Mysticism/Stages of Soul

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Hierarchical Stages of the Soul

A mimic is what souls are called while they do leave oblivion and become part of the plane of life before they become part of the divine hierarchy. At this stage a soul tries to prove themselves to the other gods and earn recommendations or earn badges of divinity? A soul could go though many reincarnations until the either become a god them selves are go back into the oblivion from which they came, Mystics belive that even if a soul falls back that there is still the hope and chance for them to return at a latter time. As it is with all the stages of evolution for a soul the amount of time spent as a mimic will be different from each soul. The amount of time a sould takes to become a god does not matter. The important part is that they realize they must make the journey to become a god.

The first rank in the Divine Hierarchy is that of a Demigod. This rank is equivalent to what us mimics would call a noble. This soul is not yet powerful enough to affect other souls or the territory around them. They are a very special mystic who has already gathered a small group of followers or has done some other great feat. They have been recognized by the other gods a soul worthy or being one of them. Here they can fully see much of the divine realm and taste a little of its real power. If they want any of this power for themselves they cannot stop here. They must look deep into themselves and make some important decisions. What will they represent? What is their purpose in the realm of life and the divine realm? What god will they be? How will their followers worship them? It is here they chose how they will interact with the world, the other gods, and how they plan to continue their climb. At this rank in the Divine Hierarchy it is mostly involved in self-discovery of who the soul really is.

The second step in the divine Hierarchy is that of a power god. This rank is equal to a knight in our hierarchy. In most cases a form is still needed at this level of godhood as it makes it that much easier to interact directly with the plane of life and gain followers. Power gods roam the plane of life gathering followers and building up their own power. This is where a soul gets a real taste of power and a understanding of what it means to be a god. They do have a limited amount of special powers such as the ability to fly, teleport, telepathy, or invisibility. Though once again the abilities that is granted to a power god is often time different for each god and tailored to suit the needs a destiny of that soul. Many power gods have a strong relationship with souls of the elements or other some other powerful soul. This relationship allows them to borrow power to impress mimics so that they will follow them are do battle with enemy gods. The more powerful soul though always gets something in return. This might be a service or task that the power god does or perhaps by the power god growing the other god gains power as well. Just like the way things work in our world in most cases if help is given there is a reason involved. At this point the soul still does not have their own territory to call their own and has little power compared to that of the other gods.

The third rank in the Divine Hierarchy is that of a Mandate god. This rank is equivalent to a lord or lady that is put in charge of a region on the plane of life. This is the first time a good must make the choice between being a formless or formed god. They can become formless because for the first time they have more power to effect just themselves. For the first time in the divine hierarchy the god can be and represent something more than just a physical object on the plane of life. At this point in the Hierarchy the god has power over a small part the plane of life. Any lesser level of soul that enters their area is subject to their power. Depending on the nature and mood of the god this can be good or bad. They might just try and convert a lesser soul to their cause. They may just leave the lesser soul alone. Or they may have another task or something they want the soul to accomplish. At this stage the area of influence though is small. Examples of their domain could be a region, a city, a star, a lake, a building. They are still considered to be lesser and weak gods in the overall scheme of thing. Once again they must continue to gain power in some way. They must continue to grow and define themselves. They must continue to climb the hierarchy.

The forth Rank in the Divine Hierarchy is a Domain God. This rank is equivalent to a Duke or Duchess in the hierarchy of mimics. A Domain god has power over a vast area. Some examples include sea, a desert, a mountain range, a collection of regions, a star cluster, or even the weather. Once again any lesser Souls that enter the Domain gods region of influence are subject to them. By this time a god has gathered a good amount of followers and power so any soul that enters the region controlled by a domain god would best be advised to stay on the good side of the god. Or at the very least remain neutral. A soul would be foolish to fight a Domain God on their home territory unless they have a lot of help. At this point in the Hierarchy a soul knows them self very well. They know what they are capable of and what they stand for. At this point they are more concerned about trying to shape the world around them to fit their dreams and desires. Though once again at some point a domain god will still hear that inner voice calling for them. They will hear that inner voice telling them that there is more power to be gained and that this is not the end of their journey.

The second to last rank in the Divine Hierarchy is a Transcendent god. This would be the king of the divine world. Here the god has gained so much power that they command things that are unimaginable, uncomprehendable, and unseen to our senses as a mimic. Though they sometimes take on a form to represent them it is but a pale representation of their full power. They only do so in order to make us simple minded mimic able to see and understand them better or to exert their power on less powerful but troublesome gods. Transcendent gods are true master of themselves and everything that is around them. They bow down to nobody and nothing other than a Paramount god. A soul would count themselves very lucky to reach this point as it is a hard climb and only achievable after much work. There is not much that is Transcendent god cannot do if they will it. Though there is still that nagging desire that there is something more. A Transcendent god can sense that they are nearing the end of the journey. They can sense that they have almost achieved everything they are meant to do. There is only one step left for them to make.

The final step in the divine Hierarchy is that of Paramount god. Now it is unknown exactly how or what a god of this amount of power represents. There is much discussion amongst even the learned and advanced mystics as to the nature of a Paramount god. It is unknown if there can only be one Paramount god or if there are many. Though in order to be elevated to this high of a level the god must know and understand everything. They must understand the workings of all the planes of existence and part that every soul in existence plays as they evolve from the lowest point in oblivion and ascend up the divine Hierarchy. There is nothing that can control or over power a Paramount god. There is nothing they cannot do. There is nothing they do not see or hear. They are everywhere at any time. This is something for all of us to drive for and think about.

Evolutionary Mystic

Autumn of 18 YD