Nosferatus Family/Abbot/Roleplay3

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Civil war in Madina city

On an outlying neighbourhood of north Madina, a stronghold of D'haran sympathiser and a rich merchant family lay well protected from the recent fuzz. Just as Abbot predicted, the other merchant families in Madina wouldn't be so happy with the current power shift to a small minority of D'Harans and lynched them. Abbot was here today to 'investigate' a possible ploy of D'hara to get there hands on our property and it's values under the guise of 'holding on to it for a while' all for there internal stability.

Naked truth by brute force would shed some light to it, Abbot thought and he ordered his men forward. With torches in one hand and the sword in the other, about 50 men stormed into the narrow streets towards the occupied apartment block. Abbot ran after his men screaming "Go for there treasury but leave nothing behind, set them ablaze, women or children, armed or not armed, all foreigners shall be put to the sword!". And in a soaring fire, half of the entire neighbourhood was burned and all the D'harans slain. However, the D'harans where not unprepared or fully unarmed, the narrow streets prooved an excellent position of ambushing Abbots men. Two of his men died and 3 where left wounded. However, they did manage to aquire there vault, Abbots prime target. But when they open it, the men are unexpectedly suprised and quickly become frustrated. "IS this a joke! there is NOTHING here?!" He looks at his captain, who looks at his lord, who amusingly laughs at the sight. For a moment they do not know what to do until Abbot breaks the silence.

"This is perfect!" A wave of confusion goes threw his band of 40 men. The captain frowns.

"The D'harans where only stalling there possession over the city so they could get there hands on our property! they probably just collected all the taxes before it went rouge, THAT's why the vault is empty and THAT's why I am laughing! The dirty little rats! You've all done a great job, I will inform the Landowners immediately."