Opimius Family/Gaius/Statistics/Battle 5

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Battle Results (4 days, 17 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Elost. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note.

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Your unit gains 3 points of Morale. Combat training increases by 2 points. Unit cohesion rises 5 points.

Battle in Elost (4 days, 17 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Ice and Iron Hellfing Norland 26 Inf box 305 2 D Army of Mandul Lathoros Minas Ithil 17 Inf line 284 3 D Barbarian Elite Force Raven Minas Ithil 6 Inf line 124 4 D Barbary Corsairs Aurelius Minas Ithil 30 Inf line 264 5 D Betrayers of Hope Robb Minas Ithil 28 Inf line 364 6 D Black Guard Hagen Minas Ithil 20 Inf line 360 7 D Black Knights Lelouch Minas Ithil 36 Inf line 463 8 D Bowen Adrastos Minas Ithil 26 Arch line 243 9 D Crimson Guard Gaius Minas Ithil 15 Arch line 162 10 D Impalers Banel Minas Ithil 20 Inf line 244 11 D Karstark Knights Connor Minas Ithil 20 Cav wedge 395 12 D Kings Guard Dead Angel3 Minas Ithil 67 Inf line 622 13 D MaKe LoVe NoT WaR (not present) Minas Ithil 41 Inf line 358 14 D Mansbridge Defenders Xibalba Minas Ithil 19 Inf line 241 15 D Personal Guard Tai Minas Ithil 22 Arch line 279 16 D Rain of Fire Jeanette Minas Ithil 7 Arch line 119 17 D The Abyss Maghnus Minas Ithil 17 Arch line 243 18 D [EF] Iron Shields Francis Minas Ithil 21 Inf line 371

Total: 1 attackers (26 Inf) 17 defenders (305 Inf, 87 Arch, 20 Cav) Total combat strengths: 305 vs. 5136

The region owner Minas Ithil and their allies defend. The Norland troops attack because they are at war with Minas Ithil.

The battle takes place in the middle of a storm, archers will be almost worthless. The defenders take up positions inside the Palisade (1).

Sir Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians, King of Minas Ithil is spotted wearing the Dragon-Scale Gauntlets of Protection.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)

Turn No. 1

	 	 	 	1 (26-I)

2 (17-I) 3 (6-I) 4 (30-I) 5 (28-I) 6 (20-I) 7 (36-I) 10 (20-I) 12 (67-I) 13 (41-I) 14 (19-I) 16 (7-A) 17 (17-A) 18 (21-I) 8 (26-A) 9 (15-A) 15 (22-A) 11 (20-C)

Rain of Fire (16) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 59 hits. Personal Guard (15) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 35 hits. Crimson Guard (9) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 31 hits. Bowen (8) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 39 hits. The Abyss (17) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 142 hits. Karstark Knights (11) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. Ice and Iron (1) advance towards the enemy. Black Knights (7), [EF] Iron Shields (18), Kings Guard (12), Barbary Corsairs (4), Black Guard (6), Mansbridge Defenders (14), Barbarian Elite Force (3), Betrayers of Hope (5), MaKe LoVe NoT WaR (13), Impalers (10) and Army of Mandul (2) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Ice and Iron (1) take 306 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Total casualties: 6 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

	 	 	 	 	1 (20-I)

2 (17-I) 3 (6-I) 4 (30-I) 5 (28-I) 6 (20-I) 7 (36-I) 10 (20-I) 12 (67-I) 13 (41-I) 14 (19-I) 16 (7-A) 17 (17-A) 18 (21-I) 8 (26-A) 9 (15-A) 15 (22-A) 11 (20-C)

The Abyss (17) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 98 hits. Rain of Fire (16) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 42 hits. Personal Guard (15) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 74 hits. Bowen (8) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 70 hits. Crimson Guard (9) fire on Ice and Iron (1), scoring 39 hits. Karstark Knights (11) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. Ice and Iron (1) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).

Close Combat: 1 Norland banners are visible in the melee. 15 Minas Ithil banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Ice and Iron (1) score 73 hits. Betrayers of Hope (5) score 283 hits. Kings Guard (12) score 333 hits. Black Knights (7) score 341 hits. Black Guard (6) score 356 hits. Army of Mandul (2) score 268 hits. The Abyss (17) score 47 hits. Mansbridge Defenders (14) score 205 hits. MaKe LoVe NoT WaR (13) score 180 hits. Rain of Fire (16) score 25 hits. Barbary Corsairs (4) score 166 hits. Impalers (10) score 192 hits. Barbarian Elite Force (3) score 63 hits. [EF] Iron Shields (18) score 170 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 702 (2629 before overkill), Defenders: 73

Ice and Iron (1) take 1025 hits (702 in close combat, 323 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties, wiping the unit out. Betrayers of Hope (5) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties. Kings Guard (12) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 20 attackers, 2 defenders

Defender Victory!