Attayar, the God of the Senses: Truth is to know; Attayar is the held-breath of knowledge.
Bamaluu, the God of Discovery: those who seek knowledge must first seek Bamaluu and those who attain knowledge must give thanks.
Dallanala, Yomminala and Hettala, the Goddesses of Reaching, Grasping, and Releasing: Memories and feelings, these things our Souls oblige. The Three Sisters agree.
Hierrarchys, the Spine of Pursuit: Hierarchys is described as the path one follows as well as the desire to follow it. His twin is Sassada.
Kastariasees, the God of Resignation: When a Soul believes Oblivion is better than Life or the Divine Realm (or beyond), they worship Kastariasees.
Maqiddo, the Keeper of the Cascade: Some Mystics believe that all souls are in communion within and without. That one soul can be joined to a whole set of souls, and this group could even be in harmony with other larger groups all the way along. From the bottom to the top, from the inner to the outer, the Cascade of Souls is fastened by Maqiddo.
Randdolo, the Warden of Force: All Souls exert energy and all Souls impact. Randdolo thrives off force.
Sassada, the Goddess of Volition: Sassada guides those out of Oblivion and above. Her twin is Hierrarchys.