."

Though bold in combat, Andrew had let his guard down; thus, he was taken aback by this gesture. However, he had made the decision to not put so many barriers up with the events of late. "How might you utilize this attention?"

"Let's go somewhere...somewhere private. Somewhere we can dine and talk." the lady requested.

Andrew looked around, an eyebrow raised. "I, I think I have a very place where we can do that."

--- Later, somewhere in the expansive Royal Palace

After the two had finished a dinner of chicken roasted with a delicious sesame seed concoction to coat it, the two continued conversation. "What are your thoughts on marriage?" Andrew asks, rather bluntly.

She chokes a little on her wine. "Er...I would like to be married, very much so."

"What baffles me is that...a lady of your beauty, intelligence, and age isn't already married. Andrew remarked.

"Quite frankly, Andrew, you're the first man to ever take so much notice of me."

"I find that hard to believe, m'lady."

"'Tis nothing but the truth, sir."

"Would you consider me a friend?" Andrew asks.

"I tend to consider you as more than just a friend."

"Then, please, don't use my titles. I serve at the pleasure of the aristocrats." Andrew moved himself closer to the lady. "But I would like to serve more at the pleasure of you."

Looking up at Andrew, the lady pauses. Suddenly, Andrew moves in to lock his lips with hers. His thrust to meet her lips translated the passion he'd felt for her into the physical domain. As electricity flowed between the two of them, their lips parted and their tongues gently met. A timid massage of one another could be witnessed, however discrete. Andrew's hand found it's way to the lady's side to try and pull her closer..

...Then, he stopped. Breaking the lock, Andrew immediately stood up, turning his back and looking towards the floor. "I'm sorry, that was probably unwanted..."

She moves to him, placing one hand on his cheek, turning his face to meet hers. "Never," she whispers.

Andrew starts to show a smile. "You realize that the woman that marries me, she takes on this burden that I have." He whispers.

"Everyone has their burdens and never should they carry them alone."

Andrew places his arms around her and embraces her closely. His eyes close as a tear falls from it.


Andrew stood amongst all the pomp and circumstance of that night's Royal Ball. As everyone went about their pleasantries, he smiled. The dark times that had led them here had passed. The light had come for the people of Eston and all, at least in this moment in time, was well.

However fulfilled his long career as a professional soldier and his career as a servant of the people, no amount of soldiering or military bearing could prepare him for what he felt was a great hole in his life. A large hole in his heart.

Recently, there had been many a lady vying for his attention. Friends often seemed distant, as their work in peacetime was often more hurried than even in wartime. "Heh," Andrew tried to laugh: A great irony. Turning around, he stepped outside of the Royal Hall where the balls were being held, down the steps, and onto the back streets of Hawthorne. No guards for him tonight, even though that might anger his aides. They were quick to forget, though, that he was still quite the threat with a sword.

Andrew had always found a few things refreshing, invigorating, and relaxing at the same time: The early morning, just at sunrise, the air of the late night, and the moments when time stands still after a battle had been fought. He walked along several backstreets, reflecting on his life and times. All that he had seen, all that he had done. Why had it brought him along this path? Andrew knew, though, that even though he sought to bring order to his small part of the world, that the fallen heros of yesteryear would ensure he had what he needed in life. If it was their will that he would live the life of a pauper, he would do so. However, he knew he still had a greater purpose in life...that his destiny had not yet been fulfilled.

He found himself back at the setting he was just the evening before with a lady he had found himself wooing as of late. Is she the one? Andrew would wonder. Am I ready to make her my missus? He knew that when he wed, it would be a one-time, one-shot deal. He would have to get it right. However, what the two would face would not just be the ordinary trials and tribulations of a marriage--it would be that, yes, but coupled with the well-being of a realm--nay, a northern alliance--a greater cause of the citadel that transcended everything that Andrew was, everything that Andrew could be in this place.

Sitting down at the piano on the far side of the room, he began to play a melody. He played a memory...one that was sad and sweet. It had the sensation of a younger man's days, laced with the joys and the uncertainties of a feeling deep inside his heart, deep inside his soul that he was uncertain of. Long ago had he sealed all but a single emotion: The rest was calculated circumstance, forged with the wisdom gained only by experience and eaten away at by the shame and loss of personally agonizing defeat.

"Maybe I'm just a fool to believe that I have anything she needs," Andrew remarked while he played. "This young-old man...can she stop my pain?" The distant sound of thunder echoed through the room, riding the waves of piano's melody throughout the space.

Love, Andrew thought, is nothing more than a fairy tale, is it not? His father had taught him many things about what he had encountered in life. His family cultivated his passion for science, art, the military. He was a weapon of rational thought, logic, and linear design...he was not naturally inclined to reconcile this love thing. "Maybe it is a decision..." he mumbled while playing, the music becoming more ordered and symmetrical now. Love, a decision? He thought. It would certainly make sense, would it not? Though he could now deduce it to a quantitative thing, it had so many qualitative factors. This feeling, deep inside. A certain loneliness when she wasn't with him, an empty hole in his belly; an anxiousness to see her again.

Maybe love is both, Andrew thought. It is both a decision: A commitment of wholeness and entirety to another through an unbreakable union; and a feeling: That feeling that he had when they touched, whe she reaches out for him, and when the two hearts connect.

Andrew stopped playing, fading the music out. Standing up, he knew what it was time to do.

...Time to do soon


Dear Dafayo, my friend:

Please find with Daelayrick one of the world's finest and largest emeralds. From it, I would like you to fashion the finest ring and earings that you and your staff can muster. I want it to be conservative while remaining regal. I would prefer white gold mined from the foothills of Mount Moramroth in Belegrond, and the earrings to dangle.

Please see to this, poste haste, my friend; for I have a lady to ask for her hand in marriage.

Most respectfully; your friend,


On his way south of Hawthorne, Andrew reviewed various intelligence reports from around the realm. One of them was of particular interest.

"Ship docked in Bay of Slantrax. Ship Name: Catarina" A scroll read.

"Lieutenant," Andrew asked to an aide, accompanying him on a horse at his side. Andrew had a habit of selecting his aides from the ranks of the military, for obvious reasons. "This report of the new ship in Slantrax Bay. What do we know of it's captain?"

"The secret police indicates that it is a blonde male in his thirties that moved south shortly after arrival."

Andrew nodded. "Excellent."

As they arrived over a rolling hill, a small shack could be viewed at it's base. As thunder signaled a rainstorm started moving in from the west, Andrew pointed at the small hovel. "We will take shelter there until the storm passes!"

Already rain had begun to dot the landscape, puddles forming on the trail that led past this small building seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Inside, very little moisture made it through to escape to the inside.

The lieutenant worked to light some candles, as Andrew took a seat in the back, continuing to go over the many notes from about the monarchy. All of the sudden, a rustle could be heard in the corner. Immediately both men stood at ready, their swords drawn.

Slowly, a man stepped into the main room from a side one. As the light gradually fell onto his face, a blonde-haired young man and an outlandish suit of clothes came into view. "You can put down your weapons: Lieutenant, King." His accent was strange (OOC: A southern England or classic Australian) and he exhibited a stiff upper lip and a chiseled face.

Putting their swords away, Andrew asked: "Are you who I think you are?"

"Aye, as you requested, Andrew."

The young lieutenant looked bewildered. "You...you're...a pirate." he gasped.

The young man looked wryly at Andrew. "Are all your subjects so intelligent?"

Andrew grimaced at the man. "Lieutenant, meet Daelayrick Naelayver, the one I had to beat out for top grades back at University."

"The way I recall't, I beat you out." Daelayrick quipped.

"You know him, Your Majesty?" The lieutenant inquired.

"After the war, I summoned him." Andrew explained.

"Word has it, my purpose of being here might've changed, too. Turns out His Highness is looking to wed."

Andrew nodded. "And word has it that you have the finest bounty of jewels known to man."

"This be true, though some might say otherwise. I'd likely to've run 'em through, though."

Andrew approached as the young pirate opened a pouch at his side. Pulling a large emerald out of the bag, the other two gentlemen's eyes gaped wide open.


"She's one of the largest of these fine green gems left from after the wars in the Far East. Enough to make a set of jewelry fit for the wife of Andrew's."

"You mean a queen?" Andrew asked.

"Any woman marrying you had better be, now, shouldn't she?" Daelayrick smirked.

"Daelayrick...I want you to get this to my Royal Artist, Dafayo. Let us see if he can fashion a ring and pair of earings from it." Andrew smiled. "Something fit for...an engagement ring."


Andrew rode on his horse towards Hawthorne. Though he would have rather gone to see the man, Andrew was compelled by circumstance to write his hopefully forthcoming father-in-law to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.

"We value our daughter very much," part of the letter read, "...feel that you will do well to take care of her and start a family together..."

As he finished the single-page letter, Andrew smiled. One day away from Hawthorne, he knew what to do when he returned to the Royal Palace. "Lieutenant, send a messenger forward with a dinner party invite for all in Eston. Send the special invitation to the lady--" the horse's noise stopped the lieutenant from hearing of the name, but he knew who it was.


Andrew entered the Royal Banquet Hall. Already there were legions of staff scurrying around to prepare for the event later. When the sun rose, it would be a new day, indeed.

"Leave me for a few minutes," Andrew waved his hand, using his command tone, to the countless number staff in the room. Immediately they scurried out.

Andrew approached the long marble table, as it was almost completely set. Running his hand across one of the wide edges, he started talking to himself. "Gods," he sighed. "I've never asked for anything, relying on the skills you have granted me to make it by, but," he shook his head and stopped. "I am so very scared that this will not happen." His voice was just above a whisper. "I don't want a woman to be with me for my successes, but for my lack of. I want them to be with the human me. At the end of the day, I don't want her to be married to a king, I want her to love me for the other things."

A moment of silence pursued.

Taking in a deep breath, Andrew re-gained his composure and started walking out of the room.

A dark figure walked in from the other side of the room. "So, the great Andrew is human, after all."

Andrew turned and approached the man. Slowly, the image of Daelayrick Naelayver came into sight.

As Andrew walked past the man, he inquired: "So, I can expect you at the event?"

The swashbuckler tilted his head and to the left, trying to see Andrew as he walked away. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."


The sun was rising on the horizon, glimmering down upon the Royal Banquet hall. Many were gathered outside the grand building for what had been announced to happen this day.

The great feast that took place at the grand table in Hawthorne was splendid: Meats from every socially acceptable and edible animal could be found; vegetables grown from all the gardens and fields across Eston; pies from Eston's finest bakers and delicacies retrieved from the farthest reaches of the world. Elements of the Royal Court or their stewards sat on either side of the table. All nobles in Hawthorne were in attendance, except one, sitting on either side of the table.

Andrew stood from his chair at the head of the table. "Lords and ladies, I thank you for your attendance to witness what I am about to do."

As he said that, a lady entered from the rear of the room, behind Andrew and to his right. She approached Andrew and stood.

Facing her, Andrew began to speak to her. The room was quiet enough that everyone could hear Andrew speak, just to her. "When I was young, my mother would tell me grand tales of valiant warriors, epic battles, great journeys, and wonderful romances. One of these stories that she told to me involved a mystical race of creatures known as fairies; thus, these tales told to me, my mother and I would refer to as fairy tales. One day, when I was 12 or 13, I was playing around in one of the old stone storage buildings at Belegrond's Citadel when I remember accidently bumping into a shelf. A scroll fell down, hitting me on the head. Looking at it, I noticed the words Oraculum of Novus Ordo of Castellum imprinted on it in very simple letters. Blowing the dust off, I opened it up and started reading through it: A realm was mentioned...one that was at peace with the known world. However, very dark times befell this realm. As it sank deeper into chaos, a group of dedicated military leaders that held true to the beliefs of the group known as The Order of the Citadel facilitated change in the realm. A boy general would rise to the rank of king after a very bloody war of epic proportions..."

Andrew smiled gently and took a deep breath, continuing. "As ruler, he would oversee a great renaissance in science, art, philosophy, and culture. However, his battle-hardened experience would leave him cold inside. One day he would embark on a bold search to find himself a wife; a queen she would become."

Andrew looked deeply into the lady's eyes, continuing. "This tale of epic proportions, this fairy tale deserves a happy ending," he lowered, bending on a single knee in front of the lady. "Would you do me the highest honor, that we could end this fairy tale with a happy ending and start another, together."

An aide marched to Andrew, in his outstetched hands was a wonderful box: Lined with a soft blue fabric and having a gold band lining where it's edges met. Andrew took it and opened it for the young lady to see:


"Would you, m'lady, do me the honor of being my wife?" Andrew smiled, all his personal hopes and those that he had for the realm, reflected in his eyes.


“Yes, Andrew, if you will do me the honor of having me.”

Taking her left hand, Andrew slipped the ring on Taiasin's finger. "I would love to have you as my wife, m'lady." Andrew immediately rose up to touch the lips of his future wife with his own. The kiss was half passion, half for show; however, as it always had, the chemistry flowed between the two as if they were meant to be together.

Rulers of Atamara, lords and ladies of Eston:

I stand in front of you the happiest man that I could be today. For all my life I have served a realm and a greater cause other than myself. However, today I found that there is a cause above it all: The honor of family.

The Lady Taiasin Evadne has agreed to make me the happiest man on this continent today by being my wife and he future Queen of Eston.

Soon, I hope that I will be able to announce a date for the wedding and that each of you, regardless of our past differences, will be able to either attend or send a steward to the wedding.



Placing his pen away, Andrew let out a sigh of relief. "Another day of business is done." He stood up and started walking out of his office, out of the palace, and down the main street of Hawthorne to Taiasin's tent. Although prior to the engagement he had asked her to stay in one of the apartments, she would hear nothing of it. Though she would be the future Queen, she would not hear of elevating herself above her fellow troop leaders until such time that she was crowned.

On his stroll towards her tent in a field just south of the parade grounds in Hawthorne, he watched the moon, high in the sky, as the tournament went on. It was a place of constant hustle and bustle the last few days.

As Andrew approached the tent in his military uniform, he noticed that the two guards had been augmented by some of his own, just in case. "Halt," one challenged, "who goes there?"

Andrew walked into the light, as the guards snapped to attention and rendered him a hand salute. "Good evening, sire. The lady is expecting you." Andrew nodded as he entered the tent.


The scene was set: At the Royal Cathedral in Hawthorne everything was clean, groomed, and full of life. Countless peasants shuffled and ran from points A to points B, assuring that all flowed like clockwork. Countless carriages arrived along the roadway, blocked off for all but nobility and dignitaries for this Royal occasion. All along the outside and somewhere on the inside, all along the way, lady luck had fallen. Today the truth would be unfolded and the silence would be broken.

Cool breezes swept to the inside of the grand state Cathedral: Inside was ample, but not overly ornate, with decorative vegetation and a mildly adorned color theme that seemed to fit with the natural beauty of the place. In the very front was the alter at which the King Andrew McKay would exchange vows of matrimony with his love, the Lady Taiasin Evadne. Officiating the ceremony would be his longtime friend, His Emminence, the Arch Priest Christofer Kane. Though he and Andrew were separated by about 10 years, their families lived in adjoining regions and had become close. Christofer's father had made Andrew promise that he would look out over his son.

Best men in the ceremony would be the Duke, legendary Marshal, and bold hero Marouane Barghouti. Having once followed in the footsteps of Andrew, Marouane had made his own way now: He was a great friend, a trusted advisor, and the among the most loyal nobles that Andrew had ever met. With him, Andrew had asked a man that Andrew held in high regards, outside of being a trusted friend and companion on the battlefield and off: General of the Armies Basil Ariston, High Marshal of Eston and Marquis of Anost.

A faint, sweet scent filled the air. To the untrained nose it seemed as though it was the essence of love flowing through it. It was a strange medicine that helped some to remember, and yet others to forget. Today, it added to the overall experience of the affair: A stage set so real, an aura about it that was so surreal.

Placed strategically throughout the Cathedral and it's exterior was a complement of the finest of the pikemen of the Royal Guard. Commanding them today would be the Colonel Artemis Entreri, Count of a region that Andrew held dearly in his heart and commandant of the Royal Guard unit of dedicated nobles and the elite troops which they led. Standing in the front of the Cathedral, Artemis diligently oversaw the Sergeant Major perform his duties just as Artemis would himself. In the wings awaited two units of ceremonial infantry with their heavy swords, polished to perfection.

Above the entrance to the Cathedral sat a balcony; and in it, sat the Royal Orchestra of Hawthorne.

In opposite sides of the building were anterooms for the bride and groom. As was quickly becoming a tradition of luck on Atamara: It was unwise to see one's mate on the day of the wedding ceremony. In Andrew's room he had decided to wear a finely-tailored blue dress uniform denoting his position as King, but also holding the medals which he had one on, what seemed like, one-too-many encounters with opponents on the field of battle. His chiseled and battle-hardened appearance included the rank upon his epaulettes and was capped with his crown, which he only wore for the most solemn of occasions.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed the lines on his face, starting to show his age. No one knew, surely, as much as he did that there were compromises that were necessary to be made with wear of the uniform that he did. Once, he was a young noble with high hopes and aspirations, years above his station, trying to walk with dignity and pride. Now, he was tired of the darkness in his life, the lives around him. With no more angry words to say, he was ready to play a role of four: Statesman and King, soldier and military officer, civil servant, and now, husband; stepping on the edge of the moonlight, looking out into the light of a new day, he was stepping out.

He took a look at himself, standing, in the full-length looking glass. Around him stood a couple squires and an aide. "You look positively royal, Andrew." One remarked.

Andrew smiled. "Not as royal as my bride-to-be is, I'm certain," he said just above his breath.


Taiasin stood in her anteroom studying her reflection in the mirror. She had long since dressed and now she was checking for perhaps the fifth time to make sure her appearance was as flawless as possible. Her white dress fit her perfectly. The bodice was cut low, but not immodestly so; the sleeves were long and belled; the skirt was floor-length with a long train trailing out behind her. Vines and flowers were embroidered in silver along the stomach, sleeves, and train of the dress.

Her sister, Ktrien, was the only one attending her now. Ktrien added final touches to her sister's hair. Though it was loose and flowing, small silver stars were attached here and there, sparkling as she moved. The only jewelry Taiasin wore was the emerald engagement set.

She raised a hand to fuss with a piece of hair she thought was out of place. Ktrien took her hand and lowered it. "Sister, you are perfect. Anyone would be a fool not to think so," she said lovingly.

Taiasin turned to face Ktrien then and hugged her tightly. Then, she broke away, wiped a tear from her eye, and prepared to go out into the Cathedral.


She looked at her sister. "What, Ktrien?"

"Do you love him?"

"With every fiber of my being. He completes me, and I him."

Ktrien smiled. "Then go on, else you'll be late!"


As the King stood at the alter, angled towards the full crowd in the Cathedral, his two best men at is side, a full orchestra filled the room with elegance and power. As the Lady Ktrien walked to the other end of the aisle, though, the music started to slowly diminish. As she approached the alter as the maid of honor, the music slowly diminished, various instruments fading out.

As the Lady Taiasin entered the room, the music had fell to four single strings--A violin, a viola, a cello, and a bass--playing a piece that was quickly coming to be known as the "wedding march" amongst the nobles of the world. Andrew watched as her light brightened the room. She glided towards the alter in a surreal, seredipitous moment in time. Their eyes met as time stood still, a smile was exchanged between them.

As she approached the alter, the music faded to nothing. Sir Andrew and the Lady Taiasin faced one another as Christofer started, turning to Andrew.

"Andrew, please repeat after me." The Arch Priest started.

"I, state your name," Christofer started.

"I, Andrew McKay,"

"Take you, Taiasin Evadne," Christofer continued.

"Take you, Taiasin Evadne," Andrew repeated.

"to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward,"

"to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward,"

"For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish;"

"For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish;"

"from this day forward until death us do part."

"from this day forward until death us do part."

Christofer turned to the Lady Taiasin and had her repeat the recitals. After such time Christofer smiled. "Andrew, you may kiss the bride."

As it had been known to do so many times, Taiasin and Andrew's kiss made time stand still. For a moment in time, the world revolved around one boy and one girl.

As they kissed, two columns of the Royal Guard troops, commanded by the Colonel Artemis Entreri, marched to either side of the aisle. Commands were issued to execute the swords forming an arch above the aisle. The bride and her groom turned and walked under the arches towards the outside to a cacaphony of applause and orchestral music.

Outside, they walked through the crowd around the Cathedral to their white carriage pulled by 4 horses that would carry them to the Royal Palace.