Perdan Mines/Pelasgia/The Thief and Scroll

From BattleMaster Wiki

Description The inn is a two-storey half-timbered building, with a reinforced wooden door and a large cellar. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. Accomodations consist of several small rooms with wooden cots and several hammocks in the common room.

Innkeeper The innkeeper is a young female human named Rictiua. She possesses a magical spear which once belonged to the human ranger Efrix, who slew the Horror of the Odacac Bluffs.

Menu Boiled Lamb and Lentils, Tankard of Perry (13 cp) Smoked Mutton and Dried Onions, Tankard of Cider (8 cp) Smoked Sausage and Leek, Tankard of Beer (8 cp) Boiled Eggs and Dried Leek, Tankard of Perry (10 cp)

Patrons Solve: Female Dwarf Merchant, Evil. Solve has thick gray hair and blue eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and carries a long knife. Hildo: Male Halfling Priest, Evil. Hildo has a narrow face, with silver hair and green eyes. He wears modest garments and a sling of vials and potions. Hildo seeks to save his family from financial ruin. Garib: Male Halfling Peasant, Neutral. Garib has long blonde hair and light amber eyes, and a flat nose. He wears well-made clothing and an iron amulet. Garib is impossibly lucky. Finranwe: Male Elf Merchant, Good. Finranwe has black hair and sharp amber eyes, and prominent ears. He wears simple clothing and several pouches hang from his belt. Finranwe lost his reflection to a nymph. Redo: Male Halfling Craftsman, Neutral. Redo has blonde hair and hazel eyes. He wears well-made clothing and carries a willow staff. Redo is searching for his missing daughter.