A protest is a formal message of disagreement with the actions of the ruling council (ruler, general, judge or banker) of your realm. To protest is sometimes the only option of dealing with someone abusing his or her powers, short of leaving the realm. More importantly, however, it makes your voice heard in a way that can not be easily ignored, for it can carry serious consequences - if many members of the realm protest, the abusive character might even be removed from the position he or she abused.
You can protest at any time using the "Post a protest message..." link provided on the Messages screen. Certain events, such as the appointment of lords or council members, will also provide a specific link for posting a protest. There is no difference between the two methods, the link below some events is just for convenience.
- Note: To prevent certain abuses, new characters, and characters new to their realm, cannot immediately post protest messages. There is a waiting period of several days before the option is available to them.
Each protest message is specifically targeted at one specific government member. If you wish to protest multiple government offices, then you must post multiple protests, one for each.
Public and Private Protests
Protest messages can be either private ("Silently disagree with") or public ("Protest publicly against").
- A Private protest is the equivalent of talking to friends only, in the hope that the word will spread. Due to the "underground" nature of private protests, they have a lesser effect than public protests. It will take more of them for any effects to be noticed. No one will be notified of the protests. If you wish certain people to know that you protested, and inspire them to silently protest as well, then you will need to inform them yourself.
- A Public protest is speaking aloud, which will be more effective but might be dangerous in a repressive realm. Your protest message will be sent to all the nobles of the realm, including the reason you have given for your protest. There is no protection against reprisals, other than the political power and influence you wield. Public protests have a greater effect than private protests. All the nobles will see it, and it may inspire them to protest as well. Also, it takes fewer public protests to have a tangible effect on the protestee than private protests.
If enough protests are posted against a government official within a certain amount of time, there can be tangible consequences for that noble.
- If enough protests are posted, the target will lose honor and prestige. The exact number of protests depends on several factors. The exact details are not known, but are believed to be related to the number of nobles in the realm, and the government system of the realm.
- If the protests continue, and involve a large enough portion of the realm, the target will be forced out of the office in disgrace, with a significant loss of prestige. A new noble will be chosen either through an election or appointment, according to the government system in place.