Mysticism/More Soul

From BattleMaster Wiki

Descriptions of the Soul

A soul is not something that you can see our touch. It is not something that you can perceive in the normal sense. When I first encountered another soul it was the god Bamaluu the castle at Balance's Retreat. The Rogue Mystic had asked that I say hello while I was there. The best way I could describe it was something there I could not quite place. I felt like I was being watched but I know realize that it was the presence of Bamaluu. I think this is the closest one can get to feeling or seeing a soul. More of recognizing that there is something there that you just can’t see something that is just out of reach of what your eyes are capable of seeing. Of course the stronger the soul the stronger their presence is. Even here though an experience is different as some people are more attuned to what is around them.

Most people would agree that the best way described the soul is that part of you that exists outside of your physical body. It is made up your ability to think and reason and to make choices. It is the part of you that where you keep all of your thoughts, your memories, and your dreams and will eventually keep you in existence when this mortal body fails you. It is driven by your ambition but at the same time guided by destiny. Souls that are active and living (humans, daemons, maybe even monsters to a certain extent) are unique and special. They are able to roam the world freely and enjoy all that life has to offer. Compared to other souls they are comparatively week as they have not experienced much. They do not really know who they are or much about everything that is around them. Yet these souls are the ones who get to have direct influence on their lot in life and hopefully eventually do some services to a god or otherwise prove themselves worthy so they can evolve on. There are three states that this living soul can be in. A soul can be asleep in which case they just go on about their life not knowing what is around them or that there is anything better in life. This is soul before it discovers Mysticism and the wonders of the world around it. If the body dies when a soul is in this state chances are they will be reborn again so that they can continue their quest. An awaken soul on the other hand sees and understands (at least a little bit) the world around them. They are able to recognize other souls for what they really are. They are often tasked by gods in order that they can be elevated when they die. The last type of living soul is a very tragic one. That is the case of the undead. Here for some reason a soul is not allowed to move on like they should. Something keeps them attached to the mortal life. Perhaps the soul does not comprehend that their mortal body has failed them or they do not realize that they will be reborn again as long as they just let go of the shell that once encased them. They cannot be reborn and they cannot advance to their next stage in life.

Other things in life chances are a god of some sort. Once again gods can be sleeping to the world and will not notice as it passes by. Awaken gods there must have our service if they are to do much of anything. It is the people belief in a god that gives them power. Some gods chose to interact with the world though mystics. Some chose a sleeping soul to act as their profit. They do have great power to influence the living world but this power comes at the cost of needing followers worship them. The souls of god have a great understanding of each other. They have the ability to see a soul for what it really is. They have the ability to see what a soul is capable of doing. They sometimes use this knowledge to guild souls that are less powerful than them. Most of the time this is done without the knowledge of the lesser soul. A soul that that has been at least awakened though at least has a chance of seeing the gods at work.

Some people might argue which type of soul is better off. Is it better to be able to roam the plane of life and enjoy everything that it has to offer? Is it better to be powerful and to be praised and worshiped? This is something that each of us must decide. Do we want to enjoy the pleasures in life or try for something even better even though it may restrict some of the things that we are able to do.

Evolutionary Mystic

Summer of 18 YD