Perdan/Royal Perdanese Archives/Letters concerning the devolution of Al Aquabah by Perleone

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Incomplete archives concerning the matter of Al Aquabah between Perdan and Perleone.

Letter from Saraph Orneithian, King of Perleone

Queen Alyssa,

Rest assured I've read your missives, as has the realm. The delays in my response are due to the weight my words bear, and the fact I do not wish to speak until the entire realm is on the same page.

You will have to endure the wait a bit longer, seeing as I will be stepping down from my position.

I look forward to the resolution of this matter.

Wisdom and Valor,

Saraph Orneithian

King of Perleone

Royal of Perleone

Letter from Andreas Greybrook, of Perleone

Queen Alyssa,

If there is anything that could prevent war it maybe this - there are strong inclinations that King Saraph is due to step down after public discourse.

If this is the case, you may still obtain what you want without bloodshed.

Yours truly,

Andreas Greybrook

Duke of House Grathe

Margrave of Castle Ubent

Letter from Andreas Greybrook, of Perleone

Queen Alyssa,

As predicted the King has abdicated. It will likely now be a refendum between those whom want war and those whom do not.

Saraph Orneithian, King of Perleone, Royal of Perleone has abdicated from his position as ruler of your realm. He has given this reason:

Dedicating more time to spend with family and handing the crown over to a new generation. I thank you for your support and wish my successor a more fruitful reign.

A referendum will be started within the day to elect the next Ruler.

Andreas Greybrook

Duke of House Grathe

Margrave of Castle Ubent

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley, Queen of Perdan


Earlier this evening we received reports that nobles of Perleone attacked militia stationed in Az Zarqua. Perleone had not been authorized to travel through our lands and in doing so slaughtered several militia soldiers of Lord Ulric's militia. This is the latest in a line of insults and assaults upon both our honour and now our people.

The way Perleone has dismissed and ignored our attempts at reasonable diplomacy before are unacceptable. But this event cannot be overlooked. Our people have been attacked and killed by Perleone knights, and thus our realms are now at war. I will be drafting an official declaration of war and be lowering relations after sunrise today.

This is not the way I had hoped this to go, but we have no choice at this point, it seems.

The war will be with the objective to reclaim Al Aquabah as it is our sovereign territory. Our secondary objective will be to reduce Perleone to the actual limit of their administrative capacity. Presently, that is one additional region. This will be either Woolton or Montauban. Which one that will end up being will be decided in the future peace treaty, but that is the general direction we will be conducting operations in.

Follow the orders and guidance of your marshals and the Imperatrix. They, along with you will guide us to victory.

I will also take this opportunity to say that no looting, violent, or otherwise aggressive acts towards civilians or unarmed peoples should be conducted at any point during this conflict. There shall be no orders issued to conduct any sort of looting operation outside destruction of military infrastructure. Such is my primary command for our armies. The rest shall be left to the wisdom of the Imperatrix and our War Council.

Thanks to the tireless work of our diplomatic corps, especially our Ambassadors, our Imperatrix and lords in the reconstruction of additional military centers, our investors and patrons like Lord Richard and Stewardess Isabel, we are now in an advantageous position to succeed. Now the knights and lords of Perdan together and united will be able to reclaim what belongs to us, and ensure the care and protection of the gentlehearted people who Perleone will neglect at their own whim. It is for them that we fight. To ensure they are cared for by a realm that can take care of them, not one that bloats and sits in apathy while they toss innocent people to the bandits and monsters of the roguelands.

And we shall be victorious in this fight, for we are the true knights. Champions of the just and the protector of the weak, and weary, and frightened. That is what we shall be as we reclaim our honour and our gentle people from the grasp of greedy kings.

Now let us march, brave knights, brave lords. Let us show them whose roar is truly louder.


Lady Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan

Declaration of War between the Kingdom of Perdan and the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone

In response to the following grievances held by the Kingdom of Perdan against the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone:

  • Refusal to return the region of Al Aquabah to Perdan, which Perdan considers rightfully part of our realm after was abandoned by King Gaheris, and became part of Perdan and was met with no claim enforcement or protest by any member of Perleone.
  • Refusal to engage in diplomatic discussions with Perdan about the return of the region.
  • The continuing abandonment of regions and peoples by Perleone leading to a widespread increase in roguelands in the south from which monsters and other unnatural creatures spawn and terrorize the people who live there, as a result of Perleone's inability to administrate the number of regions they hold with their current administrative capacity.
  • The outrageous claim by Perleone that it still owns these regions despite admitting to considering the regions abandoned.

An attack this past evening by a Perleone knight against militiamen stationed lawfully within the Perdan region of Az Zarqua which Perleone holds no claim to, nor was welcomed or authorized to travel through.

The Kingdom of Perdan considers that it is at war with the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone following the Perleone attack against the region of Az Zarqua, the most recent of the listed grievances.


In that Al Aquabah was announced to be abandoned by the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone,


In that Perdan accepted the oath of protection towards the people of Al Aquabah.


In that Perleone made no challenge or protest for the region to be returned to Perleone at any time


In that Perleone obtained control of the region unlawfully without the consent of its governors or their lieges


In that Perleone refused and ignored repeated attempts to resolve the situation through diplomatic means

THEN, The Kingdom of Perdan seeks the reclamation of Al Aquabah and its subjects to the Kingdom of Perdan.


In that Perleone holds more land than they can presently reasonably administer with the number nobles in their court


In that Perdan can support the proper care and attention to additional peoples within her sovereignty


In that the best interests of common people is to be ruled by government that can properly care for them and will not abandon any more regions to the growing roguelands

THEN, The Kingdom of Perdan seeks the ceding of one additional province from the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone to the Kingdom of Perdan, that additional province being either Woolton OR Montauban.


In that Perleone has claimed in official diplomatic correspondence to the Queen of Perdan that it owns the regions of: Zawr, Nimraw, Zamor, Jariedma, Semall, Ar Raqqa, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm, Igno, and Abadan


In that Perleone has not held these regions within a reasonable timespan of this declaration


In that Perleone admitted in those same letters that it had abandoned those regions to rogue


In that it is in the best interests of both the Continent and the common people of the roguelands in the far South that they be governed by a proper and noble government of any fully fledged realm, extant or hypothetical, including Perleone if they are able to in the future.

Then, Perleone will renounce all claims on the above list of regions, and on the regions of Al Aquabah, and whichever additional region is ceded as mentioned in the previous term of this declaration, either Woolton OR Montauban.

It is with great disappointment that that Kingdom of Perdan solemnly announces this state of war between her and the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone. The Kingdom of Perdan recognizes the long history of cooperation and friendship between our realms and the realm of Vix Tiramora whose people now reside as one Perleone. It is our desire that this conflict be ended as quickly, and nobly as possible, and that it be conducted with honour, noble restraint, and consideration for the fate of innocent smallfolk by all involved.

Letter from Saraph Orneithian, of Perleone

To hear Perdan's nobility speak like the North of old is distressing. Years ago, we stood together when the crows of Eponllyn squawked a similar tune of poison and hate for their loss against a weaker army -- and now it is the very realm we sought to protect throwing it back at us.

Then again, with so many treaties below your bloodied feet, you are no different than the Redwings. It is no surprise you ache for another reckoning with the Blazing Swords.

May Anradh's blaze cleanse you.

Wisdom and Valor,

Saraph Orneithian

Royal of Perleone

Knight of Ibladesh

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley, Queen of Perdan

Lord Saraph,

You are bold to speak as such, for this war is caused almost entirely by your idleness as I pleaded with you for months to help me resolve this without warfare, letters which you dismissed or ignored out of hand, and which from what I have seen out of Perleone, you failed to even properly inform your countrymen about.

I share King Nicolai's views that this conflict is a regrettable conclusion of what should have been a limited dispute solved with diplomacy. But you, Saraph Orneithian ignored the problem until it got worse, then abdicated your responsibilities at the point where it was already too late.

King Nicolai and I are presently in discussions in a joint effort to attempt to decrease hostilities and move towards more limited warfare to avoid the increasing tensions we are presently seeing at this very moment. It is very much my desire to do so if possible, but with the state of things being what it is, it is natural that this would be difficult. Still I appreciate King Nicolai's efforts towards limited conflict, and if possible I would like to try and do the same as the state of the conflict allows. As I said, diplomacy can be difficult in times of war and high tensions but I will do what I can in my power to try. King Nicolai has my most recent letter on his desk right now, I look forward to his response and continued (I hope productive) discussion. Still, our grievances with Perleone are what they are, as listed in the confirmation of war. We shall continue towards our goals, and hopefully towards a peace which will see those grievances resolved.

All of this being said, and despite the escalation of this dispute being a direct consequence, Lord Saraph, of your own choices and inaction, I am inclined to agree that the nobles of Perdan have had their chances to speak their frustrations freely, and at this point, there is not much more to say that has not already been said, so I believe it is best for the banter, as exciting as it has been to begin winding down, and instead direct our energy and our ink once again towards the resolution of the actual matters at hand. I hope Perleone will take this opportunity to understand the root of these frustrations expressed by my people and where they come from and how we can use that together to find a due solution to the problem which faces the both of us.

We have stood as sister and brother for a long time, and I believe truly that we shall do so again. But this must be resolved, and diplomacy did not come to fruition, to my distress. You saw to that yourself, Lord Saraph. Perhaps King Nicolai will take that friendship you allude to more seriously than you did. I believe he is so far, at least.


Lady Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan

Posters distributed in Woolton by soldiers of Mangus McGahee, of Perleone

The Queens' Peace

Treaty Text

1. This treaty is a declaration of peace between Perdan and Perleone.

2. Terms of Peace

2a. Perdan shall immediately establish and maintain peaceful relations with Perleone

2b. Perleone shall immediately establish and maintain peaceful relations with Perdan

2c. Perdan shall not attack, loot, assail or otherwise cause harm to any region possessed by Perleone

2d. Perleone shall not attack, loot assail or otherwise cause harm to any region possessed by Perdan

2e Perdan and Perleone shall respect each others sovereign rights over their regions

3. Additional Terms

3a. This treaty is to be treated as a whole and can not be selectively adhered to or broken.

3b. Perdan and Perlone are both required to give the other at least two weeks notice before willfully lowering relations with the other to anything less than peaceful snd thus breaking this treaty

3c. Neither Perdan or Perleone shall accept any terms within a treaty or pact that would hinder their ability to honor any part of this treaty


This treaty was created on 2015-02-14.

Current Signatories

Perdan (signed)

Perleone (signed)

Mangus McGahee

Distributor of Perleone

Margrave of Partora

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley, Queen of Perdan

Lord Mangus,

I'll go ahead and take the time to address this, since I have now received more than one letter from nobles sending me this particular treaty under the incorrect presumption that I am not aware of it, or the incorrect presumption that a treaty from so long ago nullifies the legitimate grievances the Kingdom of Perdan presently holds with the Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone, or both.

Besides the fact that this treaty is exceptionally old, and that sending it to me and others in lieu of an actual point of diplomacy ignores numerous other treaties signed later between our kingdoms, as well as years and years of history and context that has passed between our realms between its drafting and the present day; there are a number of reasons this treaty is not actually relevant towards resolving our present situation.

This treaty was violated long ago by Perleone when Perleone formed the Perleone Empire with the drafting and signing of the Imperial Charter, and accepted the Kingdom of Perdan as a vassal state within that Empire. With the forming of an international government in this manner, a treaty that was created four years prior would no longer be valid or relevant under that new government, especially when that charter itself would violate the treaty that continues to be forwarded to my desk.

In addition, if you desire an even more precise legal explanation beyond what I have already explained, according to the Queen's Peace, Perleone should not accept terms within a treaty or pact that would hinder an ability for either realm to honour any part of this treaty; the Imperial Charter would be a violation of the the sovereign rights over the regions of Perdan as Perdan could not withdraw from the Empire without Perleone being obligated by the Charter to attack or assail the regions of Perdan in an Imperial Reclamation War. Enacting such a war would be a violation of Term 2d of the Queen's peace, and the formation of the Imperial Charter as well as the inclusion a provision which would allow Perleone to violate a term of the Queen's Peace by Perleone would thusly constitute a violation of Term 3c of that treaty.

There are numerous examples of the nullification of years old treaties when they are replaced with new ones, including treaties signed between Perleone and Perdan, and including this years old document that has been presented now and more recent treaties including the Imperial Charter, especially the Imperial Charter.

And before that document begins circulation, that charter was itself nullified by Gaheris Camlann, when he dissolved the Empire at the conclusion of their conflict with Yssrgard some time ago.

Furthermore: Even if the Queen's Peace were not nullified several years ago through the signing of other treaties, or through violations thereof, which to be very clear it most certainly is at this point, Perdan would consider Perleone in violation of the treaty right now as that realm occupies the region of Al Aquabah which was announced abandoned by Gaheris Camlann, the then lawful ruler of Perleone and brought under the protection of the Kingdom of Perdan. Incidentally I heard not a word about the region of Al Aquabah or Perleone's supposed claims for months afterwards, until Saraph Orneithian took the throne and immediately attempted to take the region back through subterfuge which was brought to my attention and I rightfully challenged him on. He then preceded to ignore any further communication about the issue until the region was unlawfully accepted by Perleone at which point he refused to discuss the issue meaningfully once more and began to ignore diplomatic communications.

So, for many reasons this years old document is not relevant to our present conflict or our realms' diplomatic positions with each other in general, and has not been for some time, mostly as a result of treaties that Perleone itself has drafted and proposed, but also due to the completely different context our realms now find themselves in. As a final aside, I will also not that sending a years old treaty with little context or explanation is not actually diplomacy and comes across as disingenuous (and frankly, lazy and easily disproved) attempts to discredit legitimate concerns with Perleone's present behaviour, instead of working to address problems between our realms and attempting to solve them.

If you want a peaceful solution, let us work towards one with honesty and genuine concern for one another, but do not wave some document your realm tossed aside years ago to call itself 'empire' and pretend it is a righteous point of diplomacy. Because it certainly is not, and I believe that you know that, Lord Mangus, which disappoints me greatly that you would do so anyway.


Lady Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan

Letter from Hendrik Renodin of Arescod, Knight of Perdan

Well fought, Perleone!

I congratulate you with your victory on this day. I shall look with awe on this day where the golden lion managed to beat the black. But fear not, we shall soon be back with an army as big as the last one, so we can see whether you shall uphold this one time victory over your Northern neighbours!

To those of Shadowdale, I have nothing positive to say. Clearly you can see that the war we are running is a righteous war? Lord Remnic Rundsted should be ashamed of himself for taking it from Perdan in the first place. To aid Perleone in this conflict only shows that your Shadow King Lindow Moonsun is easily influencable. If I were not at war with you, I'd have the righteous glory on my side when challenging him to a duel!

Hendrik Renodin of Arescod

Knight of Perdan

Letter from Lemric Rundsted, contested baron of Al Aquabah

Hendrik Renodin, knight of Perdan, Are all knights of Perdan lacking understanding of reality as yourself? I didn't take Al Aquabah from Perdan, I'm at least the Third Perleone Baron of Al Aquabah since my time being of age in Perleone. Al Aquabah has always flown Perleone banners during my life time, Al Aquabah was never taken from Perdan by Perleone.

Lemric Rundsted

Baron of Al Aquabah

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley, Queen of Perdan

Sir Lemric,

You are partially correct, but only partially.

At present you do claim the title of Baron of Al Aquabah, and you were not the most recent noble of Perleone to do so, nor were you a landed knight of Perleone at the time that Perleone unlawfully gained the region of Al Aquabah from Perdan through the actions of a band of surreptitious peasants who falsely held the belief that they hold the legal right to choose their liege lord.

I understand your claim, and that King Nicolai's unfortunately unlawful proclamation of you as Baron of the contested region puts you in a difficult spot. I realize this conflict that predates even your knighthood must seem arbitrary and alarming to you, but I assure you have that I have been, if you will allow me to speak metaphorically, knee deep in this situation since Perleone announced its abandonment of Al Aquabah many months ago. I have spent that time attempting to negotiate peacefully with Perleone and being ignored. The rightful Baron of Al Aquabah is actually Lord Razo Carmel who sought protection for his people from Perdan when King Gaheris announced its abandonment by the government of Perleone. From the perspective of the realm of Perdan, Perleone is presently unlawfully occupying the region and has appointed an illegitimate lord in place of the rightful lord. That person is unfortunately now you (after the abdication of the previous lords), though through no fault or intention on your behalf.

It is correct that you personally Sir Lemric are blameless in this conflict and are understandably defensive at the remark in question. But I am afraid that your appointment is indeed rightfully and justly contested, as my knight implied, and that on behalf of Lord Razo, Duke Lucius, and the realm of Perdan, as well as the people of Al Aquabah, I am obligated to defend my subjects from what is unfortunately an illegal occupation of Perdanese territory, and a failure of diplomacy that followed it.

It is regrettable that we are all in this situation, but you perhaps are indeed more a victim of this unfortunate circumstance than most. I realize you will likely have great concerns and investment in this conflict as Al Aquabah is one of the main focuses of this conflict, but even in war it is my hope that this will still someday result in amicable peace. Perhaps at the end of this you could indeed have some true place of your own, but first I would hear from your King about the proposal I recently sent him regarding his suggested limitations to our war. That will be how such talks begin, and I await them hopefully.


Lady Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan

Letter from Lemric Rundsted, contested baron of Al Aquabah

Lady Alyssa, Queen of Perdan, Thank you for your letter, cordial and polite but firm, all I would expect from royalty.

However, for a solid third of Perleones nobility, the past you speak of in your letter is only words. Our Perleone history has always had Al Aquabah as ours and the first we ever heard from Perdans Queen was the words pointed at us in the form of a threat. " Give me Al Aquabah or I will take it".

I'm sure you are a polite and just Ruler, but that's not what our first impression was of you, we heard the words of a foreign ruler dictating to us. You assumed you can take whatever you simply wanted. Our answer to that was, you may test that assumption at your convenience.

I was not illegally appointment as Baron by my King, I was elected by the Nobles of Perleone, those same nobles I spoke of in the above.

My hope is that this letter gives you some insight into why we fight.

Good day and with respect,

Lemric Rundsted

Baron of Al Aquabah

Letter from Alyssa Kingsley, Queen of Perdan

Sir Lemric,

It does indeed.

I am sorry that my numerous previous missives to the former ruler were not shared with the rest of the nobles in Perleone. Had they been I hope that you would indeed see the numerous attempts I made at even beginning a conversation about the problems that have arisen between the two realms.

Please trust me that even if your government conducted its diplomacy away from the eyes and ears of her nobles, and that you were not informed of the many diplomatic missives that I sent, that I tried for quite some time to reach out about this issue to Perleone and received almost nothing back in return. Perhaps you will hear me now, and understand the perspective of the Perdanese.

As for our disagreement on the matter of the legitimacy of your election (my apologies for that mistake, I am not inherently familiar with the particular ins and outs of Perleonese Democracy), I am afraid that that is indeed the heart of the matter. For us it is a matter of law, and of the rightful claim held by our realm after we took Al Aquabah in when Perleone would toss it aside. It is not a matter of conquest but of the return of the region we took under our protection instead of allowing Perleone to toss the people of that region to the undead which roam the south in the other regions that Perleone abandoned to such a fate.

Many of my nobles were also deeply insulted by the way in which we were ignored by Perleone who even now claims that we have for a long time been friends. That is why you see such frustration in the letters from my nobles. We are told that we are friends, equal peers, but when a matter arises that Perleone benefited from, we receive silence, we were not treated as equal peers.

That was our impression of Perleone. We heard the silence of an uncaring monolith, which cared more for the opportunity for territory and the gold it produced than solving problems together as friends. Our answer to that, is that we will not be ignored by our supposed friends and that if we are indeed friendly realms we will be treated as equals among us.

I hope you understand why we now fight. It was not my first choice, or even my second. But it is where we now find ourselves. We are not here for conquest or to conquer. Only for restoration of our people to our protection, our honour at Perleone's hands, and the welfare of the innocent smallfolk of the South.


Lady Alyssa Kingsley

Queen of Perdan

Royal of Perdan