Obsidian News/March 1007 - Issue

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: King Shady Soulja Issue: 4

Chaos Temple and all of OI suffers a loss
Date: March, 12 2008

Earlier today the people of Chaos Temple found their beloved Duke, dead in his home. At first nothing appeared to be wrong, but when one of his servents went to check on him went screeming out of the home in yelling in horror. Many others went to see what had happened. First thought was someone murdered our great Duke....but after careful examinations came to realize it was not a murder. The people, all over OI suffered a great and horrible loss today. May he rest in peace, as he will be missed greatly.

Regions Exchanged as Wars Rage On
Date: March, 11 2008

Fontan has grown larger while Sirion and OR have grown smaller. Perdan and Itorunt continue to expand, while Tuchanon V, and Ibladesh lose more regions. Caligus has by far grown the most, while Yssaria has fallen to nothing but their capital left. Light of Fountain no longer exists, and Ubent remains exactly the same as before, as does Obsidian Islands. The difference between OI and the rest of the continent? OI has no place to expand, and no enemies to take their regions.

New Religion Found in Wasteland!
Date: March, 11 2008

Earlier this month, Knight Gauihu of Wasteland was appointed the new Baron of Wasteland. Now usually this is because the Baron no longer wishes to be Baron, has died, or is under suspicion of illegal activity. Not this time however. Gauihu had his vision and approched Baron Trinor about creating his religion in his home region. Trinor believed in his knight, and had Duke Kaan appoint Gauihu as the Baron so he could create the new religion. Best of luck with your new found beliefs Gauihu.