Original Treaty
Concerning the lands, peoples, and traditions touching upon the Sea of Four Cities geopositioned in South and East Beluaterra, it's principals being the Theocracy of Sacred Obia'Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and the People's Republic of Fronen. With The Republic's fall, the third founding slot is available.
Of the Trifecta there shall be between the respective signatory rulers (Hereafter referred to as PRINCES) and their successors, their realms, lands, dominions, provinces, vassals, and subjects (hereafter referred to as MEMBERS) whomsoever, faithfully obeying, true, faithful, constant, mutual, and perpetual friendships, unions, alliances, and leagues of sincere affection; and that, as true and faithful princes, they shall henceforth reciprocally be friends to friends and enemies to enemies, and shall assist, maintain, and uphold each other mutually, by sea and by land, against all men, beasts, or undead that may live or die of whatever degree, station, rank, or condition they may be, and against their lands, realms, and dominions.
II. It is cordially agreed that if, in time to come, one of the princes or their heirs shall need the support of the other, or his help, and in order to get such assistance applies to his ally in lawful manner, the ally shall be bound to give aid and succour to the other, so far as he is able (without any deceit, fraud, or pretence) to the extent required by the danger to his ally’s realms, lands, domains, and subjects; and he shall be firmly bound by these present alliances to do this. Should no legitimate heir present themselves for an issue of succession, all signitories hereby commit to a policy of non-interference, allowing whatever realm in question to find their own resolution to the question of a succession, until or unless the state of the Trifecta itself is threatened and dependent upon the outcome.
III. The Trifecta shall seek to maintain and encourage unity above all else. Therefore the signing realms shall commit to sharing the burden of founding new realms in Southern Beluaterra with at least one noble from each of the founding realms. It will be generally understood that whichever Trifecta member contributes the most nobles toward such new initiatives will be permitted to determine the Prince of the new joint state. Each Trifecta member thereof shall keep in good faith with the order and their heirs, land and people, and no one shall enter into any other alliance without the express written consent of the other member states of the Trifecta.
IV. Each member of the Trifecta should keep a secret correspondence effectively to inform each other of all dangerous and offensive affairs which may threaten each other's heirs, land and people, and to this purpose each will keep in good contact with one another.
V. Whenever important matters arise that concern the well-being of the union, the members of the union will help each other with faithful advice in order to uphold each and every one as much as possible.
VI. The wish of the union in matters concerning the liberties and high jurisdictions of the Trifecta's constituent states may be presented and pressed as an appeal upon Trifecta Leadership publicly for the purposes of final arbitration, and not merely left to secret correspondence with each other.
VII. The union shall not affect our disagreement on several points of religion, but that notwithstanding these, we have agreed to support each other. No member is to allow an attack on any other in books or through the pulpit, nor give cause for any breach of the peace, while at the same time welcoming priests of all goodly faith to preach at the sufferance of provincial lords or equivalent administrators.
VIII. If one of the members of the union is attacked, the remaining members of the union shall immediately come to their aid with all available resources of the union.
IX. Reaffirming their desire to create a system of collective security in Beluaterra based on the participation of all Beluaterraan States, irrespective of their social and political structure, whereby the said States may be enabled to combine their efforts in the interests of ensuring peace in Beluaterra;
X. Taking into consideration, at the same time, the situation that has come about in Beluaterra as a result of the ratification of the Morgul Alliance, which provide for the constitution of a new military group in the form of a “West Beluaterraan Bloc”, with the participation of a remilitarized Nothoi and its inclusion in said bloc, thereby increasing the danger of a new war and creating a threat to the national security of peace-loving States as being a primary motivating factor for the formation of the Trifecta as a necessity to achieve and maintain a continental balance of power and influence; The Trifecta shall operate as its own bloc pursing the primacy of its own sovereign interest and that of its member states.
XI. Being guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Trifecta; In the interests of the further strengthening and development of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance in accordance with the principles of respect for the independence and sovereignty of States and of non-intervention in their domestic affairs; Have resolved to conclude the present Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries.
XII. In keeping with the values of fairness, the Trifecta shall always have up to three Senior member signatory States that will serve as (and hereafter referred to as) Trifecta Leadership that will direct external Trifecta policy to foreign, non-member states and arbitrate internal Trifecta matters.
XIII. Being convinced that in these circumstances the peace-loving States of Beluaterra must take the necessary steps to safeguard their security and to promote the maintenance of peace in Beluaterra; That peace to be upheld and promoted by the Inquisition, whose Lord Inquisitors shall be subject only to Trifecta Leadership and their Princes but over and checking any religious leaders up to and including prophets. Signatory states will recognize the Inquisition as an international network with equal jurisdiction thereof in secular matters serving the interest of peace and uniformity of purpose among signatory states.
XIV. On this Alliance of Southern Sovereigns: THEIR Majesties the Grandmistress of Sacred Obia’Syela, the Empress of the Shattered Vales, and the Doge of Fronen, being the senior members and founding signatories of the Trifecta and having, in consequence of the great events which have marked the course of the Sixth Daimonic Invasion in Beluaterra, and especially of the blessings which it has pleased Divine Providence to shower down upon those States which place their confidence and their hope on it alone, acquired the intimate conviction of the necessity of settling the steps to be observed by the Powers, in their reciprocal relations, upon the sublime truth that the greatest strength of peace-loving peoples is unity.
XV. The Signatory Princes solemnly declare that the present Act has no other object than to publish, in the face of the whole world, their fixed resolution, both in the administration of their respective States, and in their political relations with every other Government, to take for their sole guide, namely, the precepts of Justice, Charity, and Peace, which, far from being applicable only to private concerns, must have an immediate influence on the councils of Princes, and guide all their steps, as being the only means of consolidating human institutions and remedying their imperfections. In consequence, their Majesties have agreed on the following clauses to be stipulated in the ARTICLES OF THE TRIFECTA ACCORDS which serve and additions/amendments supplementing this establishing document that shall further determine and details the bylaws of the proposed Federation.
DONE at Rines, this first day of November 2017, in one copy, in the common language, all the texts being equally authentic. Certified copies of the present Treaty shall be transmitted by the Government of the Theocracy of Sacred Obia’Syela to all the other Parties to the Treaty. IN FAITH WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.
Addendum: Trifecta Accords
[Here follow the names of the Plenipotentiaries.] Grandmistress Rania Eastersand JeVondair, Empress Maya Tandaros, and Doge Akrogath Apasurain who, having exhibited their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
I. Article 1 The Contracting Parties undertake, in accordance with the Charter of the Trifecta, to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.
II. Article 2 The Contracting Parties declare that they are prepared to participate, in a spirit of sincere co-operation, in all international action for ensuring international peace and security and will devote their full efforts to the realization of these aims. In this connexion, the Contracting Parties shall endeavor to secure, in agreement with other States desiring to co-operate in this matter, the adoption of effective measures for the general and mutual defense against future Daimonic Invasions above all else.
III. Article 3 The Contracting Parties shall consult together on all important international questions involving their common interests, with a view to strengthening international peace and security. Whenever any one of the Contracting Parties considers that a threat of armed attack on one or more of the States Parties to the Treaty has arisen, they shall consult together immediately with a view to providing for their joint defense and maintaining peace and security.
IV. Article 4 In the event of an armed attack in Beluaterra on one or more of the States Parties to the Treaty by any State or group of States, each State Party to the Treaty shall, in the exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense, in accordance with Article X of the Trifecta’s Charter, afford the State or States so attacked immediate assistance, individually and in agreement with the other States Parties to the Treaty, by all the means it considers necessary, including the use of armed and/or magical force. The States party to the Treaty shall consult together immediately concerning the joint measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security. Measures taken under this article shall be reported to the Trifecta Leadership in accordance with the provisions of the Trifecta’s Charter. These measures shall be discontinued as soon as the Trifecta Leadership takes the necessary action to restore and maintain international peace and security.
V. Article 5 The Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a Unified Command, to which certain elements of their armed forces shall be allocated by agreement between the Parties, and which shall act in accordance with jointly established principles. The Parties shall likewise take such other concerted action as may be necessary to reinforce their defensive strength, in order to defend the peaceful labour of their peoples, guarantee the inviolability of their frontiers and territories and afford protection against possible aggression.
VI. Article 6 For the purpose of carrying out the consultations provided for in the present Treaty between the States; Parties thereto, and for the consideration of matters arising in connexion with the application of the present Treaty, an international guild shall be established or selected, in which each State Party to the Treaty shall be represented by a member of the Government or by some other specially appointed representative.
VII. Article 7 The Contracting Parties undertake not to participate in any coalitions or alliances, and not to conclude any agreements, the purposes of which are incompatible with the purposes of the present Treaty.Thereby, the Contracting Parties agree not to align with any non-signatory States against Trifecta member Realms The Contracting Parties declare that their obligations under the international treaties at present in force are not incompatible with the provisions of the present Treaty. The Contracting Parties shall agree to a general peace and state of alliance between all signatory realms with the award of full federation membership to be determined and awarded by Trifecta Leadership In the event of irreconcilable difference between Contracting Parties, they shall agree to general arbitration by the Oracle of Obeah and/or the Leader of the Heralds of Obeah faith towards the goal of peace and reconciliation If this method fails to yield the desired peace, the two Belligerent States in Question may be granted leave to make war upon each other insofar as the general state of the Trifecta is not endangered by external threat. Total War between Signatory States shall be absolutely forbidden. In the case of irreconcilable differences, Belligerent States must submit a credible Cassus Belli (to be judged by Trifecta and/or Herald Leadership), and specific goals. In the event of a Declaration of War between Signatory States, it is generally understood that said War will only have a period of 3 months, or 90 days, to be resolved at the risk of directed intervention from signatory members at the direction of Trifecta Leadership towards the purpose of ending said war in the swiftest possible manner.
VIII. Article 8 The Contracting Parties declare that they will act in a spirit of friendship and co-operation to promote the further development and strengthening of the economic and cultural ties among them, in accordance with the principles of respect for each other’s independence and sovereignty and of non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs. CLAUSE. I. - Accession of Foreign Powers: All the powers who shall choose solemnly to avow the sacred principles which have dictated the present Act, and shall acknowledge how important it is for the happiness of nations, too long agitated, that these truths should henceforth exercise over the destinies of mankind all the influence which belongs to them, will be received with equal ardour and affection into this Holy Alliance. CLAUSE. II. - Unity through Faith: Conformably to the words of the Holy Scriptures, which command all men to consider each other as brethren, the Three contracting Monarchs will remain united by the bonds of a true and indissoluble fraternity, and considering each other as fellow countrymen, they will, on all occasions and in all places, lend each other aid and assistance; and, regarding themselves towards their subjects and armies as fathers of families, they will lead them, in the same spirit of fraternity with which they are animated, to protect Religion, Peace, and Justice. CLAUSE. III. - Fraternity and Affection: In consequence, the sole principle of force, whether between the said Governments or between their Subjects, shall be that of doing each other reciprocal service, and of testifying by unalterable good will the mutual affection with which they ought to be animated, to consider themselves all as members of one and the same nation; the three allied Princes looking on themselves as merely designated by Providence to govern three branches of the One family, namely, Sacred Obia’Syela, The Empire of the Shattered Vales, and People’s Republic of Fronen together with their children joint-colonial enterprises. Their Majesties consequently recommend to their people, with the most tender solicitude, as the sole means of enjoying that Peace, which arise from a good conscience, and which alone is more durable, to strengthen themselves every day more and more in the principles upon which our great realms were founded.
IX. Article 9 The present Treaty shall be open for accession by other States, irrespective of their social and political structure, which express their readiness, by participating in the present Treaty, to help in combining the efforts of the peace-loving States to ensure the peace and security of the peoples. Such accessions shall come into effect with the consent of the States Parties to the Treaty after the instruments of accession have been deposited with the Government of the Theocratic Realm of Sacred Obia’Syela. Requirements are as follows: The Applicant State must share one or more borders with a member state of the Trifecta The Applicant State must be situatated in the geographic South and/or East of Beluaterra The Applicant State shall recognize the three original signing members of the Trifecta, these being Sacred Obeah’Syela, Shattered Vales, and Fronen, as the senior members and natural leaders of the Trifecta. The Prince of the Applicant state shall make no claim to the Sovereign Title of King, Empress, Doge, or Grandmistress, or likewise of equal pinnacle rank. Rather, they Trifecta Leadership will ratify or otherwise assign the Applicant State’s Princely title as appropriate and in keeping with the general traditions and values herein established. Upon Ratification, Applicant State will recognize that as a member of the Trifecta in good standing, they shall make no concessions off land, gold, or other tribute to any non-member states although it is generally acknowledges that these may be RECEIVED BY Applicant State from non-Trifecta parties. The Applicant State will recognize the primacy of the Inquisition, being lead entirely by Signatory Judges in equal standing, as the highest general arbiter of justice. Applicant State shall acknowledge that failure to adhere to these bylaws will result in ejection from the Trifecta and promptly followed by a general state of War declared by all members of the Trifecta against the now-former Applicant State to the satisfaction of Senior Trifecta Members
X. Article 10 The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of Sacred Obia’Syela. The treaty shall come into force on the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification. The Government of Sacred Obia’Syela shall inform the other States Parties to the Treaty of the deposit of each instrument of ratification. The present Treaty shall remain in force in perpetuity. The Trifecta shall lay claim, in general, to all lands, fiefs, titles, and properties of its signatory States. In the event that one or more of the states are rendered invalid, be it from war, natural disaster, or other, the Trifecta Leadership shall administer the properties and either redistribute them to neighboring signatory members and/or found a new polity to replaced the vanquished.
DONE at Rines, this first day of November 2017, in one copy, in the common language, all the texts being equally authentic. Certified copies of the present Treaty shall be transmitted by the Government of the Theocracy of Sacred Obia’Syela to all the other Parties to the Treaty. IN FAITH WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have thereto affixed their
Summit in the Senate
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (19 hours, 58 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (7 recipients) Josiah made his way into the city with 68 of the best trained soldiers on the entire continent. They were the elite of Fronen, and some of the finest warriors he had ever led. He was in the city waiting for the ruler of the Shattered Vales. Josiah believed what he did, he did for Fronen, and an alliance with the Vales was indeed what was best for Fronen, at least for now. The "triumvirate" that had been proposed however, would only harm the realm he loved above all others. Rania waited while Josiah summarized what he'd just said only a moment before. No closer to knowing the Senator's name, she accepted his bravado gracefully.
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (9 hours, 38 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (8 recipients) Empress Maya and her Imperial Honor Guard were spotted in the area of the Eyes of the Fates, whence they proceeded through the streets under the tall golden banner of the Shattered Vales. A pair of Gotlander hornists played a melody in accompaniment. Two covered wagons followed behind pulled by rented mules. Their local guide took them to the steps of Fronen's Senate, the Empress's steed clomping loudly down the avenue. At this central location, Maya could see several of the Republic's notable nobles with significant military presence. Her captain reported that GM Rania's banners were spotted a few blocks over and a meeting was nigh. "Hail Fronen!" Maya's salutation shot across the square and silenced the idle chatter. "I am Maya Tandaros, Empress of the Emerald Vales, and I've traveled here to speak publicly about matters of policy but also friendship. I will not waste any of our time, and thus get straight to it - in these turbulent times in Beluaterra, we ought to develop a coalition for mutual defense in case of incursion, for trade support to keep our cities fed, and so on. In my mind, those are the main points to be agreed upon. Details can be negotiated." "All your concerns are valid, friends, allies, Senators of Fronen. I have come to hear them out and make a personal appeal for our three realms to bind together in amity, together with Grandmistress Rania, I believe we will convince many of you that the close cooperation of this Trifecta shall be pivotal in preserving the lamina between this world and Hell and assuring the balance of power in this land." Maya looked around - struck by a sense of deja vu - looking into the faces looking back, listening to her words. She smiled, turned to the guide, who produced a bag of silver and distributed alms. A camp follower gave pieces of bread and morsels to the children. "One more thing - I also come to say, the Vales thank you a thousand times over for your aid in returning Ete City to the fold and ousting Jomorosh's followers. We have triumphed over Evil Incarnate! Our brotherhood and sisterhood has been sealed in blood for years. I fought alongside Fronen when I was Queen of Melhed, when GM Rania was your general. The Vales and Fronen lean back-to-back. Our realms have a deep shared history. Let us give it form through a common constitution of our mutual making!" The Empress smiled and waved at everyone, though her captain and guardsmen seemed to grow increasingly worried about the exposure.
Roleplay from Kroft Halfhaven (6 hours, 51 minutes ago)
Message sent to all nobles in the region Dyomoque (8 recipients) Kroft had awaited the arrival of the dignitaries of Obia and the Vales, though he viewed Rania's presence as only a formality. The meat of the discussion was to be had with the warrior Empress, someone who could actually understand Fronen's needs. He bowed his head when she spoke, a gesture of Republican respect for her royalty. "Aye my Empress, I recall the battle for Ete City. It's one of the jewels of my stay as Marshal of Fronen. All of us here took part in some way either organizing the force and its gold supplies to organizing the defense of our homeland with a skeleton force. We all shed blood for the Vales whether we directly took part in that battle or not. Shattered Vales can trust us with all their hearts..." Halfhaven slowed his cadence as his eyes darted towards Lord Greyson's presence, "But not all are so trustful, and some remember different times. This alliance needs to understand the position of Fronen. Both literally and ethereally. In case of any war with human realms we would be the battleground to be torn asunder. What guarantees will you give us for the protection of our beloved Motherland? Will you cease monster hunting activities immediately to aid us? Will you invest gold in our fortifications and militia?" A scribe raised a copy of the Trifecta agreement to the aging soldier's eyes, "What of the colonies of the south in the future? There should be less binding clauses, not a single noble from each realm each time. A more freeform way of forming these new realms. Also Fronen should have a large say in the government of these realms and the religions therein. Obia will not turn the South into a Southern Theocracy. Fronen will not stand for it." With that Senator Halfhaven stood back, ready for more debate and queries from his countrymen to follow.
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (4 hours, 7 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (8 recipients) Josiah sat and waited. Kroft was much more eloquent than he. He was a diplomat, not a warrior. When he had finished speaking, Josiah rose to his feet. He was quite an imposing man, with steely blue eyes and his hair cropped short. Scars marred his face, making his visage quite ghastly to behold. "I won't mince words. You don't care about Fronen Rania. You just care about spreading your faith. You've managed to convince a few people in the realm to accept it, but the rest of us know this entire facade you put on is a lie. This trifecta doesnt help Fronen or the vales. When war comes, and it will come, Fronen and the Vales will be in the front lines with Obia hides on its little peninsula, unable to send any aid to us. We gave your realm a city, we helped protect you, we sheltered your people from those who would destroy you, and this is how you repay us? With a sham of a treaty that benefits you above all else? No. I will not accept this." Josiah took a deep breath, thinking back to the conversations he had with many in the realm. "If you want Fronen to be part of this we will require a shipment of 1000 food and 2000 gold each month, as well as extra gols to buils fortifications and militia. The moment that treaty is signed is the moment Fronen becomes a target. As well, obia will cease attempting to convert any nobles of Fronen to its faith and cease preaching to its peasants immediately. " Josiah sat down once again as the furor in the hall began to rise. He had the support of the majority of the senators in this statement, and he would do anything to keep his people safe.
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (2 hours, 36 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (8 recipients) Rania met Josiah's cool gaze with her own. "And who are you, Sir, that I have wronged you so? Where I come from, it is considered polite for a noble to introduce oneself when speaking to another. Or have things in the Republic changed so much that common courtesy is a limited resource?"
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (8 recipients) Josiah stared at her for a moment, then laughed. "Who know you I am Rania, we've met before. I suppose it was a few scars ago, but I was duke when you first came through our lands, and I am still duke now." He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Unless Obia is ready to accept or at least negotiate those points, I will not be voting for Fronen signing any agreement, and I will not advocate for it in the senate. I may not be the Doge of this realm, but many nobles of Fronen look up to me, rightfully or not, they do. I will do what is best for Fronen, and I don't mince words when I discuss it. This is the most courteous I can be. If you want flowery words, well that's why we've got the Doge here and Kroft."
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (2 hours, 36 minutes ago)
"I am sorry but I do not know you Sir, nor do I ever recall an occasion where we spoke directly. I recall him- “, she nodded to Senator Kroft, “-but not you. If we had, I would have recalled the effort you would have had to put in to be so familiar with me that I would feel comfortable allowing you to use my given name. For now, I am here as a guest of Fronen and Doge Akrogath as an allied Head of State. What all these flowery words mean, good Sir Senator, is that you have two immediate choices: Either amend your tone by referring to me-“ Rania stepped to stand shoulder to shoulder with Empress Maya, “-and my royal colleague by our titles OR forfeit your right to be heard and have an impact on these discussions. A moment stretched between the two just a beat longer than it should have, but Rania wasn’t finished. Her eyes left his to sweep the room. “I am the Oracle of Obeah, the Grandmistress of Sacred Obia’Syela – a state which has been recognized as sovereign by the entire continent. Further, I serve as ambassador on behalf of over 20 noble families from all the world’s corners whom I have encouraged to view the people of Fronen as cousins, saviors-“ Her eyes alighted on Josiah, holding his for just a moment as she gracefully lowered her ceremonial veil…a gesture indicating that she was here in her secular capacity only…”-and as great friends…” Removing the veil revealed dusky skin and tresses the color of dark chocolate streaked by grey. Creases at the corners of her shapely lips and almondine eyes hinted at her middle age. She squinted as she noticed that each Senator now present was seated behind the names of the regions they represented. WUDENKIN was embossed in gold where Josiah stood, and Rania’s eyes widened. “Wudenkin…” she said as though chewing the name over. “I have not been there since the Great Pilgrimage. It had been filled with daimons that took a great deal of magic to cleanse. Twas I that opened the gates for the republic’s armies to walk in unopposed. I recall a less scarred man of your bearing being among the first to cross its threshold. Perhaps that was you. Perhaps not. That man did not deign to give me his name then either, so there is only a striking resemblance. Surely, though, there is a certain irony that the man who currently rules Wudenkin now says that my people and I have done nothing for Fronen? Why, clearing the city in exchange for Rines was but part of the deal then-Senator Nyx initially proposed to me, and then-Doge Bastian saw through. Do you perhaps feel cheated, Senator of Wudenkin? Is that where your blatant and regrettable hostility stems from?” She waited for a moment, allowing that to sink in. “It is unfortunate that you think so little of my faith when its followers have done so much to benefit this Republic. But I digress-“ she continued with the tone that ended one chapter and moved on to another, “You’ve asked questions that I do not believe come from a place of good faith…for example demanding a tribute of 1000 food and 2000 gold. That is not a serious question, and it does not come from a place of friendship…so it will be ignored. Now, when I was Savia del Guerra, the Republic had laws protecting religious freedom. If those laws remain intact, then your suggestion that my Heralds cease preaching is blatantly unconstitutional…so that will be ignored as well.” Her eyes sought out Senator Kroft again. “Your words, Senator, are of greater validity. You asked if we would deploy our means to protect your people from aggressors. As stated repeatedly in the treaty I drafted, the answer is of course. It would be our honor.” This she said aloud, mentally, however, she marveled at how poor the question was. It clearly indicated that Kroft had only skimmed the treaty, if even that. If he was the senatorial norm, it meant that most likely the majority of Fronen’s senate had not bothered to actually read it, but instead chose to listen to propaganda, allowing it to sway their opinions instead. Logically, only two demographics left in the world had cause to speak propaganda of Obeah and Her followers: Angmar, whom she’d declared war on the moment the Witch-king had announced himself, and the Diadochia’s Daishi followers who took their cue unadulterated from their leader…Yao Ling. “In regards to ceasing monster hunting to aid you…’ Rania seemed to mull the topic as she returned her thoughts to the conversation at hand. “We can, certainly, but why? Is Fronen under threat of Invasion? Do you require relief efforts at this time? If so, have your Doge make an official request. I would be happy to hear it and act upon it. As to whether we will invest gold in your fortifications and militia, I do not perceive the requirement for such a stipulation at this time, but I also see no reason not to have a conversation about the matter. As for the South, if Fronen cannot or will not contribute a noble to new realms, then I see no reason why Fronen should claim a say in the government and religions therein. Indeed, no place in the treaty is it dictated that the governments of these new realms should be set. But again, I sense that your hesitations are less rooted in the words of the treaty itself-“ she emphasized, “than in a mistrust of myself and the faith of Obeah, no?” “With respect, Senators, I traveled a thousand miles to rectify just that. Whatever questions you have for me-“, she bowed her head, “-I shall answer.” The Grandmistress became silent as she waited.
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (10 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (10 recipients) Josiah stood once more, and with barely restrained anger, spoke once more. "I am Josiah Greyson, Duke and Senator of Wudekin. You claim to have "cleansed" Wudekin from the infestation, completely ignoring the fact that hundreds of men and soldiers bled and died to put you in that position in the first place. Before you arrived at that city with your magical scrolls, there were hundreds of beasts which we bled and died to hunt down. I almost lost my own life twice over leading the charge to kill them. Hundreds of those creatures were killed, to the point that when you arrived at the city, there were mere dozens left. We of Fronen freed the city before you ever arrived with your scrolls. It was almost empty by the time you even got there. If you truly want to know where this hostility comes from? It comes from that moment. The moment where you took credit for clearing the demons from the city in exchange for Rines. Something that you did not do, and something that that Doge without any approval from the senate at all. You ask for aid? Well we ask for the city back that was wrongfully given away without senate approval or discussion of the matter." Josiah removed his tunic and cloak, showing his torso marred with scars, cuts and healed punctures. "With your every word, you discredit every single person who has died and bled for this land. For this soil. This treaty benefits Fronen not at all, and only benefits your realm. You don't care about humanity as you claim, you only care about your own power. Why else would you hold so many titles. You don't care for us, you don't care for our knights, and you don't care for our realm. You aren't here to have a discussion with us, you're here to try and convince us to agree with the terms you set out in the treaty." He stared at Rania, fury on his face. "The only thing that treaty would accomplish is a target on Fronen's back. Obia is not popular and has many enemies. To sign this treaty and ally with you would be to throw away our own alliances with friends who have proven themselves in the past. With realms who have bled to aid us, perhaps not as much as we wished, but who have done it in any case. I have no issues allying with the Shattered Vales, I have no problems signing a treaty with them, they have proven themselves as friends. You have not. If this treaty is signed, the north will turn against Fronen, and thousands will die in a war that you will have no ability to aid in." He sat down in his chair and spoke quite softly. "What you don't understand, and what you never will is that the demons, monsters, undead and all the invasion are not the biggest threat on this continent. Those who grasp all the power they can are. That is why I will never vote to have Fronen ally with Angmar, and that is why I will not vote to have Fronen ally with Obia unless terms are met."
Rania nodded, accepting the outburst as she watched and listened to Josiah, straining to hear his last words. When he sat down once more, Rania clasped her hands pensively in front of her, waiting. Josiah, red with fury though he was, seemed in no rush to put his shirt back on. When she was sure he’d finished his piece, she addressed the Senate once more.
“Quite the contrary” Rania began, her voice just as quiet as his had been. When she spoke again, it was loud enough to ensure all heard her. “That…is an understandable opinion…Your Grace.” She said with an inflection of deference. Unbeknownst to those here present, Rania possessed a startlingly accurate memory. She remembered Akkan torturing her, Jomorosh’s daimons literally eating their way through 6000 Keffans when the city fell, of starving in Rines as the Heralds worked alone to restore it, all as if it happened yesterday. When she spoke again, her first broke with palpable emotion…a deep sadness to rival the heat of Josiah’s anger in both gravity and intensity. “More than understandable, they are relatable. I, too have known loss in this war. I, too bear the scars of it. The pain of it. As a leader, I bear all of it.” And she did, that truth was evident to anyone who had been born the responsibility of many lives. It was in the timbre of her voice that bespoke a certain…exhaustion. “But is it fair, Your Grace, to imply that I did nothing or that your people did not benefit from my actions as well? You’ve have made a few critical assumptions…ones that I feel are important for me to address to you: That I crave power, that I do not care for the people of Fronen and that once signed Fronen will be in greater danger rather than less. This is incorrect, Your Grace. I do not crave power, I study it as prescribed in the core tenets of our Holy Order. If any power concerns me, it is magic, not politics. Political power did not stop the daimons from shattering the Vales. Magic may have. And when the Daimons return, my heralds will be ready for them, and we’ll meet them spell to spell.” Her words were a vow, she knew, and she looked into the eyes of the senators facing her so that they would know it too. “You are right, “she continued, “that I care very deeply about my faith and want to see it spread. I would never deny that. But power such as you suggest? No, Your Grace. If the Trifecta is signed, it is very likely that you will see a new suite of Grand Councilmen in the Sacred Realm. A new Grandmaster among them. This signature legislation will provide the structure I need to step down with confidence that what we build here today will not be easily undone.” “You’ve said that I do not care about the Fronen people, but that is as far from right as a thing can be. You’re people are my people. How many Obians remained in Fronen to aid you? Lord Otoro was one of them, Lord Arterius another. How many more bled for Fronen? The followers of Obeah have stepped up to do their duty for humanity on every front, and we do so for all peoples aligned against the heresy of the Netherworld. Which leads me to addressing your third concern: That Fronen will be in danger. I must as, Your Grace, from who would you be in danger from? You’ve voted to make war on Angmar, Spearhold is all but destroyed, the Sacred Realm has positive relations with your northern allies, even Gotland, and the Shattered Empire even more so. From what quarter, then, will danger threaten Fronen?” Rania broke eye contact with Josiah and looked around the Amphitheater. “I must explain to you all the Obian perspective, and it is a simple one: The Countdown has begun. Sooner or later, The Daimons will return. We have until the clock strikes zero to prepare. A strong federation between all of our peoples and those southern enterprises to come will help us survive when the Portal opens again to spew forth its wretchedness upon our world. Not mine, not yours, ours. I desire your help, Senators of Fronen. With the republic, the Empire, and the Sacred Realm standing together, by allowing the bonds that bind us to deepen, we will do more than survive…we will thrive”
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (10 recipients) Josiah snorted. "The demons have come in the past, they will come again, and they will continue coming. You know who stops them? Humans. We are weak, compared to they, we don't have magical powers to teleport. We cannot summon hordes of creatures to our service, yet we beat them back time and time again. Of course they will come once more, and we will destroy them as we always have." He stood up once more, still leaving his shirt on the table in front of him. "The issue here is not whether they will come and how to stop them, because we will stop them as we always have, and without the aid of Obeah. Without the aid of a "goddess" from another dimension who is probably just using you to take out her competition in order to easier dominate us." He pointed to a large scar that marred his chest. From his armpit to his waist. A large jagged cut that took ages to heal. "This was the scar I received when I last dueled a demon lord. Before he told me that the reason they invade is because they must. That they continue to do this, even though they lose, because there is something greater they fear at their home." He turned around, to show a large puncture below his left shoulderblade. "This was the wound I received when one of their beasts spat acid on me from behind, when I held a demon at the tip of my sword, when he was about to reveal his true leader." He turned again to look at Rania. "I have made no illusions that I do not trust you, but above all I do not trust the entity you worship. Your religion states that is wishes to unite humanity to save us, but we don't need to be saved. There is no creature we cannot overcome. You're simply allying yourselves to a power you cannot comprehend. You do not know its true motives, you only believe what it tells you, and that's exactly what causes these invasions in the first place. Insinuation." He sat down in his chair once more. "The demons gain entry to our world through peasants, lords, dukes, or kings. Just as your "goddess" has done. You may think you are working to stop the next invasion, but in my eyes you are most likely going to be the ones causing it, and your goddess is just going to be another demon claiming dominion over our realms."
“Then that would be one more thing that you’ve been wrong about today, Your Grace. Let me show you now in a manner that you would will understand.” She turned sideways and whispered to the priestess she’d arrived with. The priestess held out her hands. “You wear your scars like trophies, Your Grace, but you do not hold a monopoly on suffering. What you know of daimons-“ she began as she removed her outer cloak, “-begins and ends on the battlefield, I think.” She handed the cloak away, revealing the full-sleeved dress beneath. The priestess, acting like a lady in waiting, moved behind the Grandmistress to undo the lace at her back.
“I was pregnant when it happened. A hunting party of gibbering daimons that appeared out of nowhere, killing everyone and taking me. I woke in cold, damp darkness covered in the blood of my soldiers, who died to a man defending me.” The priestess finished with the laces. “Days passed without food nor drink nor rest. Such screams, day in and day out. I thought I would die in that cell.” Rania, veil hanging around her neck, raised her hands to her chest, holding her bodice in place so that it did not fall off. Gasps could be heard from the side of the Ampitheater that had a line of sight upon what she’d revealed. All the while, Rania held Josiah’s eyes with her own. When Akkan finally came for my turn on the rack, I would wish I had died in that cell.” At last, she turned her back to him so Josiah could see for himself. At first glance, it was difficult to concern. That is if one was looking for singularly gruesome scars as the Josiah had displayed. The Grandmistress stood still, waiting. Josiah was soon able to pick out that the skin of her back was a different, darker color than the flesh of her face and neck. Other scars from older wounds ended abruptly where the shadow began, and it was no trick of the light. Even those familiar with the Daimon Lord’s handiwork would have had difficulty understanding what Rania meant to show them. After all, she was neither bleeding nor dead. Only a career soldier, or a butcher, would recognize that the flesh of the Oracles back had been flayed. A gesture from the Oracle and the other priestess was back, redoing the laces she’d only just finished undoing. “He came to me, over and over. He smashed my hand so that I could no longer fight. He smashed my lips so that I could no longer bite. He took strips of flesh and fed on me, only to heal me with his magics so that he could start all over again.” The priestess finished her work and Rania turned to face Josiah and the Senate once more. “On the seventh day, in my forsaken, pain-induced delirium, he discovered that I was with child. Whether it was I that told him or his magic, to this day I do not know, but he promised to return again to strip yet more from me. Clarity came to me like rain in a desert; I knew what he would take. Cackling, he left me there on that slab unattended, knowing that I had been broken. Had. The clarity stayed with me, enabled me to find a way to escape, and blazes in me now stronger than ever.” “Humans are not weak, Your Grace, we just have a different sort of strength, a strength of spirit called the soul that raises us above the mean beasts of the world that rings through the ether like a dinner bell to the infernal. I noticed that you did not answer my question about where the threat to Fronen will come from if this agreement is signed. Do you mean the invasion? If so, then yes, Fronen will certainly be a target, but no more so than it has been in the past. Furthermore, every time the Daimons invade, how many thousands go die? How many suffer as you suffered on the battlefield or I in their terrible dungeons? Is it not worthwhile to trust in a chance to end that cycle? That is what the Heralds believe, that is the hope we preach. Any being not of this world must be summoned. Always, evil humans summon the devils from their pits. Always does humanity find a way to put them back. So far, anyway. Nevertheless, this last invasion…the way the human realms fragmented…the way we were all more or less on our own...And what if our suspicions about Angmar and its wretched Witch-King are true? What if when next the daimons come, more human realms think to take up their banner? The Sacred Realm could be the first to fall, next round, just as mighty Riombara was before us. Where, then, will my people go? What if the same were to happen to Fronen? Who would welcome you, keep your republican traditions alive, fight to return you to your homelands? You say you desire a strong, safe Fronen, but are we not all safer together” Her questions rang out, unanswered for now. “But I digress. This is no temple for sermons, but a place of governance. Tis not my faith that I have been summoned here to answer for, but this treaty that is my concern today. I am not here today to for you to join me in faith. I am here today to join you in arms. We can do more together than we can trying to make it on our own. I challenge you all-“, she raised her voice, projecting to across the ampitheater, “-to find a term in the treaty that places Fronen in a distinct disadvantage anymore than it does the Empire or the Sacred Realm. As the Empress and I have both signed this treaty already, I am sure we would both be happy to actually review the treaty instead. Please.” “But I will say this Josiah Greyson of Wudenkin, and please take this as a warning. Say what you will of me, believe what you will, but know that if you call or compare our goddess to the infernal again, these talks will end and will never be revisited by the Sacred Realm or any other enterprise we found. If you feel comfortable speaking for all of your fellow senators, your Doge, and by extension the citizens of your republic without ever actually discussing the treaty, then by all means…” She stared right at the scarred, bare-chested duke. To the surprise of many in the room, she walked toward him, hiking up her dress to cross the Amphitheater steps to where he sat. Rania bent her knees, keeping her back straight as she came down to eye-level with him as she place her personal copy of The Trifecta on his desk. “Defame Her Holy name in my presence one…more…time...”
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (18 hours, 13 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (11 recipients) Josiah smiled as she ended her rant. She had reacted exactly the way he thought she would. If the treaty were all as important as she claimed, it wouldnt matter what worda any one individual spoke. He took the copy of the trifecta she handed him, and gave it to a scribe. "Thank you for your words Rania. And please, call me Josiah."
Roleplay from Spindel Gungnir (16 hours, 37 minutes ago)
Message sent to all nobles in the region Dyomoque (11 recipients) Spindel enters the chambers shocked to see half naked people at the top of their lungs, she then turns to her scribes. "What in the seven hells is happening? This is why I don't arrive in any engagements late!" She tries to scurry to find her seat to finally get a grasp on what's happening.
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (16 hours, 33 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (11 recipients) Akrogath entered the room, he was a plain looking man, he wore the non-descript uniform of a Doge, a few medals on his chest, a red sash on his waist bound to a white tunic. No one would have noticed him in any other circumstance, he would have easily came into the room like a ghost. He saw the Grandmistress and senator locked in a heated debate, he listened to them and made his way to his seat at the round senatorial table and arranged papers and wrote things and waited patiently. Finally they were done, he cleared his throat and stood. 'Grandmistress Rania, welcome to Fronen. I hope that your journey was safe and comfortable within our lands.' He then nodded to Senator Josiah, 'And to you Senator, it is always a pleasure to see you' ' I hope that both of you will see each other as family, for the Obia'Syela are part of the family of Fronen whether we like it or not, both of our realms and nobles have suffered in these dark times, and that is why they have come here just as I had went to visit them for a brief time before to discuss the potential of the Trifecta alliance' He then called for servants and motioned for the table to sit, food was placed and drinks, there was an informal air to the entire affair, people joked and laughed , the senate was boisterous and for the first time the cold republic of Fronen showed its true form, they were a bland bunch of hard working pen pushers but when it came to song and drink they changed and were alive. ' Let us eat and drink and discuss things, please no more scars and tales of the Daimon wars, let us speak of the future and our dreams ' He raised his goblet to the Grandmistress and panned it around the table. ' Obia'Syela! We of The Senate and the proud republic of Fronen! We salute you ! '
Roleplay from Kroft Halfhaven (15 hours, 46 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (11 recipients) The Doge's abrupt entrance broke the tension, even if it was in an awkward way. Kroft's retinue had locked eyes with him, hands ready, when Rania had began raving in her starkly Obian manner. Akrogath's jovial banter had calmed the room. Halfhaven trailed his Doge as he spoke but still took a moment to address Rania openly. "Aye, and you'll find no respect in these halls claiming righteous in the form of some alien deity we know nothing of. Nor do we care, as Lord Greyson stated. We saved ourselves during the invasion. In fact the course of action regarding the colonization of Rines hindered our home effort greatly. No, I do not forget the Obians who helped us for a time. But that is little comfort for the toil it was." Kroft had smiled when Rania had given a show of confidence, as if she knew exactly what the Senators of Fronen knew or thought. If she did then she wouldn't have asked Fronen to find a term that disadvantaged her. "In your usual manner my Lady you have rushed to assumptions before listening to the actual concerns of us mere mortals," smiling, "-it isn't about the terms inclosed in your handwriting it is about the terms left undiscussed." Imitating Rania's manner, "'Why would ceasing monster hunting operations and why would it matter'? Are you serious? What Obia doesn't need to aid us, literally your human shield against both monsters and men? Other nobles are better with arithmetic than eye and can calculate the numbers but serious investment and devotion to Fronen's defense must be undertaken by Obia. You act like we should ally with you simply because you are a fellow human but in our world there are humans like Angmar. We don't trust many except those who have shed blood with us. Her Majesty Lady Maya has my trust. We fought together when Empress Rosalia died. Stop waltzing around our Senate if you won't even discuss the terms we continue to bring up." He pulled up a seat near the rest of the Senators and meekly joined the cheer, the speech had been a serious one.
Roleplay from Spindel Gungnir (11 hours, 36 minutes ago)
Message sent to all nobles in the region Dyomoque (12 recipients) Spindel finally got her grasps on the things and asked for a copy of the treaty then followed by her notes when she first read it. She reviews the notes before finally opening them up for a discussion. After spending a second of glimpse on the papers she looked at the Grand mistress and asked. "Before I go over my reservations on the treaty, I'd like to hear more about your opinions and stance on various things, Grandmistress." "What's your view on the Gotland-Angmar Conflict?" "What can you say about Nothoi and their Daidochi being the Head of the religion of Daishi?" "What's your take on the other religions like Gotland's new religion and the inevitable birth of new ones?" "If you have to choose one to classify this treaty would you say it's political, military, or religious?" Spindel didn't wait long for an answer and proceeded to add more notes in her copy of the treaty.
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (9 hours, 38 minutes ago)
Message sent to all nobles in the region Dyomoque (12 recipients) Debate raged through the Senate hall. Maya sat quietly at her designated place, adjacent to the Grandmistress's, listening to the arguments being made. The disrobing and exhibition of scars in battles past, the different lives, and different factions. Though her empire had an open court policy, this raucous scene was unlike anything Maya had seen in years. When Senator Spindel presented her questions to Grandmisress Rania, Maya stood and stepped forward. "We three states have fought great battles and survived this Invasion together. We are here to seal our friendship in a way that is mutually acceptable. I am not here to compare losses or tell war stories, that is not our purpose here. Perhaps I ought to speak briefly on how I came to join the Heralds of Obeah." "I was there in the rearguard for the Battle of Ete when I saw a massive blue presence consume a whole borough, taking Rania, Akkan, and a good portion of the city with it. I thought I saw Lady Rania die that day... but it was Obeah that brought her through and out the other side. She indeed lived, building a sanctuary for scholars and sorcerers intent on fighting the Netherworld. Obeah's blessings returned me to clarity after the collapse of the Bloodspeakers so many years ago. They say Obeah lives side by side with the Armored Gods of the Daishi. These faiths are not so dissimilar." Maya glanced over at Rania, pondering aloud, "Perhaps I read the Trifecta document too quickly and didn't think of such religious objections, those of Daishi followers, pagans, or other Senators who have more conservative notions," the Empress nodded to Sen. Greyson. "Let me finally address Senator Spindel's questions directly, point by point... On the Gotland-Angmar conflict: Angmar's conduct is dishonorable - they sat out of the Invasion, making peace with the Daimons, and as soon as the Daimons were defeated, Angmar took credit for the triumph and invaded Gotland. They must face retribution if they do not withdraw. If they don't give Fianik back by Saturday the Vales will make war. On Nothoi and the Diadochi being Head of Daishi - I am fine with the principle of a head of state being head of faith too, but the way it has been done so far by Diadochi Yao Ling has been... questionable. In the past I've seen Nothoi as a rare democracy guided by reason, now it is more theocratic. On new religions: Now that Jomorosh has been defeated and peace reigns, matters of faith rise. The Invasion wiped out a number of religions and we now see Beluaterra changing quickly in profound ways, like new growth in the spring. We should not be opposed to all new religions. However we need to be aware of those "holy orders" who do not bring peace, but seek to summon new Daimon Lords. Finally, on how to classify this treaty: I would say political first, military second. This is not meant to compete with the Northern Alliance but to function as a parallel organization. My math tutor in youth spoke of the inherent strength of the triangle. Our three realms have grown very close lately. In my eyes the Obean references in the text are for auspiciousness and the like, perhaps they ought to be edited to suit us all. I now yield the floor.." Empress Maya then returned to her seat, letting the Senate murmur to one another and yielding the floor to Grandmistress Rania (or whoever would take it).
Roleplay from Kroft Halfhaven (8 hours, 39 minutes ago)
Message sent to all nobles in the region Dyomoque (12 recipients) Senator Halfhaven let out a good sigh, when upon hearing her Majesty finish she had not addressed a single point he had now brought up twice. He stared blankly at the contents of his glass.
Roleplay from Arterius Kye (27 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) The Senator of Qrelg stepped forward to be heard. "fellow senators, perhaps instead of vague references and sulking we could plainly state to our honored guests what it is that Fronen wants out of this Trifecta Alliance. Those of you that voted against it either have key issues or personal grudges that only you yourselves can abate. State your concerns and let us move forward."
Roleplay from Elshon Geg (7 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) In effect you want us to crash Angmar's party, but if Nothoi comes to kick us out and teach us a lessen for coming without an invitation you all are in effect, due to your distance, still hanging around the carriages. Nothoi could beat us to death before you even leave the carriage area, and if they do, you'd never have to fear us coming back for retribution to hold you accountable. You're not even offering us wine to get us drunk first. There is no benefit to us in this situation.
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (2 days, 14 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) What many of the nobles feel here is that Fronen will act as the bulwark in the alliance. That we will take the brunt of the attacks as both Obia and the Vales are far from wherever any attack will come from. These are valid concerns. My main issue is that I have no issue with the Trifecta but would only follow it during a Daimon invasion, mainly supporting our realms over any others. Tying up our realms into alliances and federations is something that won't allow cultural changes to occur in our realms. I at times even regret the Nothoin federation but it has acted as a wall between our realm and has achieved what it was meant to do. Entangled alliances without purpose and goals are detrimental. We need the Trifecta to be a Daimoncentric alliance.
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (2 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) The first day of the Senatorial Summit had ended without an agreement of any kind. The Grandmistress employed local scribes to work through the night on revisions to The Trifecta and ensured that each Senator and speaker would have a copy on their desks by the time they took their seats. Today, Rania was early, sporting a deep blue dress today instead. As the Senators filed in, they were informed that the treaty revisions had removed the...spiritual language entirely from both the Charter (the first part of the Trifecta that served as the establishing document), and the Accords (The second part which set up a general understanding between realms). Silently, she waited for the new draft to be reviewed and discussed.
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (2 days, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) Josiah was more than happy to be the first one to voice his new objections. It should be noted that he was still without a shirt.
"I have read the new proposals. You claim to have taken out all articles of faith and yet you included and provision by which anyone wishing the join the trifecta needs to have a temple of Obeah, an an inquisition guildhoude? That is unacceptable. As will, why would the heraldS have any say in this political agreement? For someone who claims not to be trying to push their religion, you keep doing so in this agreement. As written it also forbids any alliances with other realms and forbids War with other realms as well. Article 1 states that the realms will refrain from threat or use of force. To my ears that sounds as though signatories are forbidden from going to war. I will not support this. "
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (1 day, 16 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) On the second day, Empress Maya appeared quite distracted, whispering with a rotating cast of scribes and stewards. Eventually, she stood to interject. "It seems that there continues to be a font of objection to Rania's proposals. She has proposed the establishing document and the Accord which regards our general understanding. It's the opinion of my advisors that we have 'put the cart before the horse'... that we argue articles based on shaky ground. We have a great many terms which prompt animosity. We need to establish a foundation first. That should be our goal here."
"With all due respect for the prolific efforts made to draft these treaties, we must clarify where the line of obligation to one another lies. Suggestions of federation ought be tabled until we can at least find firm terms for a military alliance. (I also think a trade agreement would be beneficial top all parties.) When security is sorted, and our cities are fed, then we can hash out what a political union might look like."
"Fronen has legitimate concerns about being made a battlefield. Thus we ought to have a function where signatory rulers advise with one another regarding such matters of war. If war is indeed declared for some reason then I do see it prudent that realms not under direct threat ought to send gold to the battlefront realm. I also think that war ought to trigger a reduction of food prices in the trade agreement. Such concerns ought to be addressed. How would the declaration of war be made? How would peace be made, should we mandate mutual agreement in peace treaties? These are the concerns of the Shattered Vales, far ahead of forming some grand federation. And I also believe that mutual support in times of a new Daimonic Invasion should be included. Alas..." Maya surveyed the crowd, making eye contact with Senator Josiah, pacing the Senate floor languidly.
"So maybe I ought put it to you, Senators - do you support the idea of a Trifecta Alliance? Do you support the idea of a military alliance? Or a trade agreement? Perhaps these each ought be voted on piecemeal before we continue." The Empress sat back down at her seat beside GM Rania and resumed work with her scribes while the Senate echoed with murmurs.
Roleplay from Spindel Gungnir (1 day, 13 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) Spindel was handed a new copy of a revised Trifecta by her scribe.
"What is this?"
"Revised copy of Trifeca mi'lady"
"A what?"
"Revised. mi'lady"
Spindel frowns as she crumpled her notes about the last one and read the new one.
"Well, this looks more amicable."
Roleplay from Elshon Geg (1 day, 13 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) I should arrest you for attempting to kill my scribe by carrying this tome. This is a contentious alliance many would support but you write a dissertation instead of a treaty. This is nothing but empty words which I refuse to read.
Finally we have no prince. This passes at the discretion of the most mighty senators, not a ruler. Not only do you try to pull one over with this legally bogged down monograph, but you insult the very people you attempt to convince as well as our government system.
Begone evil witch. At one point we gave you a ride home when you were too drunk to drive a carriage. This does not make us bloodkin. We did it because it was the right thing to do. What you do now is not right.
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (14 hours, 59 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) The expression on Maya's face changed from a quiet equanimity to frustration. "Lady Rania and I have traveled great distances to cooperate with this Senate. We seek an agreement of mutual benefit. When I came here, I thought the Senate of Fronen was interested in securing ties with the south. There has been naught but torrents of criticism. Yet now Senators throw insults at foreign leaders., calling Obia'Syela's sovereign a witch, and threatening arrest for... a long treaty? How dare one be asked to read! This is horrendous hospitality that slights the most basic tenets of diplomatic courtesy, let alone noble etiquette. Long we've fought together, side by side, brothers and sisters in arms. But now coarse words may leave lasting wounds on our long-standing alliance."
"The Vales wanted to deepen our friendship with Fronen but now, I wonder if you want friends at all. Let's say we table Grandmistress Rania's draft treaty entirely. If ye were to suggest terms for a defensive treaty, what would they be? What would an equitable compact look like?" The Empress turned to her desk, looking at the growing stack of papers and reports from home. She looked around at the room - took her goblet, sipping the wine within, and looked at the Senators expectantly. She handed it back to her page, who bowed his head silently.
"And please, show some respect in your dealings, as a royal courtesy, to everyone involved. We can disagree but let us do it with dignity. Remember we meet to seal a friendship, not break it for a generation."
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (14 hours, 23 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) Josiah smiled, and chuckled quietly as Elshon erupted into his... elshon-ness.
"I ask that you forgive the young Lord, not all of the Lords in Fronen are literate, in fact without their scribes most lords on the continent are unable to read. I feel Elshon was merely embarrased to admit he was unable to read the treaty and so lashed out. If we are expected to all read the new treaty, we must be given more than simply a few days, especially as Fronen marches off to defend Gotland against Angmar. A defensive treaty I feel would be very amenable to the senators of the realm."
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (14 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) 'Sir Elshon is the court Jester of Fronen. His tongue has no leash and it will be kept that way. We are a free republic and he is free to speak as he wishes. We do not of course need to heed his tongue, and I apologize for his outburst.'
Akrogath now seemed tired where days ago he seemed in better spirits. He ran his hand through his thinning hair and poured more wine.
' We must work together... I have given Nothoi an ultimatum, stay with the federation or side with Angmar... I have yet to hear a reply from them and I fear for the worst... We may all be drawn into a massive war and it will take Obia'Syela and The Vales to stand with Fronen if this happens. Angmar is dangerous.'
Roleplay from Elshon Geg (12 hours, 27 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (13 recipients) In Fronen the jester officially says what everyone is thinking but is too afraid to say.
Roleplay from Arterius Kye (10 hours, 26 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (14 recipients) Enough! Senator Elshon, you will hold your tongue and speak with respect.
Rania was silent throughout Elshon’s outburst and his being shouted down by the Empress and his own peers. She must have looked confused, for Doge Akrogath and Governor Josiah had to explain to their guests the concept of a Senatorial jester. It seemed odd to her to invite an actual Fool to sit as a high elected official, but at least he wasn’t orange with tiny hands. Nevertheless, perhaps he was on to something.
“My Lords,” Rania said as she stood, “I have been listening and what I have heard is a desire for a defensive treaty. Outside of this amphitheater, the world continues to turn. With war on the horizon for Fronen and the Vales, I doubt we will have very much time left to discuss among ourselves what shape our corner of the world shall take. So allow me to summarize: The Trifecta agreement was first named and proposed by Empress Maya-“ Rania nodded diffidently to the Royal, “-to myself and Doge Akrogath in Rines. I took upon myself to do the work of drafting a more complete version with official language. I made it as complete as I could, accounting for just about every situation I could conceive of. Thus it originally included items of a spiritual nature which has been stripped at the suggestion of this body. What remains is a treaty that not only binds our realms in mutual defense, but also lays the foundations for a federation by laying out a code of conduct for signatory realms to adhere to under certain specific outlying circumstances. The reason I added this specificity is because I intend to step down from my Grand Titles and want to leave my successors with a strong framework to support them, enabling them to be better partners for both the empire and the Republic.” She noticed then that Governeror Josiah was still shirtless, though he seemed to be listening intently. She concluded that was his normal state.
“The first part of the treaty, the charter, serves as the establishing document proposing a unified federation among our three allied states. It establishes a strong, shared central leadership between the three rulers as co-equal leaders of the federation and implies that these three leaders will decide Trifecta policy democratically. While it does not make specific provisions for trade as I thought that was implied, it assures all signatories that aid required will be assisted in any and every way possible. It also guarantees religious freedom, sets our opposition of the Netherworld, and warns of the influence of Angmar. All told, there are fifteen points that make up the current incarnation of the Trifecta Charter and no one here has objections to anything therein.” Rania paused for a moment to sip from her own wine glass before continuing.
“The second part of the treaty, called the Articles, is shorter but more complex as it amends the Charter by ruling how member states should behave with one another and outsiders. It establishes requirements, provisions, and failsafes specific to declarations of war; creating new realms, and accepting applicant states to join the Federation as junior partners LED by Our three realms as founding, senior partners that will form the Trifecta’s Leadership. It calls for a guild to be used to unite the nations of the Trifecta. The language I used named the inquisition as that guild as it is secular, not faith-based and there are guildhouses and members present in all three of our realms.” While Rania spoke, The Empress was going over message after message as couriers brought her information from home and abroad. Rania knew she would not be able to stay in Fronen much longer. Certainly not after having declared war. Indeed, Rania had a mission of her own she had to carry out before leaving the mainland and the sooner she got to it, the better.
“Finally, let me address the general concern regarding how the nobles of my realm see this agreement. We do NOT see Fronen as some sort of sacrificial pawn, we see you as cousins and benefactors and this treaty signifies our desire to fight for you, not the other way around. Given our geography, we have no reason to fear any mortal war or any mortal invader. With over 20 noble families represented, we have both the wealth and the power to hold our own against anything short of a renewed Daimonic invasion. If anything, from a purely logical standpoint, signing a mutual defense pact with either the Empire or the Republic is a risk for us as you are both more likely to suffer invasion from other quarters and therefore more likely to summon us. We feel that by joining ourselves to you, we will have a greater opportunity to expand our faith, certainly, but without you, we would have no impact whatsoever as to the machinations of the central continent. Remember we first started in Keffa, we do not see ourselves as a civilization on the fringe and by including us as your partner, the world would not see us that way either. And yes, we are in a position now that we could contribute armed forces to a military conflict if necessary. Our fleets dominate the Sea of Four Cities, we can land to support any of your coastal regions as quickly as the Vales could march there. And while we may not be able to go farther than that with regular armies, we certainly could guard your back and keep the monsters at bay as a defensive shield while Republican and Imperial armies act as the sword.”
Rania sat down and sighed. “That was always my plan, at any rate. Frankly, I’d rather my people never BE called to war in the first place. But this is Beluaterra.”
Roleplay from Arterius Kye (47 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients) Once Rania had finished speaking Arterius rose to make a short response. "Well spoken Grandmistress. I think you have made your intent clear." Then glancing briefly at the declared fool he added, "For the majority of us here that is. "
Roleplay from Elshon Geg (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients)
The room called Elshon a fool,
Agreed to the voluminous contract,
A great big book of stool,
Words to be twisted by any in the pact.
Roleplay from Josiah Greyson (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients) Josiah stood, and put his shirt back on before belting his sword over it. "I want to be clear here. No agreement has been reached regarding the Trifecta, however I do agree to the idea of a less formal alliance between our realms."
Roleplay from Arjan de Zueww (9 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients) Arjan stood, wiped the ale from his beard. "Just sign the bloody thing and let's go chop some bad guys into teeney weeny pieces"
Rania was almost annoyed. Not in regards to what Josiah said about the treaty, that, at least, was more favorable than yesterday. Rather, just when she'd built a solid mental image of who the man was, shirtless and surely, she was again forced to revise her assessment of the man. Nevertheless, her voice was a bit warmer when she spoke to him. She waited for him to finish with his belt and resume his seat before addressing him
"But Your Grace, our three realms are already allied, and that present alliance suits our present needs, this treaty but puts words to what already exists. But beyond that? With all of us here, now, at this point in is a summit that will make history. Let us not waste it by failing to do something truly historical. This idea, this notion of federation, will shape island politics for years and generations to come. For my part, I would rather have this federation in place and secure when we don't specifically need it then when we do. Frankly, in regards to Fronen, I don't foresee any realm declaring war on the Republic; any probability is faint. But I feel certain that with the Empire and the Sacred Realm standing shoulder to shoulder with you before all the world, as this treaty is worded to present, my estimation is that faint probability of war will fall even further in likelihood."
The Grandmistress took note of Arjan for the first time. "I appreciate your sentiment, my Lord, and I echo it. I have already submitted to our allies a plan for precisely that."
"So my question is this, Senators: What would it take for Fronen to become the third founding member of this Trifecta?"
Letter from Arterius Kye (23 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients) "I see no further need for discussion. I am in favor. Perhaps our Doge can call for a formal Senate vote?"
Josiah groaned and glared at his scribe, who quickly ran off to get him the correct paperwork. When the young man returned, Josiah read the papers and sighed.
"You are correct Rania. I apologize. As to what it would take to sign it, we will have a discussion with all of the senators, and not just those who were able to be present, and get their inputs. Though Senator Kye has already wished to call for a vote, it does require more debate first."
Roleplay from Spindel Gungnir (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the region Dyomoque (15 recipients) Spindel rose from her seat gesturing to her scribe.
"Thank you for the time that you allotted to visiting Fronen Grandmistress Rania and Empress Maya."
"While the treaty is more favorable now, Fronen is a republic and we will have to commit more time into discussing the matters now ourselves and arrive with a consensus through a vote in referendum."
"War is breaking out in all parts of the continent, hopefully we have come to a decision before first blood is drawn."
Spindel glances at the Doge then to the Savio de Guerra looking for signs to end the meeting and prepare for the march north.
Inception: 1 month prior
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (28 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (3 recipients) "Concurred," announced Empress Maya. "Let us begin to draw up an official draft treaty outlining the Trifecta and its purpose. We can move forward from our particular posts. I too have responsibilities at home which pile up upon my desk, and my mind. Though I offer my gratitude to Grandmistress Rania Eastersand for gathering us together. It has been to long, old friend," she ended warmly, bending tone from ceremonial to familiar deftly. "And I offer the gratitude of the Vales to Doge Akrogath for making the long journey by sea to meet us here in Rines."
"I must similarly away, as various internal matters seem to have stalled in my absence. But I will bring the matter of a federation to the Dawn Council, my state advisory council. Unlike Fronen I do not need its support, but it is always a plus. I hadn't thought of enacting a federation so early but I don't see why a long wait is necessary. Nothoi is a variable that I do not understand. The Diadochi sends almost contradictory letters every day... alas," Maya trailed off, snapping her fingers, taking a linen package from her page and offered it to Rania.
"To conclude this diplomatic visit and summit, I wish to offer a token of goodwill from the Shattered Vales, the Empire of the Four United Vales, this Cruel_Codpiece_of_the_Rines_Republic which... well, you may find some use for it other than its original intent. It now comes home to you. Wield it well, or grant it to your wisest and bravest banners." Maya passed the gift to Rania, smiling kindly, and finished up her farewell, trying to take time to at least greet every noble in the room with a "Hail, well met," as she made her rounds on the way out. The Imperial Honor Guard followed their liege down the many stairs below the Solarium.
The ship was waiting, the ships captain impatient and snarling about overtime pay. Longshoremen hustled to stock the ship and hoist the banners before departure. star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus (29 days, 6 hours ago) message to all nobles of Obia'Syela It was early afternoon when the two men, Goriad II and Signund, held a short break. The horses were placed near some grass and were given some water.
The men sat down and after reading their letters Goriad II ordered Sigmund to penn a response to the inquisitors.
"As inquisitors we have but one task: Find and convert infidels and stop those who wish to halt Obeah's return.
I realize that we've done so mostly on the battlefield so far, but that will not always be the case. Jarra is not terryfying at all, perhaps tall for a lady, but otherwise quite the opposite of terryfying exactly that will make her excell as an inquisitor if she listens and learns well.
We all have our own strengths, our own approach towards our goal. We are not all the same like those Templars."
Sigmund smiled and replied after he finished "I wonder if they get the message milord" and Goriad II smiled back "They want to be inquisitors, than they better prove themselves." star [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus (30 days, 10 hours ago) message to all nobles of Obia'Syela Goriad II was a bit sad that he hadn't gotten the opportunity to see Maya hunt, but at least he saw her fight, well for a moment then as her men remained with the archers to fire. It would be safer that way while he himself led a charge with the infantry. He thought it to be a nice excercise, despite the many dead, but remained behind the fortifications the day after to see the difference that it would make. It was not really his style to hide behind a fort, but against these large hordes it was at least effective.
Several days later he arrived in Rines where the Empress had departed to, to meet the Fronen envoy and he decided that it would be interesting to see this Fronen King as well and as such he made way to the palace in Rines. He had left his men off for the day, but instructed them to be vigilent. He was planning on leaving them as militia in his new Mott and Baily, but they didn't know it yet.
An hour later he had made his way to the palace, dressed in his brown cloack again, covering the many knifes and his 3 curved blades, now made invisible. And so he announced his arrival "I'm here to see Lady Rania, you best not let me wait boy." The guard, about 50 years of age was surprised to be called a boy, but had seen Goriad II before and heard some about his reputation and thus did as he was told and escorted him to a waiting room as he went to notify Rania.
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (30 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (10 recipients) "She's already gone...sir" the templar guard replied to Goriad II, his voice laced with disapproval at the younger inquisitor's demeanor. "The Grandmistress is hosting the Doge, the Empress, and their entourage in the Solarium-" he jerked a thumb straight up, indicating the many, many flights of stairs between them and the Oracle.
"Moon's on the rise. I expect they'll be starting soon. If you aim to be there before they close the doors, I recommend taking the stairs two at a time."
The Solarium was the architectural marvel of the Basilica of Rines. Placed at the pinnacle of the large central tower, the Solarium was the highest room in southern Beluaterra. The room was only accessible by a long, wide, winding flight of steps that eventually reached a trap door, now open. Upon emerging, most visitors first notice the Solarium's ceiling and learn how this room got its name. It's ceiling and walls were a latticework of bronze-plated supports and pains of clear glass forming a dome over a room abou the size of a dining hall and ringed by a circular balcony that afforded a better view of Rines to those that were brave enough to walk it. Outside, the night was alight with stars and the rising crescent moon, if not for the lanterns that had been lit for the summit, visitors to the Solarium might get the impression that they were walking among those celestial bodies.
Since the Heralds had reclaimed Rines, some changes to the Solarium had been made. The stonework had been cleaned and scrubbed, the bronze supports had be polished to a shine. An impressive altar to the Veiled Goddess rested against the Easternmost wall to greet the sun. A circular table of hasty but solid construct had been arranged in the center. The trapdoor entrance was in the southern-most part of the room.
Rania herself, glowing in her white robes and sapphire jewels, greeted Empress Maya and Doge Akrogath as they arrived. She'd had a repast prepared. It was simple fair compared to the Solarium's splendor: Cold meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables with a selection of bread and wine to wash it all down. Heralds, junior priests armed with ink and vellum awaited, doubling as as servers and scribes should the need require. Rania waited for her guests to recover themselves before starting.
"Honored guests, welcome. You have both travelled a long way to be here and meet one another for the first time. But as you know, it was necessary. Things are changing in our world and the Veiled Goddess looks upon us with expectation. We are here to discuss the creation of the Trifecta, a federation between our three realms against aggressors and a partnership to sponsor and guide the formation of new realms here in the South. Finally, there is the matter of the Angmar Bloc. As your hostess, I will conclude these proceedings with a prayer. Now then, shall we begin?"
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (29 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) 'Nothoi and Fronen are not allies, we are merely a marriage of convenience on both sides, we are the great wall. We protect our borders on both sides as all all other kingdoms orbit us. We are the keystones, that is all' star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (29 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) 'Any decision of a tri-fecta alliance would need to be passed by the Senate, I cannot unilaterally make a decision as Doge regarding these matters' Akrogath shuffled his papers and passed Kroft the bottle of wine.
' My decision to come here was based on the matter that leaders should meet face to face and conduct diplomacy, something that has gotten me in a little bit of trouble in my own realm, I cannot stay here long. I can merely pass on what has been said here to debate upon my return home.' star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Kroft Halfhaven (29 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Rines (9 recipients) Kroft had tried to prepare himself, but he couldn't help the fact he was nervous. By now he'd served Fronen about as long as anybody besides the old breeds, like Doge Akrogath. He wore blue tunic emblazoned with the sigil of his house, a white arm righteously smiting darkness on a blue field. As far as badges go, he wore the symbol of his past tenure as Marshal of the Difensori di Fronen in campaigns past: most importantly the Battle for Ete City. Kroft had volunteered to come on this journey and found himself somewhat out of place in high aristocracy. The Solarium was quite an impressive wonder to behold, as was the walk. He had heard of this site even when he had served D'Hara on the old continent. When the important persons who everyone cared began to find their seats, Kroft made sure he was seated next to his Lord Akrogath with the party from Fronen. He dug into the bread and cheese, sipping wine sheepily while they spoke. star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (29 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) "Friends, we have come a long way. This is a brave new world we've found ourselves in. While we've fought against the Daimons for years, we find ourselves somewhat in shock at Jomorosh's sudden desctruction. We rejoice for the North! They fought ably and keenly against daimonic raiders - AA, Gotland, Thalmarkin - were the strong backbone that kept Humanity alive."
"And there is the Creasur triad, if you will - while I... was in exile, in what you might call a Bloodspeaker retreat... - as the Invasion was in its opening stages, Fronen, Nothoi and the Vales fought with backs together against the rampaging hordes, watching Riombara fall to the east, whose ruins upon which we stand right now. Beluaterra has a long, bloody history, punctuated by purges by Evil itself every generation or so, decimating our populations."
"Relations between our three realms have been growing in large part because of this tide -Fronen helped the Vales besiege Ete City, the site where the Grandmistress was transformed by the Veiled One, in a cosmic blast which haunts me to this day. Rania and I fought together in Melhed, but when I emerged from the forests of Zuhle I found her changed, not only by the invasion, but by some voice which troubled her. She seemed drawn between two places, this earth and the beyond. I rejoice in this long path, as for a long time I did not understand it, but now recognize Obeah's hand in our affairs, in achieving such a glorious victory as in Ete."
"In this new world, I propose we three new friends form a treaty alliance, parallel to the Northern Alliance. This is not meant to counter them in any way, but to provide a sense of common ground in southern Beluaterra, these vast ruined lands, lands which it is our manifest destiny to recover and recolonize. I propose the Trifecta of Old Enweil, or the Trifecta of the Eastern Ocean if you will, as a defensive alliance, a trade agreement where we give priority to each other in trading food surplus, and a mutual undertaking to settle the south and bring nobility to these lands once more. Perhaps we may settle Jidington together as a joint effort if we have the colonists... but this is secondaery to mutual defense," Maya concluded, taking a sip of wine to recharge her voice.
"The current question being Nothoi's place. We do not know where they stand with Angmar and the mad Witch-King Elured. Furthermore Fronen is in federation with Nothoi. We ought to talk about this. How do you see your relations unfolding with Nothoi, Doge Akrogath?"
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (29 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) Rania, now seated at the round table, nodded when the Empress addressed her by name. both women turned their full attention to Dodge Akrogath.
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (29 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) 'Nothoi and Fronen are not allies, we are merely a marriage of convenience on both sides, we are the great wall. We protect our borders on both sides as all all other kingdoms orbit us. We are the keystones, that is all' star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Akrogath Apasurain (29 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (9 recipients) 'Any decision of a tri-fecta alliance would need to be passed by the Senate, I cannot unilaterally make a decision as Doge regarding these matters' Akrogath shuffled his papers and passed Kroft the bottle of wine.
' My decision to come here was based on the matter that leaders should meet face to face and conduct diplomacy, something that has gotten me in a little bit of trouble in my own realm, I cannot stay here long. I can merely pass on what has been said here to debate upon my return home.' star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Kroft Halfhaven (29 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Rines (9 recipients) Kroft had tried to prepare himself, but he couldn't help the fact he was nervous. By now he'd served Fronen about as long as anybody besides the old breeds, like Doge Akrogath. He wore blue tunic emblazoned with the sigil of his house, a white arm righteously smiting darkness on a blue field. As far as badges go, he wore the symbol of his past tenure as Marshal of the Difensori di Fronen in campaigns past: most importantly the Battle for Ete City. Kroft had volunteered to come on this journey and found himself somewhat out of place in high aristocracy. The Solarium was quite an impressive wonder to behold, as was the walk. He had heard of this site even when he had served D'Hara on the old continent. When the important persons who everyone cared began to find their seats, Kroft made sure he was seated next to his Lord Akrogath with the party from Fronen. He dug into the bread and cheese, sipping wine sheepily while they spoke. star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]
Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair (29 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (7 recipients) When the Doge finished, Rania spoke. "We of course understand your position within the republic. Empress Maya once dispatched me to serve as Fronen's Savia during the War of Ice and Sun, so I know the processes of your people well and will respect them. Please, be at ease here. The tide is still several hours away, so you may as well enjoy yourself while you are here.”
The Grandmistress’s tone took on a much more somber tone, her hands balling into fists on the table. “I am the Oracle of Obeah, goddess of magic and mysteries, but it is not through divine inspiration but logic that I tell you war is coming. Angmar and Spearhold draw ever closer, and Yao Ling’s Nothoi shields them both. They cannot persist, but they will try to do so as long as they believe we can be divided. We faithful of the Veiled Goddess believe until her Apotheosis, The daimons will always return. We have each of us fought the great enemy. We know their tactics and their strategies. We know that if we leave Angmar unchallenged, when the next invasion comes it will be in the very center of the continent, splitting the power of humanity in half.” She looked around the table, holding their eyes with her own for a moment, candle light glinting from the blue jewels of office she wore. “I will not allow it.”
“Empress Maya, It would be my preference to move forward with our Federation and give the Doge the time he needs to convince the people of Fronen to petition for equal membership when they are ready. I think that it is too important that we show Nothoi that Yao Ling’s politics are driving a wedge between them and the rest of humanity. Any pressure that might give them pause is well worth the while. You and I are both ambassadors for our realm. I believe we should take this time to draft our charter and, here present with our Fronen cousins so that they may see and participate as well.”
Roleplay from Maya Tandaros (28 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Rines (3 recipients) "Concurred," announced Empress Maya. "Let us begin to draw up an official draft treaty outlining the Trifecta and its purpose. We can move forward from our particular posts. I too have responsibilities at home which pile up upon my desk, and my mind. Though I offer my gratitude to Grandmistress Rania Eastersand for gathering us together. It has been to long, old friend," she ended warmly, bending tone from ceremonial to familiar deftly. "And I offer the gratitude of the Vales to Doge Akrogath for making the long journey by sea to meet us here in Rines."
"I must similarly away, as various internal matters seem to have stalled in my absence. But I will bring the matter of a federation to the Dawn Council, my state advisory council. Unlike Fronen I do not need its support, but it is always a plus. I hadn't thought of enacting a federation so early but I don't see why a long wait is necessary. Nothoi is a variable that I do not understand. The Diadochi sends almost contradictory letters every day... alas," Maya trailed off, snapping her fingers, taking a linen package from her page and offered it to Rania.
"To conclude this diplomatic visit and summit, I wish to offer a token of goodwill from the Shattered Vales, the Empire of the Four United Vales, this Cruel_Codpiece_of_the_Rines_Republic which... well, you may find some use for it other than its original intent. It now comes home to you. Wield it well, or grant it to your wisest and bravest banners." Maya passed the gift to Rania, smiling kindly, and finished up her farewell, trying to take time to at least greet every noble in the room with a "Hail, well met," as she made her rounds on the way out. The Imperial Honor Guard followed their liege down the many stairs below the Solarium.
The ship was waiting, the ships captain impatient and snarling about overtime pay. Longshoremen hustled to stock the ship and hoist the banners before departure. star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]