Mysticism/More Realms

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Dwellings of the Soul, or the Divine Realm Part Two

Mystics believe existence is divided into three realms, or dimensions.

The first realm is the lowest, and it is Oblivion. Oblivion is for Souls who are inactive, uncommitted, and unregistered in the Hierarchy of the Gods. A Soul in Oblivion does not matter, has nothing to say or contribute, is undefined by form or substance, and is simply invisible. It is voluntary for a Soul to be in Oblivion or not. The second realm is the field in which the Mimics roam. It is the battlefield and playground for the Souls in the third realm (the Divine Realm), and it is largely where all the action is. Although the second realm is physically real and the most populated by Souls, it is in fact an underworld. The strength of the rising Souls of the Hierarchy is sourced in the second realm. A Soul in the second realm is either a Mimic, those at the very bottom of the Hierarchy of Gods, or a higher rank of the Hierarchy attempting to promote themselves by convincing Mimics to worship them. In the second realm, uninitiated Mimics imitate the society and goals of the Souls in the Divine Realm without realizing it. Initiated Mimics, or Mystics, are aware of their position and attempt to ascend to the Divine Realm by the many means available through Mysticism. The third realm is the Divine Realm where the Souls of higher rank in the Hierarchy dwell. The Divine Realm is fueled, fed even, by the activities of the Souls in the second realm. Souls in the Divine Realm sometimes shape and affect events in the second realm deliberately or just for entertainment.

Some Mystics refer to both the second and third realms as the Divine Realm since Souls in existence have an opportunity to interact with divine Souls and can attempt to get promoted in the Hierarchy, whereas Souls in Oblivion cannot. These Mystics believe any active Soul is divine, or at least a semblance of divine.

Rogue Mystic

Winter of 14 YD