Of the Scipii Family/Sextus Severus/A dull but frantic knocking ...

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The One-Man Rebellion

Sextus breathed in deeply, the cold night air encircling him, he tensed the muscles in his arms to deny them from shivering. He stood on his Balcony, hands held behind his back, the houses of the Fortress’ inhabitants stretched out below him.

The ‘Arch Duke’ did this often, watching over Valkyrja, the sun setting, the darkness consuming the stronghold. When the torches were lit the streets glowed like a flaming spider’s web, or certainly it seemed that way from where he viewed it.

A dull but frantic knocking at the door disturbed the silence, and Sextus sighed before calling out for whoever it was to enter.

The heavy oak door was pushed hurriedly open, the messenger panting from sprinting his way up the stairs. “Duke Sextus! A Rebellion! … is … underway!” he declared, holding forth a letter

Sextus twisted around, one eyebrow raised in a bizarrely quizzical look. “A .. rebellion ..” he asked softly, pausing for a moment before quickly making for his desk and moving some reports. “Go on, a rebellion by whom”

The messenger seemed puzzled and taken aback, but stuttered the opening line of the notification “A Rebelli-”

“Ye-hs” Sextus prompted

The messenger recovered himself and quickly read “Sir Winsoneto Laukouge, your Gra..”

“Any others?” Sextus interjected, scratching some words on a sheet of paper with his quill

“N..no sir ..”

“Right” said Sextus in a flourish, dotting the end of what he had written, discarding the quill and taking both the letter and his gloves off the desk and making for the door, which the messenger speedily backed out of.

“Lets see whats going on”

“Captain Liebert” Sextus announced as he reached the last step and entered into the Port-hall, pulling on his gloves “follow me, and have those guards accompany us”

The three men seated around a table nearest the fire looked between each other, hesitant to abandon their cards with such sums of gold on the table. There were a few other Nobles and soldiers milling around, and they stood to salute the Duke as he passed

“There’s a rebellion going on” Sextus continued as he proceeded out of the doorway, drawing his sword as he did so. “And I’d rather very much like to see it crushed”

At that , the all three who had been addressed leapt up and ran after the Duke, quickly followed by the rest of the soldiers.